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A/N-FYI: The Korean phrases and meanings I used are at the end of this chapter.

'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!' I jumped back, screaming, so loud that I think the whole neighbourhood must have heard it.


The whole world around me stopped for a millisecond, and so did my heart.

'WHAT THE FRIKKIN HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE??? OH MY GAWD!!!!!!' I yelled in disbelief as Jungkook and Azura came out of my closet and balloons erupted from everywhere.

Wasn't I just thinking that my wardrobe could fit 3 people?

'OH MY GAWD_JUNGKOOK???? AZURA???? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS????' I turned redder than any red fruit I could remember. DAMN, THEY HEARD EVERYTHING! E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. was all I could think as I gasped, clutching my bathrobe, and taking a few rapid spaces back.

Suddenly, a balloon popped next to me, I jumped.

Jungkook smiled. 'I told you we shouldn't put balloons!'

'What's a birthday without balloons?' Azura made a face.

I couldn't even make myself able to look at him straight in the face, I was too embarrassed. He heard everything I said! I could deal with Azura- but him? No way- never.

'Ahhhhhhhh' I said. 'Why did you guys...how_' I was cut off when without warning, Jungkook came closer and kissed my cheek.

I froze, my cheeks getting hotter and hotter every second.

'Saengil-chugha hamnida Seon shi' he whispered to my ear and looked at me smiling.

'K-kamsahamnida' I stuttered.

'Okay_ I don't understand a thing that you guys are saying' Azura complained. 'What the hell did you say?? Did you say I love you or something?'

Her words made my uneasiness wash away; a giggle erupted from my mouth. Jungkook and I made eye contact and we both started laughing.

'Geunyoege malhaeya halkkayo?' Jungkook asked me.

'Andwae' I said smiling.

'Ok- THIS IS SO UNFAIR!' Azura gave us a wild look with her intense blue eyes. 'I DON'T UNDERSTAND A FRIKKIN WORD!' she yelled.

FYI: Yeah, I learned the word 'frikkin' from her; along with a lot of other slang words.

'Of course you don't understand a word dummy!' I nudged her and she rolled her eyes. She really could roll her eyes really well, I mean really well.

'I just said Happy Birthday' Jungkook said.

'You said more!'

'Ahh fine, guys stop quarrelling and get out of my room!'

'Get out of your room? Why?' Jungkook raised his eyebrows.

'Can't you see that I'm wearing my bathrobe? I need to change!'

'I could stay if you want' he grinned like an idiot.

'You pervert!' I threw a nearby pillow at him. It smacked him in the face and fell to his feet.

'I was just kidding!' he surrendered as I threw another pillow at him.

'Let's stay outside till she gets dressed' Azura practically dragged Jungkook, who almost slipped from a pillow that had fallen near the door when I hit him.

I let out a sigh when I heard the door clicked after they left.

'Expect the unexpected- totally true' I shook my head, smiling as I pulled out the balloons that still hung inside my wardrobe, taking out my off-shoulder dress. Maybe birthdays weren't bad after all.


A/N: Okay so for the people who didn't understand Korean you probably must be confused, sorry! - Here are the words and meanings I used in this chapter:

>'Saengil-chugha hamnida Seon shi' – Happy birthday Seon

> 'Kamsahamnida' - Thank you

> ' geunyoege malhaeya halkkayo?' – Should I tell her?

> 'Andwae' - No way


Hope you guys liked this chapter! Thank u so much for reading.

Spoiler- for the last few chapters-'expect the unexpected!' ;)


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