Chapter Eleven

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Eren's POV

When he said that I could feel my cheeks burn up, but then I remembered that I was only wearing these casual clothes and we were going to eat in that really fancy lobby. I can't fit in at a place this, sure I earn a lot of money as a photographer, but I am still just a teenager that likes the simple things in life. I guess Levi could could tell from my lack of a response that I was worrying about something, he's got sharp senses I'll tell you that.

" What's wrong? Are you worried about your attire?" Levi hit the nail on that one, so I replied honestly.

" Yeah, I just don't fit in in a place like this. Guess I should expand my wardrobe huh?" I chuckled at my stupid joke I made but Levi only smiled and extended his hand.

At first I was confused but I grasped it in my shaking hand, soon being pulled up from the chair and walked over to the elevator. He pressed a button and we went down one floor.

" Are we even supposed to be on this floor?"

" I bought the top three floors, so yes we're allowed to be on this floor."

I was amazed, he has three floors for his sister and himself. Just how much money does this man earn from being a model? Well it's not like I can just ask him because that isn't something you should ask anyone. The lower part of his penthouse was just as extravagant as the floor above us. His hand still holding onto mine, he led me to a large walk-in closet. There were fancy suits, ties, shoes, accessories, and colognes for any occasion is what it seemed to me. He had me sit down and tell him my size for top attire, saying that my black jeans would be fine. As he was looking around for something I could wear I found a window hidden in the corner, so I stood up and walked over to it to see what kind of view I'd get. Once again I was amazed that I could still see the ocean, I closed my eyes and imagined being on the beach feeling the water drift the sand between my toes.

Levi's POV

After I asked for Eren's size for a top I looked around for something that would be suitable for him to wear but keep it simplistic, seeing as he was just a teen still and didn't like wearing extravagant attire. I noticed he had stood up from the bench he was sitting on and had walked over to the window, he sure did have a thing for the views here. This was my first time I had ever let anyone come here under my asking, every other time was due to my work as a model. At last I had found something Eren could wear, a white turtle neck sweater and a red hoodie, and I brought it over to Eren for him to try them on just to make sure they fit him.

" Here, I think these might appeal you. If you want to wear something different please let me know, you won't hurt my feelings if you do." I showed my gentle smile I'd show to reassure Mikasa if something troubled her.

" Alright, then do you think I could wear a white dress shirt like you? I'll wear the hoodie but it's not that cold outside yet." He giggled as I had just now noticed that I gave hive a sweater and a hoodie.

I took the sweater back and hung it back where it was and looked for a dress shirt that was his size. Once I did I gave it to him and he smiled once more. I would give anything just to have him keep that smile, and after hearing his childhood story it made me realize just how alike we really are. Only I had attempted to kill the person who made me and Mikasa suffer, and now realizing I had to tell him my story after dinner I might have to tell him about that. If he were to know about what I almost did, what would he think of me then? Would he avoid me? Would he report me to the police for something that happened ten years ago? As I kept thinking about the worst case scenarios Eren had started to put on his dress shirt but what caught my attention were the scars on his back, and without thinking of it I had traced one of them with my finger tip.

" ! Hey, Levi?! What are you doing?"

" S...sorry. Are these what are left from your father?"

At first it was quiet but he answered with a monotonous voice, but this time with a hint of resentment.

" ... Yeah... Guess you could say he thought I was devil himself... So these are what I have left to remind myself of him..."

I continued to trace his scars, hoping to ease his pain whenever he sees them. The only thing I could feel was his shaking body, every time my finger tips touched one of his scars I could feel his trembling body from the fear these marks have left. I decided to stop seeing that if I continued to do so then he'd be in a foul mood for the remainder of the night.

When he finished putting on the hoodie he turned to me and smiled.

" Thanks for that, you're the first person who wasn't repulsed by seeing them. I've shown a few of my friends and well... they couldn't stand to look at them, more or less me. So thank you."

I stood in place as he made his way for the elevator until he called my name. I grabbed my keys and went over to the elevator. As we descended towards the lobby the enclosed space was filled with an agonizing silence. I wanted to know more about his mother, about him. Then I stopped my train of thought, since when did I want to know about another person? I had made a promise to myself that I wouldn't let anything get between Mikasa and I. That I wouldn't be a part of any unnecessary relationships outside of work, but after seeing where his mind set is at, I guess you could say that the older brother part of me took over at the moment. He is the same age as Mikasa and to be honest I thought for a moment that the two of them could get together, Eren's strong. I can see his fighting spirit in his eyes, if he could be there for Mikasa then maybe she could feel safe again.

When the elevator stopped on the lobby we walked out and towards the entrance for the restaurant that was a part of this building. I had made a reservation before hand so we could walk in and find our seats, however we were a bit early so Mikasa, who is tending to us as our waitress, sat us on the outside patio. I ordered some tea and Eren had gotten the signature coffee once again. Once we were left alone I took a sniff of the tea and took a few sips. Once I sat the cup down I cleared my throat and began to talk about preparations for him to move into the hotel with me.

" So about you living here for a while, do you have any requests while you stay here with me? Or any questions?"

" Well I mean this is all so sudden, but I do have a question."

" Ask away."

" Why are you doing this for me? Why do this when you already have someone to take care of?"

He hit the bullseye when he asked that, frankly I had no idea why I was doing this. However, I didn't want him to degrade to someone who only lives to look back in the past. Though I am guilty for doing that too, I don't want him to go into anything radically drastic.

" Because after seeing that program on T.V. I wanted to help you, and it was partially due to my curiosity about what would make you take pictures like those."

" To me taking those kinds of pictures help me in a way. I know it seems sickening but it helps me stabilize my mind."

" Stabilize? From what?"

There was silence yet again. He answered after a few sips from his coffee.

" It's nothing you need to worry about. Anyway, what's good here? So when we get to order we know what to get."

Eren's POV

He sure is sharp when it comes to these kinds of things, I almost slipped. If anyone were to find out what I've done then it'd be over for me. If I plan to have a relationship with anyone, I can't let them know about what I did.

AN: Here's the new chapter. And don't mind the rings, I didn't see them until after I finished writing this. I only used the pic for where they were heading and what they were ordering. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

To Be Continued...

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