Goo and Cigarettes

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Text Message from: Fall

2:13 pm: You'll never guess what I did today.

Text Message to: Fall

2:14 pm: You're lucky I have free time...

Text Message from: Fall

2:15 pm: OH MY GOD. I don't need a speech. Just guess what I did today, you pathetic breakfast sandwich.

Text Message to: Fall

2:15 pm: Did you just call me a "pathetic breakfast sandwich?"

Text Message from: Fall

2:16 pm: Yes.

Text Message to: Fall

2:17 pm: You did it because you want to take a bite out of me, don't you?

Text Message from: Fall

2:18 pm: You took that insult sexually, didn't you?

Text Message to: Fall

2:19 pm: Whaaat? No.

Text Message from: Fall

2:20 pm: ;-;

Text Message from: Fall

2:20 pm: You, Sir, are a Royal Jerkoff.

Text Message to: Fall

2:22 pm: *gasp* I am insulted.

Text Message from: Fall

2:23 pm: That's the point, you expired Candy Bar.

Text Message to: Fall

2:24 pm: This friendship will not be made up of insults.

Text Message from: Fall

2:25 pm: It already is, you medium sized Carrot.

Text Message to: Fall

2:25 pm: Damaged Boatman

Text Message from: Fall

2:26 pm: Hobgoblin

Text Message to: Fall

2:27 pm: Dwarf Toenail

Text Message from: Fall

2:27 pm: Maggot

Text Message to: Fall

2:28 pm: Dolt

Text Message from: Fall

2:29 pm: I signed up for a club today.

Text Message to: Fall

2:30 pm: oH mY gOd. YoU dId?

Text Message from: Fall

2:31 pm: Yes.

Text Message to: Fall

2:31 pm: What club?

Text Message from: Fall

2:32 pm: Oh my dear Silver, are you trying to pry my dearest personal secrets out of me?

August in the Fall (A "Lab Partners" Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now