Aussie Line (Still not quite sure what to call this)

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Aussie Line with me/Sage and Xeno amberlitu

Requested by: amberlitu





This one is just full of crack, SEAT BELTS EVERYONE

This one is just full of crack, SEAT BELTS EVERYONE

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"Fine, yes dear friend of mine that I love and appreciate so much"

Sage batted her eyelashes at the older, which caused her to roll her eyes

"Don't get sarcastic with me, anyway, Chan said to come over and now I have to bring you."

"Well don't sound too excited"

Xeno just rolled her eyes at the shorter and grabbed her tiny hand, dragging her out the door

(not a word about my small hands)

Xeno parked the car and hopped out walking up to the dorm

"CAN YOU LIKE SLOW DOWN, us short folk can't keep up with you and your long ass legs"

"Ohh uh that's too bad"

Sage huffed and Xeno opened the door to the dorm.

The two girls stepped in and were greeted by Chan who pulled Xeno into a hug.

"Oh Sage, please go get Felix,he won't stop playing fortnite and he's hogging the playstation, thank you"

Sage nodded and walked back to her boyfriends room.

She knocked quietly before opening the door.

You've got to be kidding me


He was sitting on the floor in front of his playstation with his hood up and tied, one sock on for god knows what reason, his hair was a mess, and an open bag of hot Cheetos sat next to him

"okay ya know-"

She stood in front of the TV trying to block his vision

He just stood up and placed his chin on the top of her head getting a clear view of the game.

"Oh you've got to be-"

"Shush child"

"The hell you just call me"


"No SWeAriNg ne ne ne"


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