Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Levi's POV

The Titans had us trapped both in front and behind us, however, the situation only set the stage for us. I looked over my shoulder to speak to Eren, seeing that he looked over his shoulder as well, and showed him a smile.

" Show time, Eren."

With that Eren flashed me a big grin before turning his head to face the Titans approaching, I did the same and grabbed an extra pistol I grabbed from Petra before leaving the control room. I knew Eren had an extra too, along with a sniper and shotgun, and after a few seconds both of us opened fire upon the incoming Titans. Eren shouted with glee as he fired his guns, as for me, I couldn't stop smiling. There was something about this that was so ecstatic, but I didn't care, as long as I had this feeling I could stop this situation from getting any worse.

" Woo! I haven't felt like this since I was a kid! This is great!" Exclaimed Eren.

" It's been a while since I've felt this excited too! How about this, let's see how many we can kill!" I proposed.

" Sounds like fun, and whoever loses has to pay for that date of yours!"

" Alright then, let's get this show on the road!"

I pushed off of Eren and we both run head on, shooting as many Titans as we could. This went on for about two hours.


Eren and I sat back-to-back, still heaving from the events of ten minutes ago. Turns out I lost the bet and the damn brat wouldn't stop rubbing salt in the wound, but I didn't care. I was going to buy for the date anyway, whether he won or not, as long as I get to be with him. Then a thought popped into my head which caused me to chuckle, making Eren hum in question.

" What's so funny?" He asked.

" What's funny is that before I met you I was dead set on keeping others out of my life just so I could be there for Mikasa and protect her, but after we met it was like I couldn't keep you out of my life. You were so full of mysteries that I wanted to figure out, and here I am with you and I still have a lot to find out about you."

" Well well, never thought you were this much of a pushover." Eren sighed and I felt him hunch over a bit, " Then again you always talked like that back then. Only you were the mysterious one." After saying that Eren playfully hit my back with his when he straightened himself up.

" I suppose I was." I chuckled, " Say, before we came in here you mentioned something about the laboratory having a basement. You want to check it out?"

" Oh yeah! That and I also wanted to tell you something... !"

I felt Eren moving so I turned myself to face him as I realized that he was doing the same, so now we sat face to face sitting with our legs crossed. My eyes wondered down to his stomach and I saw that his tie wasn't enough to stop the bleeding.

" Don't worry about it Levi. What I want you to focus on is what I'm about to tell you."

" Alright, so what is it?"

" As you were talking with your uncle I noticed that the power was on in the control room, so it got me to thinking. Normally if something cataclysmic happens at a hospital, or research facility of any kind, it will have a back-up generator for the bare necessities or equipment of importance. So with this information we should be able to locate the back-up generator to this facility and shut it off, as it might be what's feeding power to the tower we saw outside."

" Right, about that tower. You also said that the tower is what's making everyone regain their memories, so how's that?"

" Now I was only speculating, and I still am, but if the tower really is making all these people remember their lives from back then then it's doing it by transmitting intense waves to everyone in the city, which is what triggers the memories to begin playing through their heads. However, this further damages their brains in the process so with them half fried in the head, along with the gruesome visions, they turn back into the mindless monsters they were back then. That tower may be what's causing this."

" So why don't we just destroy the tower instead of going below sea-level to find a generator?"

" Like I told you, I don't know if it's the tower that's doing this for sure, so that's why we'll go after the generator so we cut off any and all the power that's left in this lab."

I guess Eren had a point in a lot of areas, but this was still reckless, yet it was our last option. I collected my thoughts carefully and decided. We'd venture into the basement and find the back-up generator, and kill the power. 

I stood up and nodded, I then offered Eren my hand and helped him up carefully as to not strain him much than he already was. He seemed to move fine about fifteen minutes ago so I let him walk on his own for the time being. I checked over my ammunition and looked back over to Eren.

" How're you doing on ammo? I'm about done, got a knife, one last cartridge left for the 9mm and one last grenade."

" I've got a couple shells left for the shotgun, a few more rounds for the sniper, I'm on my last cartridge, and I've still got those two grenades you gave me along with my knife." Eren looked down at his waist and laughed, " Guess we'll have to make do with what we've got."

" Then let's try not to waste too much of it down there."

" Yessir."

With that Eren and I jogged down the hallways, following the signs and labels on the walls, for the basement. We were so close to finishing and we were determined to get back home to our friends and family. One last level to beat, if we can't manage then it's game over. We couldn't afford to let everyone down, not this time.

AN: Here's chapter Twenty-nine, hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys in the next one!!!

To Be Continued...

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