Chapter Four

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Eren's POV

After making a small breakfast and some coffee I turned on the T.V. and decided to watch some episodes to my favorite show, Shadowhunters. I FaceTimed Armin to check up on him and to make him mad by spoiling the latest episode of the show, and I tell him about the photo shoot for next week with Levi Ackerman.

" Yeah I heard that the Boss managed to get him to come to our studio, and here's the thing. If you've watched the interview video with him then you must have noticed that when the interviewer asked about his life with his parents-"

" You noticed too? How his aura changed in an instant?"

" Well yeah, I mean who wouldn't of noticed? But yeah, something must've happened when he was a kid and he's not going to let anyone know at this rate. Maybe..."

I saw Armin pull out his laptop and start typing something. His lips were moving so he was talking to himself, occasionally the phone would pick up on his voice so I heard bits of what he was mumbling about.

" Bingo!"

" What were you doing?"

" I took the video and put it into this software that traces the publication date of the video. Today is November 29th right?"

I nodded to his question even though he must've known that the date would be in the bottom right corner of his laptop.

" Well according to this the video was posted... ! six years ago?"

His voice was lowered as if he were whispering, but the time frame between now and six years was a bit puzzling. The video was posted about six years ago yet the video is everywhere on the internet from a couple days ago.

" Armin, what's the false post date on the video?"

" False? What are you getting at?"

" Think about it, this video has been up for about six years and no one knew about it. However, after just a couple days ago it's been viral. So my question is why would an interview with a rising model from six years ago only now start to be a big hit?"

" I see, well some celebrities can request for something like that to be postponed from being published. Anyway, the date on the video says it was posted November 26th."

" Alright thanks. Well I don't want you to be late so I'll see you at the studio."

" Okay, see you there."

The call ended. I sat back in my chair still thinking about why the video was postponed for so long, could he have not wanted to go to the interview? It's entirely possible, these days anyone who's famous gets pulled around by the chains around their necks, and I would know. Maybe it's something more...

" I could ask Mikas- I just got off the hook from her and I wanna start it all over again? Nah, I'll try to talk with Levi next week at the photo shoot."

With that thought in mind I stood from my chair, took the dishes to the sink, set them inside, got everything together, and left my apartment for the studio. Even though I can walk to the studio Armin still needs transport home so I take my car, but in the mornings he uses public transportation. I've suggested that he could live in the apartment building I live in, but he always turns it down because I mention the fact that I'd buy the room for him. I don't mind if I send money on something that cheap, I mean I didn't know I'd earn so much money from photography. It is his choice so I always leave the conversation at that so there're no problems.

I entered the parking lot and parked the car, then started to walk to the entrance of the building. It's been getting colder and colder since Thanksgiving, I've never gotten the chance to wear any of the warm clothing I own mainly because I just don't get cold that easily. But this weather is just insane!

" Excuse me, are you Eren Jaeger? The photographer?"

I turn around and see a teenage girl, about my age I'd say, with shoulder length blonde hair and sky blue eyes. She was a bit shorter than me, but most people are to me heck I'm taller than Jean. I put on my signature smile and replied to the girl.

" Yes ma'am, I am. Who's asking though?"

" Oh, just me. I'm a friend of Mikasa's. She told me a few things about you and she wanted me to give this to you."

The girl gave me a slip of paper and bowed.

" Thank you, could I know your name?"

" Oh! Sorry, I'm Krista Lenz. It's nice to meet you."

We shook hands, for some reason this whole ordeal isn't revolting me like it normally does. I had to guess it was because this was someone that Mikasa knew, but why would I... Whatever it's only confusing me.

" Well I'm sorry if I had delayed you, I'll be on my way now."

" Wait!" I accidentally called out to her crap, " Could I have your number, it's not the reason most you girls think it is. I just thought that if I had your number I could make a group chat with you, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, and myself."

Krista giggled a bit but came back to me, " Sure, are the other two friends of yours?"

I nodded as she handed me her phone with her contact info. I quickly put it into my phone and handed her's back. We waved goodbye and I continued to the studio. 

When I got inside Armin was already there some how but he brought me some hot chocolate, I much preferred coffee but I'd already had some before I left.

" So how was it that I got here before you did Eren?"

I shrugged, not wanting to tell Armin about the girl I chatted with. He only patted my back and we walked to the elevator, and went up to our assigned floor for another day's work.

AN: Okay, here's another chapter. And guess what? I GOT MY COMPUTER TO WORK!!! Before the WiFi wouldn't work when I tried to connect it to the computer, but I got it to work so the WiFi doesn't crash anymore!!! Hurray!!! So this chapter was done using the computer. Well hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one.

To Be Continued...

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