(Happy Pill) Changbin Imagine pt. 2

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You pulled on your shoes and fixed your hair ready for the second day. You felt pretty accomplished. You made 2 friends already and the teachers seemed to like you. You thought about last night. Changbin. You didn't know what to think, you felt bad for going against Dahyun but at the same time he didn't really seem all that bad. Shaking it off you took one last look in the mirror (내 안을 비춰줄 my mirror) 

 Shaking it off you took one last look in the mirror (내 안을 비춰줄 my mirror) 

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You grabbed your bag and headed downstairs. You ate a bagel quickly and stepped out of the house. As you walked down the sidewalk you heard a car pull up next to and looked over to see Dahyun smiling brightly at you.

"Come one I'll drive you."

She opened the passenger door from inside and you hopped in and buckled. 

"How do you like the school so far. It's quite big so try not to get lost."

You nodded, already gotten lost twice ((¬‿¬)) You didn't mention you staying after school to her. Finally the two of you pulled into the schools parking lot and the two of you headed inside. You were early so you and Dahyun headed to first block. You sat in the same seat next to her as you did yesterday and the two of you shared a set of earbuds as you waited for class to start. Eventually the teacher showed up and kids filled the room. Dahyun put the set of earbuds away and you took out your notebooks. 

"Turn to page 394"

(Please tell me someone gets that reference)

You and Dahyun shared a textbook and you took the notes. Your mind wandered to Changbin. His amazing voice, his talented piano skills. You blushed and remembered when he called you princess, and baby. He sounded amused when he said it, he was definitely aware of the affect he had on you. 


You walked down the hall towards your locker, you heard some yelling but ignored it, this wasn't unusual. That is until you heard a familiar voice. It sounded like Changbin. You walked down the hall it was coming from and saw a crowd of people surrounding something. You tried to look over but due to your height was unable to see what was happening. You pushed your way to the front and saw someone throw a punch, you saw the unknown guy hit the lockers and get back up he threw a punch at the first boy. Changbin. You didn't even realize what you were doing but you ran to Changbin and grabbed his arm


"Stay out of this Y/N" He growled at you, which was hot but not the point.

You grabbed his arm to prevent him hurting the other guy. The other guy took one look at you and smirked. 

"What do we have here." He sounded like he was having fun. Despite the blood running out the corner of his mouth and the bruises on his body. You began to feel uncomfortable and shifted on your feet. 

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