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I walked into the class ten minutes late and excused to my teacher.

"Miss Lee?" My teacher called as I took a seat.

"Please call me Seon, Miss Stafford" I reminded her because the feeling of someone else calling me Lee was unbearable, it made me think too much about TaeHyung again.

Arrghhh my mind is drifting off AGAIN. I sighed as I realized it.

The seat next to me was empty, so I placed my bag on it. My friend next to me on my left, smiled as I corrected Miss Stafford.

"She always forgets.. doesn't she?" Azura asked, her blue eyes twinkling.

"Yeah" I replied, looking at her at the same time."I hate it when someone else calls me Lee" I made a face.

Her blue eyes sparkled."So there is this special someone who calls you Lee? "

Shit. I thought when I realized my word slip. I felt my cheeks getting warm.


"Oh, Seon..." she smiled mischievously. "There's something you're not telling me!"

"Miss Seon and Miss Rose" Our teacher spoke. "Please be quiet, for I have an announcement to make."

We both zipped our mouths and looked at her apologetically.

"Everyone, we have a new student for our class" She motioned towards the door."Please come in Jungkook"

A tall boy with dark brown hair entered the class. His eyes were dark and he had a sharp jaw line. I gasped when I recognized him.

He was a student back in Seoul High.

And I had a childhood crush on him when I was in 6th grade. A very long time ago.

He was one year older than me and I used to see him only during breaks and I didn't really like him a lot or anything, back those days I did but after he disappeared and never came back, I didn't even think about him even once. I never even knew his name but something just triggered inside me when I recognized him.

I realized that I was staring and I looked around slowly, only to see all the girls staring at him; just like me. Especially Azura who had her spectacles hanging from her nose.

So I wasn't the only one.

"Hello everyone" He said smiling. "I'm Jeon Jungkook and I came here from South Korea."

Jeon Jungkook. I said the name aloud in my head. We both have the Korean name Jung in our names. And obviously he's from Korea.

He has grown so much since 6th grade.  I thought. No wonder everyone was staring.

"Miss Lee?" I heard Mrs Stafford say.

"Yes, Mrs Stafford?" 


"It seems that you and Jungkook were from the same school back in Korea." She paused. "Do you know her by any chance Mr.Jeon?"

I saw Azura's blue eyes go wide and I thought they would pop out.  Surely, Jungkook doesn't know me. My head was saying.

Jungkook's eyes met mine for the first time and he narrowed them and smiled.

"Yes, Mrs Stafford" He repeated me, smiling and I almost died "I know her."

Azura looked at me and whispered. "Oh boy, there are so many things you're not telling me! ...YOU KNOW HIM ?"

I couldn't stop the smile creeping up my face as everyone looked at me.

"Well then, without further ado, take the seat next to_" Mrs Stafford looked at me and was about to say Lee again and she remembered for once. "_next to Miss Seon"

I tried to ignore the jealous stares from the other girls as I took my backpack to my lap and cleared the seat for him.

Meanwhile, Azura pinched me almost squealing. "OMG, HE'S COMING HERE??????" she said excitedly.


A/N: prepare for a chaotic journey now with justin seagull maam.😂❤

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