(Tea) Felix Imagine

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A/N: Yeah Finally doing my bias guys. I'm trying really hard to make one shots instead of like 6pt. imagines you know. So please excuse the fact that some chapters might end up being like 3,000 words or more. Not all of them will be like that given the fact that I'm lazy. I am actually on winter break so I have free time during the day to write, what I will probably end up doing is pre writing chapters and then posting them later on so I don't just like disappear. Ok sorry for the long note, Please enjoy the chapter. 

You headed out of your car and walked into the small cafe you had grown so familiar with. You entered the building and took a seat by the corner near the book shelf while you waited for your  sister, Lisa. You pulled out your phone and scrolled through twitter. You saw BTS was planning a tour, Seventeen was having a comeback soon. 

A/N: Getting Closer was absolutely amazing. Fuck it up Seventeen.

You finally looked up to see Lisa walk through the door, you waved her over to your table and she sat down across from you. 

"How is your mom doing Lisa?"

She just shrugged her shoulders at you before standing up to order the two of you drinks. You frowned because she usually shrugs when somethings wrong and she doesn't want to admit it. Her mom is struggling from a drug overdose and is at the hospital trying to recover. You watched as she ordered the drinks and smiled that she still remembered your favorite. Finally she handed you your tea and sat back down in her seat from before. You continued to catch up on your lives, she told you about her new job, you mentioned how you planned on graduating and then perusing photography. But she never mentioned her mom. 

About an hour later you decided it was time to get your errands for the day done. You waved Lisa goodbye as she got in her car and drove away. You went back inside to get another tea to take with you. You walked down the street and browsed the stands for a birthday present for one of your friends Yeri. You stopped at a place selling hoodies and set your tea down on a table next to you. As you saw a red hoodie with a cute panda on it you picked it up and handed it to the cashier. You payed for it and turned around to pick up your tea, only to see that it was spilled on the ground. Groaning you picked up the now empty cup and threw it in a nearby trash can. 

You continued to walk around until it got about sunset and you headed home. On your way back you stepped into Starbucks to get a tea since your last one was wasted. You ordered and payed and walked back outside into the cool air. Since it was winter you pulled up the hood on your jacket and placed your black mask over your mouth. 

You walked past the JYP building and stopped to look for a moment. That was where your brother went, why he didn't have time for you anymore. It was hard at first when Jackson left, but you soon excepted that he was doing what he loved. You saw the big Got7 sign posted on the front of the building. You smiled up as you saw your brother standing along side his best friends, you couldn't be upset with him. Meanwhile here you are still in college about to become a professional photographer. 

A breeze hit you and snapped you out of your thoughts. You took one last look at the building before heading back home. You turned around only to run right someone. Just like that your fresh tea hit the ground. You looked up to a boy in front of you with a mask and cap on. 

"Sorry" The boy said before hurrying off into the JYP building. 

"YAH!" You called after him but he was already inside. 

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