Chapter Twenty-Six

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Eren's POV

While I was putting my shotgun and sniper in the back of my car I heard and explosion off in the distance, Levi heard it too as he looked in the direction which the sound came from. I recalled that it was the area I was clearing before coming here as I had passed a laboratory on my way to the center of Miami. I hopped in my car and started it up, reaching for my ear piece as I started to drive out of the entrance.

" Levi, follow me. While I was finishing up clearing my side I went by this lab that was in that direction. I want to check it out."

" If you passed by it won't that mean that something just malfunctioned?"

" There was a huge horde of Titans there. I don't know why but I just want to go back to check it out. Let's go."

I put my hand back on the steering wheel and pressed on the gas pedal, almost reaching 100 mph. I may have been giving Levi a hard time on letting him catch up to me but I needed to confirm something. When Levi told me how his boss handled the interview video scenario, something seemed off about the man. It was only a hunch but I felt like that man might know something that we don't. And the time it took for so many people who used to be Titans regaining their memories at the exact same time was almost too much of perfect planning. Something bigger than what we thought was cooking up and we had to figure out how and where.

We reached the laboratory after about five to ten minutes, so we parked and got out to gather our weapons. As I was checking my ammunition I looked over to Levi.

" I noticed it when we got here but do you see that electrical tower there?"

" Yeah what of it?"

" This is just a hunch but I feel like we'll need to take it down. I said this before but when I came by here the first time there was a horde of Titans before I dealt with them. Look." I pointed towards the north from where we stood after spotting where the explosion originated from, " Every laboratory has a basement right? I doubt there's anyone here to cause something that big."

" You may be right. 'Kay, let's check this place out. You better watch yourself in here."

" You too."

We exchanged small smiles and turned for the lab.

As we were walking down the first open hallway we took light, slow steps for precautionary measures. It seemed like this place was a biochemical laboratory, and if that was the case then it may as well could have been the place where all of this happened. We checked room after room, clearing any lingering Titans, and searching for any information we could get. When we reached one room neither of us wanted to go inside, as there were the corpses of some of the staff. It wasn't because they were dead but the way they were mangled, however it seemed as though an actual person came in here and lined them up against the wall. If that wasn't all then the room next door, that was connected to this room, was even worse.

When I opened the door I was petrified by what I was seeing. On the walls were the decapitated bodies of the female staff. They weren't in their uniforms and the room itself seemed to be a separate one from the rest of the laboratory. I walked down the hallway, inspecting each and every one of the bodies in case one wasn't missing its head. I guessed Levi was still in the other room for now, as I don't want him to have to see this. The hallway seemed to go on forever and it seemed all the more so as there was a corner I'd have to take, so I did and there were more bodies. What I found weird from this whole thing was that the bodies didn't smell of rot or blood. Someone had to be here, the blood on the bodies looks fresh and no Titan would have enough intelligence to bother sitting them in a line against a wall of hanging them up on the walls like pigs.

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