Hyunjin Photoshoot Imagine (Requested)

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Yo it's ya boi (girl) um skinny penis(wait a second....um I don't have one of those) Ummm it's ya girl uh Lazy Hoe. Ok anyways I hope you like this  ezBREzkpopgirl!!

You quickly slipped on your shoes, rushing out the door, trying and failing to pull your hair up in the process. You rushed to your car and stated the engine I can't be late for this.  This is the most important job you have been hired for. You are a stylist, you have always done jobs for idols but you never thought for someone such as Hwang Hyunjin. Oh you know only one of the best looking idols right now. Not to mention the fact that you had a major crush on him, yeah this is gonna end well. Going as fast as you can without getting a speeding ticket. 

Entering the building you try to fix your hair some more, hoping you don't like a complete mess when you see him. The lady at the front desk greeted you as you ran past her. Spamming the elevator button as if it would get there any faster, you quickly stepped on and spammed the level 5 button. As the doors opened up you were greeted by the manager and rushed to desk full of makeup, someone was already seated at the chair with their back turned to you. You were going to just assume it was Hyunjin. 

Making your way over to him you tried to calm your nerves, failing to do so you gave up be professional y/n!! Talking to yourself didn't help either. Before you could attempt anything else you noticed someone walking up to you, considering the fact you were staring at the ground his shoes gave it away. You looked up, to see.... 

(Who do you think it is)

The photographer looked down at you and greeted you with a smile. He gave you some details about the concept and what they needed him to look like and sent you off. Briskly making your way to the makeup table once more, this time Hyunjin was standing next to it interested in something on his phone. Hearing you he lifted his(might I say beautiful) head and put his phone on the table. You smiled shyly at him trying to keep your blushing on the down low, he smiled back and sat down. This is gonna be a long day

After you finished his hair you quickly applied minim makeup ( not that he needs it) you stepped back to look at him. Trying not to stare you figured he looked good and told him he was ready. You both headed to the set and you stood near the back behind the cameras as he stood rightfully in front. As he posed you couldn't help but notice GOD DAMN THIS BOI FINE! Blushing basically at every other thing he did, but what really made you want to faint was when he started biting his lip, or winking, MY GOD YOU COULD JUST FALL OVER RIGHT THERE. HE WINKED!!!! OH THIS HOE REALLY JUST GONNA.  Telling yourself to calm down you found that the wall was quite interesting. Admiring the wall you didn't notice that he was looking at you when they told him to look away from the camera. Yes. He was looking at you and you were to busy looking at the wall to notice. WAY TO GO YOU! 

The camera was shut off so they could change the set out. Rushing back to the makeup table you were thankful he was already there. You set to work again this time the theme was more innocent 

A/N: AS IF this boi right here is a sin in itself

you brushed his hair down to make him look more like a child than the devil, making sure not to poke him in the eye. You noticed him looking at you but you chose to ignore it. Now is not the time to freak out. Being as clumsy as you are you dropped one of your brushes, as you stooped down to pick it up apparently he was being a gentleman and you hands both reached for it. Before you could grab it he picked it up and handed it to you looking directly into your eyes. You stared back this time, noticing all the little details. The mole near his eye, how good he looked with blue contacts, his red lips. He was so perfect it was almost unreal. Shaking yourself back into reality you finished up, doing the same as before you approved and told him to go. Little did you know that he had admired you just the same. 

A/N: Ok this is it!! If you want a part 2 I can do that. I wasn't quite sure how to end this so if you want a part 2 that is fine just tell me and i got you! anyway I hope you liked it . 


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