Chapter Nine

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Eren's POV

I had rushed to my bathroom as I had the sudden urge to hurl what little food I ate. I must've come intimidating to Armin at first when I slammed my hands onto the table, but he must've realized I had come in here since I heard him knocking on the door and asking if I was alright.

" Eren? Are you okay?"

" Mhm, yeah I'm fine. J... just go back to the table and finish the meal without me. I'm not feeling so hot."

He must've hesitated for a minute but he had went back. I quickly got over what I did and started to wash my hands and mouth, but I could only assume that I had did that because I was afraid of losing Armin so much at the time.


I woke up on my couch and with a pounding ache in my head. I sat up slowly and looked around my apartment, it looked as if Armin had managed to lay me down onto the couch and clean up the place a bit. I felt miserable for having him go through the trouble of doing that, but mostly because I haven't been completely honest with him the entire time he's been with me. There are still a lot of things I haven't told him, and it isn't because I don't trust him but it's because I want to keep him safe. Ever since I met him when we were little kids I've always wanted to protect him, and that was also the time I had realized I was gay. I just wanted to be next to him and to see him wear his ridiculous smile. But things are going to be different now, and I screwed it up.

I slowly stood up, almost falling to the ground from the intense dizziness, and walked into my room. To be honest I don't really have much of a bedroom, but it's the biggest room in my apartment so there was nothing else I could do about it. I love art and photography is a type of art, but my passion is to learn how to make beautiful paintings like my mother. She was the artist in the family, of course she only drew and painted her pieces. She could sense what one would like to do in their life, so I guess I was going to get into photography eventually but if it weren't for her I would still be doing those awful things I regret doing. After last night's events I've been debating on whether I should tell Armin about it, but at the same time I don't want to because I'm afraid to lose him.

After I had gotten ready I grabbed my keys and left the apartment, as I remembered that today was the day I could go over to Levi's place to talk with him. I don't usually go out on my days off but this time it's different. With this chance to be with Levi I can ask him about his childhood, but if he wants to know about mine in return then I'll have no choice but to tell him. Though I'd like to keep it a secret from everyone, however I want to be able to come clean someday. With all these thoughts swirling in my head I'd zone out while I drove down the road, if I had been driving on a public and crowded road then there'd be an issue, but since this was a much more secluded road no one drives down this way. I shook off those thoughts so I could drive to the address Levi had given me.

When I had arrived I had stared at the building in awe as I pulled into the entrance. After I parked the car I walked into the building and took out my phone to text Levi that I was here. He replied back so I sat down in the café section of the lobby after I bought myself a cappuccino. I decided to listen to my music so I took out my earbuds and plugged them into my phone. After I put the buds into my ears I scrolled through the huge list of songs I had and chose one. I turned off my phone and began to drink my cappuccino, the feeling of the liquid trailing down my throat and the taste of the cinnamon's sweet yet woody spice danced on my tongue. For the past couple of months the only coffee I've had was black coffee, so it'd been a while since I've tasted anything like this.

After about a minute I felt a faint tap on my shoulder and looked over it, my heart almost skipped a beat. It was Levi. I immediately took out my earbuds and put them back into my pocket and grabbed my phone almost too quickly, because I had tipped the cup with my coffee inside it. Or at least I thought I had, but when I looked back I saw that Levi had caught it just in time.

" I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to."

I bowed in apology but he shook it off with a light smile.

" It's okay, it's my bad."

He picked up my coffee from the table and brought it to his nose. At first I was a bit perplexed as to why he would do that but seeing him smiling like this made me remember my mother. I looked away from his eyes and looked at the cup with the sweet coffee in it. Levi must've noticed my shift of view so he handed my cup back, and as I was taking it back I noticed how he held the cup. It was a bit puzzling so I asked him about it.

" Quick question, why are you holding the cup like that?"

It must've threw him off but he was the one to turn away this time, he seemed flustered. I let out a small chuckle subconsciously and shook my free hand trying to let him know that maybe later he could answer. However he answered anyway.

" When I was younger I held a cup like that normally but, the handle... it um.... broke...."

" What?!"

" Shh! Keep it down, let's go up to my room and we can talk there."

I nodded and he led the way. As he was walking he spoke to me once more.

" And that coffee is actually a recipe my sister came up with, and so far it's been a big enough hit that it's on the house."

" Wait how did..."

" I may have taken a little sip..."

I felt my cheeks burn up and I could tell Levi was flustered by the way he spoke in such a quiet tone. I only wore a ridiculous smile as we walked to the elevators and went to the very top of the building.

AN: Sorry I haven't updated this in a little while, I've been so stressed on trying to get two major projects done at the same time and both aren't even done yet. So one is due tomorrow and the other Thursday. Wish me luck, but I'm in art so I can add a couple updates today. Same with my next class, and lunch (maybe). Well see you in this one or Twisted Memory!!!

To Be Continued...

Artist's Hands [Ereri/Riren Fanfic] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now