Chapter Twelve

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Levi's POV

When Eren evaded the question I had asked I couldn't help but get a bit angry, for his age he sure enough does act like a young brat. I suppressed my urge to scold him and answered his question regarding the menu and what I thought was good.

" Their Ratatouille is my favorite, I get it almost every time I eat here, but you might not like it much. So another favorite of mine is their Pan Seared Filleted Beef, it goes great with Red Wine too. That is, if you're of age to drink."

The teen chuckled at my little remark, I intentionally did that to let out some of the built up anger inside of me.

" How about this, I'll get the beef filet and red wine while you get Ratatouille and whatever you drink with it. After we get our meals we give each other a small portion of our food and one sip of each other's drink. How about it?"

Was he intentionally vexing me? Once again I suppressed the urge to scold him and cleared my throat.

" But why would I do that? I've eaten everything that's on this menu, so what's the end game?"

" So we don't order something I won't like and it won't be wasted, and because I've tried something similar to what I'm going to get I've made a few alterations to make it taste better. So we have a deal or what?"

" Alright fine, one bite and that's it. Got it?"

" Alright alright, I hear ya. So aside from your modeling gig, what do you like to do in your free time?"

At first I just thought he was asking out of pure curiosity but my mind kept thinking of other things of why he'd asked that. I guess after he had told me about his childhood my mind has been thinking of how those events have made him into the man he is right now. Could he be just like me? Right now I can sense that he's hiding something but I can't read anything other than that, it's like there's a wall between him and I. Well we did just meet for the second time in our lives so it'd be natural for us to keep to ourselves, but we both know that something deeper is tying us down. I'll answer any question he asks but I'll never tell him about what I did to my uncle, it took a while for me to come up with an acceptable answer for both Mikasa and our Aunt and her husband. If they knew, they wouldn't look at me the same way they do now. Mikasa would be devastated and our Aunt would turn me in to the cops, I'd be done for. So for now I'll just enjoy myself with the person in front of me, a person who is just like me.

" Well as a model you hardly ever get any free time to spare, however that doesn't mean you can't have days off when you need them."

" So you took the day off?"

" Well let's just say that I won't be number one for much longer, there are a lot of young men who show potential of taking my position. But that's what I fear most, I'm only doing this job for my sister's sake. She needs a brother who she can rely on, especially after what happened back then."

I hadn't meant for the last part to slip through my lips but it was too late. I looked down to my tea and curled my hands into fists, and after a short pause I felt a gentle warmth on both of my hands. When I looked up I was starring right into Eren's eyes, they were of the most beautiful hue of green I've ever seen in my life.

I could feel my cheeks burn up so I quickly turned away and slipped my hands out of his. A couple more minutes went by and Mikasa had come back to take our order.

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