Seungmin as your Little brother

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I really like doing the bullet point ones. dunno why but hey it's my book I do what I want ;) Also this book will end at 50 chapters and I will upload a book I have been working on.

~Cutest thing ever

~ Always wants you to hold his hand so he doesn't get lost

~ Helps you with your homework because you may be older but he got all the braincells.

~ okay he got 2 braincells but hey it's 2 more than Felix has so

~ Sass

~ He's freaking full of it

~ You ask him for a favor, Sass

~ You accomplish something, Sass

~ He comes home from school and you ask, S A S S

~ This kid is really Seungmean now isn't he

~ Still a precious lil bean though

~ gotta love him

~ You have to pick him up from school because he claims the bus is for peasants

~ "Bro just ride the bus"

~ "No bro peasants ride the bus and I am no peasant I am a god"

~"b r o"

~"Yes bro"

~He loves you too

~ You are his favorite as he always says even though your his only other sibling you still take what you can get

~ Food

~This lil boi takes it A L L

~ You have leftovers, he eats that shit

~ Something in the fridge with your name in it, also his

~ You try to confront him but someway somehow you always end up buying him ice cream

~Like WTH

~ It's fine tho because he just too freakin cute to stay made at

~ Tries to act like a bad bitch but when he has a nightmare he goes all soft

~ He walks in your room and you braid his hair to go back to sleep

~ If you have a nightmare he gives you a plushie that he always sleeps with cause he claims the small lil duck plushie can scare that bad dreams away

~ I'm weak writing this HELP

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