Hyunjin Photoshoot Imagine Pt. 2

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A/N: well you have spoken and here is part 2 of the Hyunjin Imagine. Please enjoy.

You were sitting on the couch upside down with your hands o the floor and your head hanging. "Man I should have been a stunt artist" As soon as you said that you came tumbling down onto the hold hard floor. "Damn" "WHO THE HELL IS CALLING ME!!! I WAS HAVING A MOMENT" You picked up your phone and looked at the screen'Unknown'. Um who the fuck has the audacity to call me at a time like this. Not accepting the call you placed your phone back down and went to the kitchen. Opening the fridge you looked for something ease your extremely loud hangry monster in your stomach. Searching the cabinets for some ramen you finally found something you an hopefully cook. Filling the pot halfway with water and placing it on the stove you waited for the water to boil.

*insert spongebob meme* A few moments later

"HOW THE ACTUAL HELL DID I BURN THE WATER" frantically waving a dish towel at the smoke trying to get the smoke alarm to turn off. "WHO IS CALLING ME THIS TIME" 'Unknwon' "Ok ya know what this bish really trying me" answering the phone.( other person on the phone in italics)

"Yes bitch how may I help you"

"Um Is this y/n?"

"Yes this is she"

"Hi this is Hyunjin, the guy you just helped at the photoshoot."

"Ah. Hi"

"Ummm how did you get my number might I ask?"

"Welllllll...I have my resources"

Ok um first of all what the fuck, you thought as you covered the phone with your hand. You silently screamed at the wall cause your lonely. 

"ok sure. Um did you need something?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime. I have another shoot soon and I was just gonna talk I guess."


" Um yeah that sounds great. Did you want to do it today?"

"Yeah how about the cafe near the sushi stand."

" That's perfect! Does 12:30 work?"

"yeah that's great! See you then"

Hanging up the phone flopped onto the couch once again in a daze. Hwang Fucking Hyunjin wants to meet up with you at 12:30 which means you have. "JESUS CHRIST IT'S 11:15"

Rushing to your room upstairs you quickly flipped through your clothes trying to find something worthy of being in the presence of Hyunjin. You settled for a simple black tennis skirt and and ACDC t- shirt. Sitting at your makeup table you applied light makeup and some lip balm. Brushing your hair you put the top half in a ponytail leaving the rest down and curled. Approving of yourself you slipped on your favorite white sneakers and grabbed your keys. "Fuck my wallet"

Rushing back inside you grabbed it off the counter and ran back to your car. 

You walked into the coffee shop and looked for him, you see him wave at you and you head over to him. "Hi" Hi"

He ordered you two drinks and payed, because what a gentleman he is. You sat across from each other at a booth. You made small talk, and discussed what you were doing in school. Apparently he's top of his class. But I mean hey WHY WOULDN'T HE BE!

You walked out of the shop still talking before he suddenly stopped you. You turned around and he was smiling really big. "What is it." He pointed to a plushie store across the street and looked at you with hopeful eyes. You looked at him with what you could call puppy love. You grabbed his hand and dragged him into the store to look at plushies. You guys walked around the store for a little bit before he picked up a cute penguin plushie. He held it in front of you and giggled. "It's cute like you y/n".  You quickly blushed and hit him on the shoulder before turning back to the shelves. He saw you holding a cute panda plushie and picked up and went to the register with two. You looked at him and he just smiled winking in the process.  OH BOI YOU DIDN'T. He handed you one of the plushies he bought. It was a cute baby panda holding half of a heart. You looked at the one in his hand and realized it had the other half of the heart. Taking your hand he ran out of the store dragging you with him. 

As you got out to the street you began walking at a normal pace, still holding hands. He walked into an ice cream store and you eyes suddenly lit up. You jumped up and down a little bit and shook his arm smiling. He ruffled your hair admiring how cute you were when you were excited. He ordered your ice cream and went to hand the cashier the money before you quickly slapped his hand down. "I'm paying this time" slapping your hand down like you did to him. "No your not I invited you, you don't have to pay."  'But you just bought coffee and plushies let me do something" You shook his arm glaring up at him, he simply looked back at you staring you right in the eyes already knowing how you would react. Just like he expected you quickly turned your head and covered your face with your hands. He finally paid and the two of you walked down the sidewalk enjoying your ice cream. You stopped at a park and sat on the swings. Carefully swinging making sure not to drop your precious ice cream you sat in comfortable silence. 

He swung his swing next to you and bumped you to the side. "Um EXCUSE ME DID YOU JUST BUMP ME WITH YOUR DAMN SWING?"


Oh this hoe really wanna go. Getting up off your swing finishing the last bit of your ice cream you dusted off your hands and glared at him. This time he got intimidated, he stood up slowly eyes wide and took off. "BITCH!"

You chased after him, crawling through the little tunnel and jumping over the spinning chairs, before finally grabbing him. Unfortunately you both stumbled and you ended up on top of him. Both of you simply looked into each others eyes, before leaning in. AND YOUR PHONE WENT OFF AGAIN. "I SWEAR TO JISOO" You sat up still straddling him on the ground and answered the phone. "yes b/f/n?" you said, trying to sound as annoyed as possible hoping she would take the hint. "Damn. You good bro?...Wait I interrupted something again didn't I?"  "Yeah. Yeah you did" You hung up the phone and shoved it back into your pocket. He sat up and looked at you and laughed.  The hell is this how laughing for.  He cupped your face and pecked your cheek. "Your so cute." 

A/N: and thats it I hope you liked it!! Don't forget to comment and vote! I don't really have anything else to say... ummm... stan stray kids...



Bye Lovelies ! 🖖



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