Smile (Chan Imagine)

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Hai guys 👋👋 This kind of just hit me while I was bored in my social studies class sooooo... Stay  in school kids. You see what I did there... ... Ok I'll stop. Anyway I hope you enjoy. 

Waving to your last customer of the day you locked the cash register, and hung up your apron. Taking off your black cap and sliding it into your book bag you bid goodbye to your coworker. Wrapping you small zip up hoodie around your small body, you stepped onto the sidewalk and began your walk home from the cafe. You cursed yourself for not wearing a bigger jacket. Uggghhhh

Your least favorite part of your walk. You had to walk past this one really sketchy ally-way. It was always dark even during broad daylight. You had never seen anyone down there or near it, just a few dumpsters and cats. Picking up your pace (AYYYY😉)

Before you could start jogging you were grabbed harshly and thrown to the ground. You looked up and met the eyes of a tall man. Well you were assuming it was a man. He had a black hoodie on and a dark mask covering the lower half of his face.

"What do you want?" You asked him.

He looked down at you and didn't reply before pulling out a gun and pointing it at your head. You shook with fear, expecting this to be the end for you. You heard the click of the safety, and waited for the shot to be fired. 

You held your eyes closed for a while before looking up to see your attacker on the ground, facing the sky. You looked around and saw yet another man, who looked to be around your age, with his fist still clenched and was dripping (Love😉) with blood. (Ayy Day6)

He looked a lot more pleasant then the guy who was, what appeared to be unconscious. He had wavy silver hair and kind brown eyes. He smirked a bit and you could see his dimples. He was cute. He looked at you before stepping down and checking the guy out. He checked his pulse and took his mask off. He pulled a phone out of his pocket and quickly punched in a number. 

"911. Yes I would like to report a crime..."

You didn't hear the rest of what he said because he turned his back to you and lowered his voice. He hung up the phone and turned to you. You backed away a little in shock, he was looking right in your eyes. 

He walked up to you and crouched down at your level. He smiled a little bit to reassure you that he didn't want to hurt you. He held out his hand and you took it. He helped you off the ground and said, "You shouldn't be walking around an area like this at night." 

Well nah dip Sherlock  You thought

"Well I was just on my way home, which just so happens to go past here."

 He studied your for a quick second before nodding his head.

"I'm Chan, but you can call me Chris."

You contemplated before telling him your name.

"I'm Y/N."

He smiled his cute dimple smile at you. A genuine one, not just a smirk. 

You heard the sound of sirens and saw blue lights. The police were here. Before you could blink(BlackPink in ya area) he grabbed your hand and ran further into the ally. You continued to run with him until he stopped at a wall and looked at you. 

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