54. [FINAL]

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It had been some time since I had this thing...this little coin-like object which I was now twirling in between my fingers as I stood silently a few metres away from room 153; where my brother is. Where Seon is and where her mum will die today.

It was kind of like a reliever to my insecurities; which I never told about to anyone and always put up a mask, covering my feelings. I had it ever since I could remember and I always kept it with me, without anyone being aware.

The coin was the closest thing to my mum, whom which I believed was dead for 18 years, ever since I was born. It had always helped me through tough times, when I couldn't hold myself together, when I lost hope within myself.

Yet, even when I found out that my mum was alive, I had nothing left in me but hatred.

Hatred for my dad; for ruining my life, for making me do this against my will.

I had no way out now. I couldn't back away nor could I kill someone close to me like this. I have felt what it was like to lose your mother, although now I realize that everyone was enacting a lie. But I knew that feeling; that deep empty void inside of your heart like a broken puzzle piece that was lost forever. It was real and it was painful to not have a mum. But then again, I'm going to make Seon feel the same now, by murdering her mother myself.

I gripped the tiny coin between my fingers, waiting. The metal felt cold to my touch as the chills it gave me when I remember what lay ahead of me. On one side was pure white; a half of a ying and the other side, jet black as the hallway I was crouched low now, was the yang; the darkness and evil. One might think it was foolish, but I believed in coincidences. I believed that everything happened for a reason. And all those times I couldn't make a decision for myself, I used to spin my ying yang and wait for the outcome.

If it landed on ying; something good always happened. Or I was always able to survive the situation.

If it landed on yang; well it could go on the scale of death to a slight injury or simply terrible bad luck.

I wasn't even kidding when I said that it could actually mean death; once I almost got run over a car one day when I got the yang.

Some might say that it's just wrong...that you can't judge an outcome of an action by a stupid ying yang coin, but unbelievably, its predictions have never been wrong for all these 18 years. And it actually scares me now that I think about it.

I was supposed to lay in wait for my father's command but I was growing anxious at every passing second. The pure silence and the darkness at this still moment were like a veil covering the peril and death ahead.

Then I heard it.

A high pitched scream of terror.

That voice. I could recognize that voice anywhere.


And I was on my feet, dashing towards the door in a matter of seconds even before I could know what I was doing. I knew it. I knew that I never should have trusted my father even for a pile of dirt in the road. I knew it, from the second I realized who he actually was, I knew deep down inside that he was a backstabbing piece of shit. I gripped the black gun in my hand and slammed open the door from a single kick, and it flew open banging loudly across the wall.

There was only a dim light on and all I could see was a man dressed head-to-toe in black in the middle of the room and a sound of a stifled scream.

My breath hitched in my throat when I spotted Seon, with the man strangling her from her neck, a cloth over her mouth, gagging her and with a gun at her heart.

Anger boiled inside of me, making every cell ignite with adrenaline and fury. My face contorted in rage, I took one step forward and cursed under my breath.

'Don't you dare harm her'

When I spoke, accentuating every word, my voice sounded like an echo, as if someone else spoke the words in unison.

And I realized he did.


He was advancing towards the man from behind, his jaw clenched and his hands curled into fists so hard that I could see his knuckles turning white.

I had no time to think how he spoke the exact same words at the exact same time as me before I heard an evil sneer from the man.

'I have only one target and none of them is you. So I'm warning both of you to stay out of this or the bullet will go to her heart'

'I know my father sent you' I growled and Taehyung stiffened. 'But I don't give a shit about him or his goddamn criminal gang. And I'm telling you, you're gonna have a hard time dealing with us if you keep arguing cuz one of us would even throw you out of this building if it were to save her' I locked my gaze with Taehyung and his sharp features turned grave as he nodded.

Without hesitation, I pointed the gun, aiming it straight at the man, my fingers lingering on the trigger. I heard Seon whimper as the man tightened the grip on her neck.

'Looks like you don't know who I am or what I'm capable of' the man hissed and without warning he released Seon from his grip and pulled out another gun from his hand, directing it at me.

'If one of you move-' he pointed the gun towards me and then at Taehyung. '-she'll be dead in a second.' The man met Seon's horrified gaze and shook the other gun at her. 'And if you move-' he motioned towards her. '-I won't spare a moment to kill both of them'

Seon's eyes grew wide with fear and she tried to say something but her words were muffled by the gag. Her dark lashes brimmed with heavy tears and they started to trail down her pale cheek.

It's the fear and the hurt of seeing Seon like this that drove me insane. Behind all this, it was my father, that damn son of a bich who caused all of this. He's the reason why I'm here like this, commanded to kill Seon's mother whom I saw back at the corner of the room as if she were in deep sleep. Maybe they drugged her or something cuz I couldn't see a speck of blood anywhere for her to be unconscious by a physical wound. But my father, he was the reason why now Seon's beautiful face is stained with tears and threatened. He doesn't even deserve to be called a father. He never was one to me, and never will be.

As the rage built up within me like deep water currents, threatening to sway at any millisecond, I took a deep breath and clasped my fingers around the trigger, a second away from releasing the bullet; from releasing my anger, my hatred, my pain and everything that drove me out of my mind right now.

At the same time, the man adjusted his hold on both of his guns; one directly at me, and the other pointing Seon.




A sound of a single bullet firing into the air was heard through the silence of the night.

The yingyang coin slipped through my fingers and it fell to the ground, spinning.

Ying, yang. Ying, yang, Ying yang. It went swirling continuously.

And finally the pace slowed and the coin flipped, lying motionless.





A/N: Tap the next chapter...for I have something to tell yall TT

And sorry if I made u mad at ending at the cliffhanger.. you guys know how much I love cliffhangers..lol

Anyways, Saranghae❤


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