BONUS: Angel in Love

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A/N: Keep in mind that all the bonus' are in order from th Epilouge. This chapter is in present time at the party. Damien pictured above.

"D-Damien what?"

I watched as my best friend wouldn't meet my gaze. "Y-you heard what I-I said, Nick." He frowned sadly. "Please don't make me repeat it." Damien slicked his blonde hair back and swallowed. "It's not like I want to move." He reasoned. "We can't afford to live in this town anymore. The cheapest houses we could find were in Minnesota." I clenched my shaky fists.

"But that's all the way across the United States!" I cried, taking a step forward.

"And what do you expect me to do about that?" Damien snapped. "For God sakes, Nick! It's not like I can magically root myself to the ground, and force myself to stay." I froze, and stared at my friend with wide and teary eyes. The harshness in Damien's face faded, and he reached for my hand, but I pulled away. "Nick..."

"I wish you the best of luck in Minnesota." I started to walk away.

"Nick!" Damien pleaded. "Don't leave!"

I stopped in my tracks. "So, what?" I clenched my fists at my sides, and turned to face him with a frustrated look. "You're allowed to leave me, but I'm not allowed to leave you?" I narrowed my eyes. "Please. Explain to me that's fair." Damien's eyes shifted to the floor. I scoffed. "Of course..." I mumbled. "I barely get to see you when you're here, but now you move all the way across the U.S and leave me alone..."

Damien looked at me again. "You're not alone." He argued, looking down at his feet as if considering moving forward. "You have your brother, and August..."

I crossed my arms and chuckled, looking at the ground. "Damien Dexter, you are so stupid." I felt my eyes began to sting. Damien's eyes widened. "I don't have Noah.." I said sharply. "Not anymore. He has August... They have each other.. They just got their happiness." Tears pooled in my eyes. "I-if y-you leave..." I wiped my eyes on my palm, then wiped my wet palm on my jeans. "I-I'll be all alone... Noah and August will be here, but they'll be so caught up in each other, I won't have anyone to be here for.... me." I wiped my eyes again. The tears were coming out of my eyes faster and faster. "Don't you see, Damien..?" I whispered, crossing my arms. My felt my knees starting to shake.

"I want someone to stay here for me. Only me. To be with me..." I hugged myself tightly. "I want to be the only thought someone would think. I want someone to be by my side.. always.. I... I.." I covered my face with my hands, and sobbed into them, finally collapsing on my knees. Damien gasped, and knelt by my side, putting his hand on my back.

"Nick..." Damien whispered, putting hand in my hair. He pulled me close and hugged me tightly.  "Breathe..." He continued hugging me. I wrapped my arms around him and breathed him in. Damien smelled of fresh cinnamon. My tears seeped into his fleece coat. "Nick.. I-" Damien's phone in his pocket started vibrating, interrupting whatever he was going to say. He swore under his breath, and slowly pulled apart from me. I brought my arms up to my chest, hugging myself again. The ends of my mouth drooped as I watched Damien talk. After a few minutes, Damien's frown remained sad as he hung up the phone and looked at me. "I have to go...  The plane for Minnesota leaves in twenty seven minutes and my Mom wants me to meet her there."

I nodded slowly as Damien put his phone in the pocket of his coat.  "H-have f-fun."

Damien smiled at me. "I'll never have as much fun anywhere without you." He hugged me tightly. "Don't forget me."

I hugged him tighter. "Never."


Slowly, Damien's arms unwrapped themselves from me, and he fixed the collar of the coat. Waving at me, he took a step backwards. Already I felt the tears welling up again. I watched as my best friend took quicker steps away from me, until eventually he turned around and walked straight forward, destined to go to the airport and leave me. Turning away, I directed my gaze to the ground and shuffled away. The gap between me and Damien grew ever bigger. "Nick!" Damien yelled suddenly. I spun around to face him, but suddenly his cold hands were cupped around my cheeks and his warm lips molded with mine. I melted against him. The kiss ended all too soon though.

August in the Fall (A "Lab Partners" Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now