Chapter Twenty

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Eren's POV

Levi's fever had went down and he was walking around his penthouse like it didn't even happen, which was a good thing I suppose. But that wasn't what was concerning me, what was was the fact that most of the people on the streets look like the titans from back then. It was only a matter of time before they start regaining their memories, before the last of humanity either fights back yet again or die the same fate as back then. My apartment was stocked if the time should ever arise, and well, I'll just say that it doesn't only have food and water.

While I was writing down some plans and preparations I'd need to do in my notebook, looking between those and a picture I found of my mother, my brother, and myself, but I over heard Levi talking with Mikasa. It must be nice to have a loving family, someone you can trust, but I guess Levi and I were slowly filling the gap between us so that gave me comfort. I looked over my shoulder to see Levi smiling and laughing at whatever the hell Mikasa was doing, but the whole seen only made me chuckle to myself. As I was watching the scene before me play out my phone went off and I quickly looked away. The number displayed was of my brother's, so I picked up and answered.

" What's up Zeke, you rarely call me anymore."

" Sorry about that, I probably should after what you've gone through, but there's something wrong with Mom."

It was now that I was on the edge of my seat, Diana was a Titan from back then, and she killed my mother back then too. I guessed since she didn't regain her memories that my mother died from cancer to supposedly "even" out the deaths from 2,000 years ago.

" What do you mean there's something wrong? Describe her conditions!"

" I don't know, she's burning up to about 103 degrees, every now and then she'll convulse and groan. I don't know Eren, I'm no expert at this. What should we do?"

" Is she sleeping or awake?"

" You can't mean that, can you?!"

" Is she asleep or awake damn it?!"

I knew Levi and his sister had to be curious on what was going on but they would have to wait until I was done.

" She's asleep, Eren.... What should I do?"

" The answer to that is as plain as day, you know what to do."

We had to get rid of her. There was nothing we could do for her, not in the state she was in, and I knew Zeke wasn't going to put up with the finality of my words. However it was our only choice.

" You don't expect me to kill my own mother because she'll regain her memories of being a Titan, do you?!"

" No I don't, but if we don't then she'll either kill herself or start killing others. Starting with you, and frankly I don't want to see your dead corpse any time soon."

It was now that Levi rushed into the living room, hearing what I just said.

" Eren what the hell is going on?!" He silently shouted.

I put my finger up to my lips for him to stay quiet so I could listen to my brother.

" I'm not doing it, but if you really want to do it then get your ass over here and do it."

He hung up. I sighed and threw my phone into my bag that was next to me. Why would he put it all on me? Why have me do it? Haven't I lost enough? My mind was so clouded that Levi had to push me a bit to get my attention.

" Eren, what's going on?"

I didn't want to tell them, as doing so would drag them into this mess. Well, I suppose that part is already done but I don't want them to witness what I have and what I'll be seeing in a few hours.

" Eren." Levi said with concern.

" ... It's my mother, she's regaining her memories."

" Isn't that a good thing?"

I was lucky that he understood that my mother wasn't my actual mother, but her memories were far from good.

" No. No it's not, not this time."

" What do you mean?"

"... She was a Titan back then, and when she regains her memories then she's done for. End of story. That was my brother on the phone, and he wants me to take care of the problem since he's such a pushover."

" You can't mean-!"

" I'm afraid it's the only way to save the people who were Titans from hurting anyone else. And frankly I don't want to lose my bother." I stood up and put everything I had brought back into my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

As I was walking for the elevator Mikasa attempted to stop me but I gave her one cold glare and she stopped. I was waiting for the damn mechanism to come up to the floor I was on when Levi came up to me.

" Listen, I know what I'm about to do but it's the only option we have. As much as I don't want to kill her I know I need to."

" Are you doing this for you sake or mine? Well? Which one is it?"

" ... Levi... I-!"

Before I could answer he came up to me and brought me down to his level for a kiss. At first I tried to back away but ended up hitting the wall behind me, and eventually I gave in. This man hasn't changed from then and neither will I. But I have to do this, I have to put her down before she goes after Zeke. I gently pushed Levi away and stepped into the elevator as it was finally here and the doors were open.

" What choice do I have? The world is a cruel place."

AN: Here's chapter twenty, I don't have much to say other than I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one!!!

To Be Continued...

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