Chapter Fourteen

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Levi's POV

When I woke up the next morning I saw that it was almost 6:00 AM, so I quietly sat up as to not wake up Eren. I looked out the window and thought about the stories we told to each other, about our childhoods. His was so similar to mine but I'm sure he's hiding something from me, I know because I am too. If anything I doubt that whatever we're hiding are in any way similar. I looked over my shoulder to check on Eren since I heard him shifting a bit in the bed and only smiled. He seemed to sleep normally and he seemed to show his emotions like anyone else just fine, so why was he diagnosed with emotional detachment disorder? Something wasn't adding up correctly or I was overlooking something crucial. I decided not to worry too much about it for now and got up from the bed for the kitchen.

As I was cooking breakfast Mikasa had walked in still tired and a little flustered. I asked her what was wrong but she would only pout.

" Mikasa, if you don't tell me I'll have to tackle you again to get it from you."

" Well you can't do that, you're cooking."

" After breakfast if you still won't tell me I'll do it."

She sat at the island and lay her head atop her crossed arms and blew out a harsh breath.

" Fine~ Why weren't you in bed last night?"

" What are you... Oh, I ended up falling asleep in the bed down here with Eren."

" What?!"

I turned back to face her again and saw that her face was covered in a bright pink. I was wondering why she was getting so fired up but at the same time I didn't want to push her in asking for more intel. I was glad she was going to answer my mental questions anyway.

" Look Levi, I don't know if you've caught on to it yet but there's something shady and sinister about him. I can't put my finger on it but I know there's something going on."

" I know about it, but there's nothing to worry about Mikasa. He's been through a lot in his childhood and he's still trying to recover from that, so just be patient and don't worry so much."

" If you say so."

I turned back around and finished cooking the bacon, eggs, and pancakes for our breakfast. I had Mikasa go wake Eren up to join us and when the two came back I could tell something was going on. I smiled gently and asked what was up as I was setting the plates down on the island.

" So what's up? I know there's something going on by the looks on your faces." Eren was the one to explode when I asked.

" Ok I'll be blunt but why in the hell would you send Mikasa to wake me up first thing in the morning? I almost slapped the living shit out of her!"

" Hey I was busy cooking and setting things up while you weren't up yet, so I sent Mikasa in to wake you." Mikasa chirped in, well scolded me too.

" Levi you still need to work on your coordination, no wonder Hanji worries so much."

" Hey! You leave my manager out of this conversation, you hear me?"

" Yessir." My sister sarcastically saluted while taking a bite of her pancake.

Eren chuckled and ended up laughing aloud a bit and calmed down. He wiped away what seemed be to invisible tears, but where I was sitting I could see them. Mikasa set her fork down and looked next to her, staring at Eren with a perplexed look.

" And why is it you're laughing?"

" Sorry, it's just I've never had this kind of environment around me before. I like this, it's nice."

" What do you mean you've never been in this kind of environment before? You had to in your childhood."

I decided to stop my sister right there as I didn't want Eren to remember what happened in the past.

" Mikasa, that's enough!" I cleared my throat and gulped, that had to have been the first time I yelled at her.

It was silent for a little while until she started to speak again.

" So that's how it is huh? You're going to side with someone you've only met twice over your sister?!" She stood from her seat and slammed her hands onto the island, " You know what, I'm not dealing with this." Mikasa took her hands off the island, bowed, and left for the elevator.

I sighed and slumped in my seat when the elevator doors shut. It's never been easy, from the day my mother died it's never been easy to raise Mikasa in a stable environment. I guessed that Eren could tell I was stressed based on what he asked me.

" I take it that it's rough without your mother huh?"

" ... You guessed it, but yeah things have been difficult on the both of us. I'm trying to raise her into the woman mom would've wanted her to be and here I am disappointing her. I can't do this for much longer, I can't."

" You're wrong. What you're doing is meeting your mothers expectations. That much I know, and trust me when I say that. You're doing a great job raising her, so keep at it."

After that Eren stood from his seat and what he did after he placed his dishes in the sink shocked me. He walked up to me and kissed the top of my head like a mother would. He smiled gently but it had vanished quickly as he walked away. I sat there in my seat trying to process what he'd just did and what I did to him last night. No matter how much I try to find a different answer they all aimed up to one.

I was falling for him, and that was all there was to it.

AN: Okay, so I really wanted to make sure I wasn't focusing too much on my other stories so I wrote this one up yesterday morning on the bus ride to school and finished it like 1:45 ish this morning. So I hope it made some sense and I'll see you in the next one!!!

To Be Continued...

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