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A/N: Korean words to look out for-


>Gwenchanha- Its okay


After a few minutes

'So where are we going?' I asked Azura and Jungkook as we strolled on the sidewalk.

'You'll see' Jungkook replied. Azura nodded, smiling.

After a sometime walking, we turned to a road I've never seen before.

'Where on the earth are we?'

'In Canada' Azura laughed. I rolled my eyes but succeeded only halfway.

'You're funny when you try to roll your eyes' Jungkook said.

'I CAN roll my eyes perfectly fine!'

'Oh yes you can' Azura shook her head, rolling her eyes like an expert.

How can she roll her eyes so well? 'Aish' I complained

They came to a halt in front of an expensive looking coffee shop.

'We're going here?' My voice suddenly came out a pitch higher.

'Dae' Jungkook smiled.

'De-what?' Azura raised her eyebrows.

'Gwenchanha' I replied opening the door. I could definitely see Azura's eyes start to roll as we stepped in.

After we took a seat, Jungkook got up and went to the counter saying 'I'll order' before I could argue.

'Are we here for coffee?'

'Nope' Azura adjusted her spectacles and narrowed her blue eyes. 'For something better; a little treat from both of us'

A moment later, Jungkook appeared holding something behind his hands. Suddenly, he revealed two huge icecream cones with three scoops and smiled widely. 'SURPRISE!'

'Don't tell me-' I began 'They have choco-lateria and cookie mash HERE?'

'Yes you're right!'

'Why didn't anyone tell me before?' I asked while taking the cone from him. 'I thought it was only in korea!'

'Me too, but that was until Azura told me about it a few days ago!' Jungkook licked his cone while I ate mine, savouring the taste.

'I haven't eaten one of these in one whole year! Its so delicious!' I said. 'Aren't you trying one Azura?'

'I'm not a huge ice cream fan, I'll just go with a cappucino' She said and stood up, going towards the counter.

When she was gone and it was only Jungkook and I left alone, he bent closer.

'Seon' he started. 'I want to tell you something and its about me.'

'Mmmhm...Go on' I said as I gulped another mouthful of choco-lateria.

'You know, its been quite a while since I've known you even though you haven't known me that much'

Why is he suddenly saying stuff like this? And why is my heart beating faster?

Jungkook sighed and met my eyes 'You know, I really like yo_'

Before he could finish the sentence, a familiar melody started to ring in my ears.

'neol wihae seoramyeon nan ap_' my phone buzzed in my pocket.

I fished it out and excused myself for a minute.

What the hell was happening? Was Jungkook trying to confess to me? And thank god my phone rang. I thought as I retreated to a corner of the café, my phone buzzing in my hand.

I looked at the caller ID and gasped. Jungkook met my gaze and I quickly glanced away.

The caller ID was all too familiar. My fingers danced over the 'accept' button. I bit my lip while holding the ice cream in one hand and the phone on the other.

It read as- My TaeTae

Taehyungie? I gasped again in silent disbelief.


A/N: YAY so Taehyung is finally in action! ;) Drop down a thought or vote if you liked this one.Thank u 


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