
123 20 21

5 minutes later

Venue- South Central Hospital


'Aish, WAE? WAE? Why won't this open?' I screamed at the lift, which took so long to reach the ground floor.

'Seon, calm down' Jungkook said soothingly as I almost broke the button opening the lift by pressing it multiple times.

'How can you tell me to calm down w-when-' my hands were shaking as I stared at the lift which finally descended to our floor.

I literally jumped in to the lift as soon as it opened. Jungkook stood beside me trying to calm me down.

I was actually glad that he came; I didn't know how many times I had lost my footing while coming here in a hurry. And if he hadn't been there, I would've fallen so many times.

I told Azura that I'll explain everything later as I had come here. I couldn't even think properly.

What happened to him? There was nothing wrong in the morning...

After what felt like eternity, the lift reached the 10th floor and I dashed out.

I was met with a hallway full of numbered doors.

'Aish, where is room 153??' My eyes travelled over the numbers on the doors but I couldn't find no. 153 and was getting restless.

'Seon! Over here' I heard Jungkook call from behind and I rushed towards where he was standing.

Calm down Seon, it can't be anything serious. He's fine... I repeated the words again and again in my head as my fingers lingered over the doorknob.

I took a deep breath as I knocked three times and poked my head inside.

I saw a silhouette of my mum and I stepped in, almost shutting the door in Jungkook's face when I forgot he was behind me.

I walked to the room unsteadily, biting my lower lip when I saw Taehyung lying on the hospital bed, motionless and his eyes shut.

A doctor was beside him, checking some notes and various x-rays.

'Excuse me' I said to the doctor.

'Seon, you came!' My mum exclaimed softly. 'And Jungkook?' she looked at him astounded.

I didn't speak and let him do the talking of why he was here.

The doctor fixed his eyes on Taehyung and finally shifted his gaze to me.

'Miss Seon, you must be his-'

'Yes' I nodded impatiently. 'Could you please tell me what happened to him?'

The doctor nodded. 'First of all, I need to know' 'Did he mention anything about his situation to you?'

'What situation?' my head was spinning.

'Ah, then he must have not told it to anyone I guess...well, it's not a very serious situation but if it gets worsened, it might be a problem'

'And? What is it?' I asked.

'After some different tests, we diagnosed that he had a weak heart' the doctor said calmly.

I blinked as I struggled for breath. 'He has a-a weak heart?'

He never told me...

'The symptoms are quite recent; only around a few months earlier. And I think he might've known it before...It hasn't been impacting him for a while but do you know anything that happened today morning that might've triggered his condition again?' the doctor asked expectantly. 'He had suddenly passed out around 11.00am'

'P-passed out?' my voice was shaking.

After he dropped me to school?

Everything was silent, everything was wrong.

'Sorry, I don't know' I replied.

'Has he accidently even hinted anything about it when he talked?'

Everyone looked at me as if I was supposed to know every cause to this situation, which I apparently didn't.

'Why are you all looking at me?' I muttered as even my mum stared at me for answers.

'Since you were close to him than anyone here, your mum suggested that you might know something...think about it for a bit' the doctor spoke.

I looked at Taehyung lying on the bed. He looked calm compared to what I was right now. I was panicked, confused and even scared at the revelation.

I racked my brain for possible answers or hints.

I replayed all our conversations slowly, trying to recall everything he said.

Then something clicked.

The words he said to me when we were alone.

'Why do you look at me like that and make me go all numb?'

'You make me die inside'

'I can't, your eyes are like oceans and I'm slowly drowning in them'

'You know, my heart beats so violently when you look at me and it almost hurts.'

I sighed heavily.

'Doctor, I might know what triggered him to this again' I said.

'Yes? You know?' the doctor was amazed.

I didn't dare to look at anyone; instead I stared at the floor as I answered.

'It's me'


A/N: Thank you so damn much for 1.4K reads!!! Saranghae ❤❤❤❤

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