Chapter Eighteen

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Eren's POV

Levi and I were talking about some of the memories he must've gotten back, but he was dazed. It might e either been the kiss or just the impact of the sudden rush of memories. As I was trying to figure something out, Mikasa had come into the room with a fresh cold, damp towel. She handed it to me and I changed the towel on Levi's head for the new one I had just received. I had expected her to leave but she didn't, so I turned to ask her.

" Aren't you going to leave? You've been doing that after you've given me a new towel."

" Actually, I was wondering if we could have that conversation today. Maybe we could go out for coffee?"

I looked over to Levi to see him smiling softly at the both of us. I grabbed his hand in mine and tightened my hold on his, causing him to chuckle.

" I'll be fine Eren, I feel much better than I did before. Mikasa." He looked over to his sister and continued, " Try to understand him, try walking in his shoes if you know what he's been through."

I could tell she nodded in reply based on Levi giving confirmation with a slight nod and a smile. I sighed and stood up to head to the elevator. I looked over my shoulder to tell Mikasa to come with me.

" You coming or what? This better not end up being some social exchange or I'm coming right back up here."

" Right." That was the first word she spoke since she brought me here.

As we were walking out the door Levi rose his hand to wave to us, " Have fun." He chuckled lightly as to not cause him any pain.

I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully as I shut the door quietly. When I turned around I went right past Mikasa for the elevator, hearing her follow suit.

Mikasa's POV

The ride down to the lobby was quiet and in a way, intense. Not like I had a say in the matter though, but I'm not going to falter to Eren.

We reached the lobby and we had gotten the special for free, and so we had taken our seats outside. Today was to be the last warm day before winter would set in so people were going to take advantage of this. Eren was quick to get to the point as soon as we sat down.

" How much do you really know? Of me that is, in this life."

" ... I know as much from the death of your mother up till this point." I gave him a quick summary of the events of which I knew and he then asked me the next question.

" How did you find out about what I did? No one that I know here knows of what I've done, not even my childhood friend. So how do you know?"

I wasn't going to give me any slack to evade any questions, so I decided I'd answer his until he was satisfied.

" I don't know exactly, but it was like a nightmare when I saw what you did. That's all I can describe it as, but the whole thing was so graphic that it couldn't have been a nightmare."

" So that's how things are working here huh? Think about this, you know that the people we knew 2,000 years ago will regain their memories of that time some time in their lifetime here. Well each instance I've asked the people I know how they had gotten them and what it was like. Each described it as either a dream or a nightmare based on the contents of the memories they received." Eren stopped there as the waitress had come with our drinks.

I thanked her for us, seeing that Eren clearly wasn't having the best of days, and took a sip of my drink. Eren took a sip of his and continued on what he was talking about earlier.

" As I was saying. Our memories will come to us in either of those forms, and they will steadily keep coming to us until we've remembered everything up to our deaths in the past life. However, Levi's case is different. Instead of getting them overnight like everyone else he got a sudden rush with every single memory, and in broad daylight at that."

" How is it bad then? Yours came back the same way didn't they?"

" No exactly, sure I had the sudden rush of receiving all my memories, but I was sleeping. He was awake when it happened, so to be honest I don't know how to help him. All I can do for him is to try to have him accept his past life, because if he keeps rejecting them it'll be fatal for him."

" It would be helpful if you'd tell me how this could be fatal for him."

" Think of the memories as some kind of life support, if you don't rely on it and pull the plug... you're as good as dead. These memories are what are making us live this life, they're what make us whole. Without them we'd have no idea who we are or what we're here for. So with that part of the conversation out of the way, I want to talk about them."

Eren's POV

Mikasa had to know who exactly I was talking about, but if she didn't then this was going to take a while to explain. If she knew or not I was still going to explain  the situation we were in.

" Right, so I don't know if you know about them or not so I'm just going to explain it anyway. Now we both know that the Titans can't come back to life as big as they were back then, but they can still come back as the person they were before they were forcefully turned into those monsters. Once a Titan regains their memory they won't be able to handle them at all and they'll lose their minds, and they'll come after people like us."

" Wait what do you mean? Are you saying their minds degrade to being like a Titan, mindless and no humanity left in them?"

" That's precisely what happens. All they'll think about is getting us by any means necessary, and they won't stop until they meet their demise. Now then, with that out of the way we can plan what we can do to stay clear of them while protecting those we care about. Let's scram." I stood up from my seat, grabbed my drink, and started to walk off into the building.

However I was grabbed from behind and brought to a halt. Like this wasn't annoying already but Mikasa just had to add onto my stress.

" Eren I want to thank you for what you're doing, and I know I'm going against what I've been telling you and myself but..."

" Don't even count on it. I know what you're going to ask and I'm not at all interested in girls."

The raveness before me had gone bright red, crossed her arms in front of her, and huffed in irritation.

" Well just so we're clear Levi isn't interested in being in a relationship with anyone outside of work. Though it's surprising enough that you're an exception."

What she said made me wonder what Levi thinks about others and about his annoying sister, but I don't have that kind of time to wonder about things like that. I have to prepare myself to protect those I care about from them, and by my word I will prevail this time. I don't care if they see what I'm capable of, is do it all over again if it meant standing up for those that are important to me.

Though with the thought in my mind it was reminding me of what I did back then, about eight years ago. I just hope Levi never heard of it.

AN: Here's chapter eighteen, I started on this as soon as I got on the bus and worked in little bits throughout my school day. So here it is. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter!!!

...To Be Continued...

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