The Past says Hi

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Luka's  POV

I gasped as I jolted awake. My eyes widened and I coughed at my own stench. I reeked of booze. "God damn it!" I swore out loud. I promised myself I wouldn't get this drunk anymore. It was as good as an escape as I hoped for. Now I have one hell of a hang over. Putting a cool hand over my forehead, I sighed. August was gone. He must have left to go see Noah while I was asleep. I wondered what kind of shit I said to him. My head was pounding. Still, I could never say that I would never drink again. That most certainly wasn't true. Groaning, I stood for my spot against the wall and stretched. Today was going to another boring day. One full of loneliness and multiple naps. I need a smoke.

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Opening it up, I took one out and placed it on my mouth. I knew exactly what August would say if he saw me doing this. "Don't be like me. Don't wreak your life with those pain in the ass cancer sticks." Now where the hell did I put my lighter? Narrowing my eye, I searched the dark ground for the small light source. After a minute or two, I felt my hands wrap around the small object. I lit the cigarette with a smug look on his face. August would not approve. Taking a drag, I exhaled. August meant a lot to me. He was in a dark place around the time we were together. He still blames himself for the state I'm in. That's why he ended things. In truth, it was my fault that he felt that way. With the way I am, it's just easier to shut everyone out than connect with them.

You're a screw up. I thought to myself. I walked over to the wall and kicked it hard. I know. I took another drag. The days will forever be endless, and so will life. Unfortunately. Sighing, I slumped back up against the wall instead of kicking it. Maybe I'd get lucky today and find something to pick the lock on the pizzeria tonight. I only got that lucky once. I'll never forget it. With that warm memory in mind, I pressed my cigarette into the ground, snuffling out the light. "So, you're addicted to cigarettes too, huh?" My blood froze. Every nerve in my body went rigid. A massive pit formed in my stomach. It can't be..... After all this time?

I didn't move. I didn't look up from the ground. I stayed where I was. One leg laying flat on the ground, a hand on my other leg's knee. My hair fell in my eyes. I didn't want to look. This can't be fucking real. I'm dreaming. I'm going to wake up any second. "You can pretend I'm not here all you want, Luka." His gruff voice continued. His shadow looked in the alley, projected by the sun that I constantly avoided. Ever so slowly, I moved my head to look at him. He was exactly how I remembered. Fat, short, bald, and the same drunk look on his face. He might be high too. He smirked. "Aren't you going to say hi?"

I scowled. "Go to Hell."

He chuckled. "Now now. Is that any way to talk to your father?"

I narrowed my eyes. It was taking all I had not to explode. "You lost that right when you kicked me out and threw me in an alley." I spat. I chose my words carefully. I wasn't sure if anything had changed. If it hadn't, he was still easy to anger.

Dad smiled. Half of his teeth had rotted out. No surprise there. "That's all in the past, so-"

"Don't you dare call me son!" I yelled clenching my fists. I stood up and faced him. "I'm not your son anymore. I stopped calling you 'Dad' six years ago."

The man in front of me didn't fade his frown. "I hate the man I once was." He said, stretching at the stubble on his chin. "I've been clean for a long time. Five and a half years in fact. I was just too scared to face you again. But today I decided I had to be brave. Don't you see, Luka? I'm trying to make amends."

"Bullshit!" I spat, throwing my arms in the air. "If you were really sober for five and a half years, you would have come and found me. Instead, you left your ten year old son out in the street to fend for himself! There are times when I'm so hungry and can't find food, so I resort to bugs. Bugs, Dad. While you're wherever the hell you live now blowing your money on booze and fancy meals for yourself. I have to steal what I eat! Do you know how many times I've almost gotten caught by the cops? The whole town knows me as the 'Homeless Kid in the Alley.' I don't go to school, I barely sleep, all my friends are drug dealers, and the only one that's not is almost just as damaged as I am!"

My Dad nodded. "I'm sorry you've been through all that Luka. I never meant for things to get this bad.."

"Stop giving me that crap!" Tears streamed down my cheeks. "If that were true, you wouldn't have kicked me out in the first place. It's not my fault Mom killed herself because you're a dick!"

His eyes widened, and he gritted his teeth. "I was in the wrong for a long time." His words were slower and rougher. He was definitely drunk. "I know I was a royal dick back then, but I'm telling you. I've changed. I've gone to rehab. I've seen doctor after doctor. I stopped spending my money on alcohol, and I now live in a stable house. Not the apartment you knew before." He took a step forward. I took a step back, which made him frown. "All I'm asking for now is a fresh start with you Luka. It'll just be you and me."

"That's what I'm afraid of." I snapped, flipping him off. "I don't want anything to do with you. Fucking asshole."

Dad's expression turned angry. "You little bastard!" He reached into the pocket of his jeans, and pulled something out quickly. My eyes widened.

"You wouldn't dare.." I mumbled.

Dad narrowed his eyes. "Try me."

I crackled my knuckles. "You're acting stupid." The tears were begin to dry on my cheeks.

Dad scoffed. "I tried to explain myself to you, Luka. But even after all these years... All this time, I'm disappointed to see that nothing has changed." He cocked the gun.

"Dad, no. Please!" My voice crackled.

"I was hoping you'd come with me." He mumbled. "I can see I was wrong." He took aim.

I extended my hand out in effort to plead with him. "Don't do this."

Dad glared at me. "Go to Hell."

I opened my mouth. "Dad, n-"


A single gasp left my body. My arm dropped. I look down to see the red on my jacket expanding. I looked up at my Dad who was still holding the gun in my direction. My knees turned to jelly, and I fell to the floor.

August in the Fall (A "Lab Partners" Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now