Another request that I don't know how to title ;)

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This chapter includes me, mejia4life and EmptyHolyWaterBottle

Requested by: mejia4life







Minho texted his girlfriend Alanie that they were going for an extra dance practice today and to come over. 

And he didn't forget to mention that Hyunjin STILL would not shut up about Bry, so bring her too.






Alanie heard a loud smack, assuming it was what she thought it was she just ignored it already used to it. 

Bryanna walked out into the living room rubbing the back of her head while Sage was rolling her eyes from behind her. 

"She just hit. ME."

"Sounds like a you problem"

Alanie dragged her two friends into her car and put Sage in the back seat

"I am not a child, why do I have to sit in the back"

"Honey you are a child so hush it"

"Yeah suck it"

"That's not what I said"


The three pulled up to the practice room Sage still oblivious as to what they were doing.

Bryanna ran out of the car and opened the door tackling Hyunjin in a hug.

Alanie calmly un buckled Sage and pulled her out of the car.

"I can walk on my own"

"I don't trust that, you'll fall over"



Alanie set the poor child down and she ran to her freckled boyfriend.

Minho and Alanie being the only normal if you could say that, couple they went to go set up the music. Bryanna stretched her arms while humming the abc's to count

"What are you doing?"

"I don't know how to count"

"Sage, you say that like you can count"

"You SAY THAT like you can count FELIX"

"Fair enough"

Alanie dragged her now pouting, angry small child to the center of the room. 

"Bry I trust you can walk on your own"

"No I can't, Hyunjin can carry me though"

Hyunjin picked her up and then gently set her down in her position.

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