Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Unknown POV

I've never felt like this before. I think the last time I've felt remotely close to feeling the way I am now was back when I was twelve, back when I was still receiving abuse from my father. The feeling of being on the brink of death, to me it was a way to feel the emotion everyone called "fear." Sure I was fearful of my father but right now, I was terrified out of my mind that I'd die. My body was heating up, creating tremendous amounts of sweat, my breathing was chaotic, and my vision was going blurry.

I could see a dark silhouette above me though what they were saying was muddled, and the only thing I could hear was a constant ringing in my ears. My body was trembling and shaking constantly, yet somehow I knew who was above me.

" ... L-Le-vi... !"

Levi's POV

I held onto the body, no, Eren's body, and I made damn sure I held him close to me.

" ... Eren... Everything will be fine, just wait a bit longer... I'll get you out of here, and I'll take you out on a date... Doesn't that sound nice, Eren?"

I lay him down gently and quickly ripped a piece of his clothing off of him and began to tie it around his wound. He was still losing blood but it slowed a bit, but while I was treating Eren I heard laughter from the man that was supposed to die.

" Never thought you had feelings for anyone else but your little sister, Levi! What happened to that 'I'm not going to get involved with others' shit, huh?! AH!"

Before the both of us knew it, Oruo quickly became a corpse due to Kenny finishing him off. I stood up, looking down at Eren, and opened my mouth.

" So Kenny, do you remember that rematch I had asked for back then?"

" What are ya gettin' at?"

" Do you Kenny?"

" Aheh... Ya bet I do, so ya lil' runt. You wanna see who's stronger?"

I remained silent which only allowed him to laugh aloud, but I didn't care. I was going to beat him today, if I don't then I'll fail Eren, and that's something I don't want to happen. I curled my hands into fists and lifted my head to look over my shoulder.

" No guns or knives. Just hand-to-hand, got that? I want to watch you drop every weapon you have on you or near you!"

Kenny our his hands up in the air in a sarcastic manner of surrender before reaching into his coat and throwing his weapons to the side, " Ya sure do like to be thorough, I'll give ya that. Say, how much do ya reckon that boy means to ya?"

I flinched from the sudden question and I slowly glared at him, but I couldn't keep glaring as I'm sure Eren would've given me a hard time about it.

" Let's just say he means a lot more than family, or family of your stature."

" Talkin' big now are we? Oh well, I reckon you were like that even when Kuchel was still here with us." Kenny slowed his movements which only caused me to raise my gun at him but what he said next made me feel conflicted, " Don't ya miss her? She was yer mother. She was my sister. I miss her greatly."

I shook my head and scowled, " Don't bring her into this Kenny, she's dead. Get over it, move on. You pulled one heck of a card bringing Mr Jaeger into the conversation before hand, a bit risky if you ask me."

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