Chapter Sixteen

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Levi's POV

When we went back inside, we finished looking over this brat's notebook and his drawings as we finished what was left of our breakfast. I decided that Mikasa would want to finish hers later, so I wrapped it with plastic wrap and placed it in the fridge. Though the days have been getting colder seeing that November was coming to an end, I still wanted to do a few things with Eren outside to try and help him. Though I was getting better at taking care of Mikasa, I had no idea how to handle Eren yet, but it shouldn't be too difficult right? When I finished cleaning the dishes I dried my hands off and told Eren I would be on the first floor to get changed.

While I was in the elevator something was going on with my vision, or I was hallucinating, because when I blinked I was in an entirely different world. I looked around me and I saw these colossal monsters, and the corpses of dead soldiers. However, it felt as though I had been through this scenario before. It didn't seem plausible since I have no recollection of what Eren claims was our first life, but if what he's saying is true then I guess I'll just have to accept it. I'll need to figure out a way for me to go about my day without these visions since they distract me from my work.

Eren's POV

I had gone back to the room that I slept in to put my notebook away and put on some clothes. While I was putting on my jacket I heard something fall from the pocket. I looked down and saw that my keys had fallen out, again, but they were laying atop a slip of folded paper. I picked both of them up and while I was studying the slip of paper I was trying to remember when and why I had gotten this. Krista. She said this was from Mikasa, well I guess now's a good a time as any. I started to unfold the paper and on the paper was a hand written letter from the raveness.

Eren Jäeger,

I know exactly who you are, and who you were back then. Just by reading the first sentence you should know by now that I too have my memories of when Titans roamed this earth. But I didn't write this to tell you about that time, I'm writing this to let you know that I know what you've done and you don't want anyone to know about it. So here's a bit of a warning for you, if you do meet my brother before you read this then just know that in for a hell of a bad time with me. As much as I hate you I can't force my brother to think differently from his own decision, so if you tell him about what you did then I'll be grateful. He needs someone like you just like back then, he needs someone to love with all his being, someone he can depend on, someone of whom he can trust. I'm trusting you with him, though it'll take me a while to adjust after figuring out what you did.

With regards,
Mikasa Ackerman

After reading her letter I was surprised, angry, and worried. I need to talk with her and see how much she knows. If she claims to know this much then I have to know for myself. I packed my bag in a hurry and put it on my shoulder as I ran out the door of the room to find where the hell that bitch ran off to.

Levi's POV

When I came back up to the second floor I noticed that Eren wasn't in the kitchen, so I went to the bed room to see if he was there but to my surprise he wasn't there nor were his things. I starting to get a bit worried as to where he might've gone to but I soon got my answer when I heard my sister's loud voice. I rushed to where her room was and saw that Eren had a few scratches on his face while Mikasa stood a few feet away from him heaving. I rushed to the brunette to check if he was all right afterwards I stood up to face Mikasa.

" What in the hell happened?"

" I don't know you ask me, he just came waltzing into my room and started asking me these weird questions!"

" Calm down already, you knocked him to the ground just because he was asking you something?"

It was until now that Eren started to speak in his defense.

" Listen Mikasa, I was just about to ask you about this fucking note before you slapped me!"

" What note?!"

I watched as Eren grabbed his bag and took out a slip of paper, turning the contents towards us to see what it said. I looked over to my little sister with questioning eyes as I didn't understand what was going on. Was she having these visions Eren had too?

" Mikasa... Are you like Eren? Do you see this other world like he does?"

" Of course she does! She only confirmed it if you were lookin' her direction." Eren looked over to Mikasa and picked up where he left off, " So you gonna tell me what you meant in this letter or can I actually ask you where we can meet up to talk in private?"

My sister was silent, and as for me well, I didn't know what to make of this. I wanted to say something but I couldn't bring myself to say a word. I could that Eren couldn't stand for this awkward situation based from his movements of impatience. I cleared my throat and decided to try and break the intensity of the moment.

" Mikasa at least apologize to him and Eren be careful when you want to approach her. I'm going to go make some tea so if either of you want some it'll be ready to go in the kitchen."

" No thank, I think I'm just going to go home. I don't think these arrangements will work out for her. If you really want me to stay with you Levi, you should talk with your sister, rather my sister, about it."

" What the hell do you mean by your sister?!" I retorted.

" Mikasa you should've told him before hand, they'll be coming back for me and the both of you. Anyway, Mikasa." Eren awaited a response from my sister but he only received a slight uplifting of her head, " If you want to talk with me then you have my number, so for now I'm just gonna bounce. See ya." Eren saluted us and left the room, after which I heard the ding of the elevator and the doors softly shutting.

What in the hell was he talking about and how was my little sister involved in this? It feels like I'm being left in the dark about something life changing, and I hate it. I'm going to have to ask Eren and Mikasa about this when I get the chance.

AN: I meant to put this update up yesterday since I finally made a schedule for updating which fanfics on which days. So Mondays I will update Artist's Hands. Tuesdays Twisted Fate. Wednesdays Masochistic Lust. Thursdays Despondent Beauty. Fridays Sociopathic Killer. Saturdays Sharp Shooter. And Sundays Regretful Past & Burning Love Can Hurt. So now that these dates have been established I hope to keep up with it and provide you guys with new updates for your fav fanfic from this list. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

...To Be Continued...

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