Jeongin as your Little Brother

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A/N: So I'm trying a different kind of imagine. I'm gonna try bullet point for the first time, so this should be interesting. 

· Ya'll are the cutest

· He really looks up to you

· Send you random memes at 2 in the morning if he's bored

· Usually when he sends you memes he can't sleep so you go to his room and pet his hair to go to sleep

· Won't let you meet the other members because he says your too pretty and he doesn't want them getting any ideas

· Cuddles!!!!

· He always wants to cuddle you

· you are taller than him and older so he always wants you to hold him

· He lets you borrow his hoodies that you end up keeping

· You squish is fluffy cheeks all the time, which makes him whine like the baby he is. Bless. 

· He doesn't mind you dropping him off at school cause he says your the "cool sister"

· Every time you pass a pet store he drags you in to look at the puppies, that he ends up being even cuter than somehow

· plays board games with you every Friday night

· You always buy him ice cream when he is upset

· If you ever got a boyfriend he would honest to god interrogate him

· Like 

· "What's your birthday?"

· "Full name?"

· "Job?"

· "Education degree?"

· "Monthly income?"

· "Mom's name?"

· "Dad's name?"

· "credit card number?"

· This boy loves you too much, so he's over protective

· You help him with his homework cause poor baby struggles

· When he get's good grades you take him to his favorite restaurant and let him pick out a plushie

· He buys you scented candles for when you are studying so you can relax

· When your sick he makes you soup and takes care of you

· If he knows you had a bad day he'll run a bath and put rose petals in it for you

· Literally doesn't want to leave your side

· You kiss his cheek like a mother when he gets out of the car for school

· You surprise him and eat lunch with him at school on your days off

(Do ya'll have that at your school. Cause I do and sometimes it's great cause I don't have to eat nasty school food. Okay I pack my lunch but I get Chik Fil A so..)

· When he gets hurt you kiss the boo boo

· you order pizza 9/10 times

· When he's sick oh my god you go above and beyond

· Like your poor baby is sick!!!!

· The world is coming to an end

· Fluff his pillow every 2 minutes so he's comfy

· Let him borrow any blankets he wants

· makes sure he gets rest

· You take over his streaks in the mean time

· When he finally wants to try out for soccer for the high school team you help him practice

· You make sure He eats healthy

· Give him plenty of water

· You act like a soccer mom when he makes the team

 · His number one fan

· Brings snack for after the games

· Every Saturday night you sit on the couch together and watch crack videos and eat popcorn

· When he gets his braces tightened you go with him and let him hold your hand

· You buy him ice cream to help calm the pain

· His favorite thing in the whole world is to lay his head in your lap and let you play with his hair

· All in all he's the best lil bro ever

So did ya'll like the bullet point or nah? Should I do it more often?


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