(Tea) Felix Imagine pt2

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Here is the requested pt. 2 of the Felix Imagine. I'm glad you liked it. Hopefully this will be a good enough ending. Also I should clarify. I confused people with the last part when saying Lisa was your sister. Lisa is your best friend since childhood so you refer to her as a sister. Sorry for the misunderstanding. 

You had done it. You finally graduated! You finished taking pictures with your college friends, and you said goodbye to your professors. Your best friend ran up to you and tackled you in a bear hug. 

"I'm so proud of you y/n!"

You hugged your best friend back and the two of you walked to her car arms linked. When you got in the car she handed you a bouquet of white tulips and you graciously took them. 

"Thank you Lisa, I really appreciate you putting up with me and all my studies."

"No worries boo, it is nice however you'll have some free time while you look for a company"

You smiled at the thought of being able to relax, You and Lisa drove back to your dorm to get your stuff so you could move in with her until you could stand on your own. 

You pulled up to the dorms a few boxes, since you didn't have much stuff. You walked into the shared dorm and saw half of the room empty, you and your roommate were never close but you did stay up late to binge watch Love o2o together. You began pulling clothes out of your dresser and folding them into boxes while Lisa took down your posters and other things like cameras and cords. 

After about an hour you and Lisa finally managed to cram everything into the trunk of her car and set off to her apartment.You looked out the window and saw Starbucks and the two of you sent each other the look. She made a u-turn and pulled into the drive thru. She ordered the two of you tea and it reminded you of your last photo shoot. You remembered Felix and his offer to make up for your poor drink and blushed slightly. Lisa noticed and poked your side and giggled. 

"What has you so flustered huh?"

You looked at her and playfully flicked her forehead and she gasped dramatically before pulling out of the drive thru. The two of you yelled the words to Bling Bling as you were stopped at a red light, catching a few strange glances which you shrugged off. 


You finally entered her apartment and set the boxes in her spare bedroom, you were gonna take the day off to just have fun, you would worry about all that later. You took a sip of your tea and went to grab your camera bag. You rummaged through it and finally pulled out the small piece of paper. You smiled at the little note and typed in the number written on it. You sent the number a quick text. 


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