Holiday Season

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The Next Day..

Wednesday, September 25th, 2018

21 Days Until The Deadline.

A day later, there came a knock at the door. With the biggest of smiles, Elliot answered the door. I recognized the girl at the other end of the door immediately. Holly looked exactly like she did in Elliot and Jordan's photo albums. Really, the only thing that's changed was that she was taller and looked more mature. Her hair was the same, her shape was the same. Holly was still Holly. I watched as Holly smiled widely, exclaiming in happiness. "Elliot, it's been too long!" She said as she wrapped her arms around him in a hug. Letting him go, her eyes widened as her eyes landed on me. "Is that you Noah?" She asked in a high pitched voice. I nodded slowly. I didn't like being in the spotlight. Rushing over to me, Holly hugged me tightly. "How's one of my favorite kind of, nephew? I giggled.

"I'm... alright." The atmosphere suddenly became sad.

Holly let me go. "Shoot..." she looked from me to Elliot. "That was stupid of me to ask." We stood an uncomfortable silence for a couple of minutes. Holly smiled. "Where's Jordan?" Elliot frowned, and sat down at the kitchen table. Holly put her hands on her hip. "Oh no! We ain't having any of that bull crap while I'm around." She put her hands on the table, and stared Elliot in the eye. "Look at me, Goldman." After a second or two, Dad met her eyes. "You are going to get on that phone of yours, call that beautiful human, and tell him if he doesn't come back in the next," she looked at her watch. "Thirty minutes, ol' Holiday is gonna drag his ass back here, and make him apologize."

Elliot smiled. "Yes Mom." He said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. I smiled. Holiday was always at her job at the Police Department, but whenever she did come around, she always made us happy. We could be in the lowest of states, and she would throw a rope around our waist and yank us back up to the Land of the Happy. Holly pat Elliot on the head as he put his phone to his ear.

"Good boy." She smiled, turning to me. "Your turn!" She singsonged. Putting my face in my hands, I turned away.

"Please no.." I begged silently. I hated being in the spotlight. Especially when it came to private stuff. Like my life. I shuttered internally. I mean, it's not that I didn't want Holly to know about my life. It's just... she like a mom who obsesses over everything. Holly crossed her arms.

"Come on, Noah. Don't be like that!" She grinned. "There's gotta be some juice in there somewhere! Do you have your eye on any girl?" She pressed. I rolled my eyes. My back was still turned to her, so she couldn't see. "What about that Quinn girl?" Holly asked. "I think I only met her once sometime last year, but she was nice." She paused. "So is she a candidate?" I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing. No way in Hell. I felt the blush rise to my cheeks. I turned to face Holiday slowly.

"Actually.." I scratched the back of my neck. Holly rose an eyebrow. "There is someone."

My kind of Aunt clapped her hand. "Ooh! Who is it? Spill the beans!"

I felt myself get more nervous. "His name is August.... And we're..." I paused. "Dating."

Holly paused and stared at me. She stood there for a few seconds, and I almost began to think I broke her. "Aw, heck yes!" She shot her arms in the air, and did a weird dance things. Then Holly came over and ruffled my hair. "I'm so proud of you Little Dude! So, when can I meet him?"My stomach dropped. I suddenly became sad again.

"Actually..." I looked away from her. "Holly, about that-"

I was interrupted by Elliot setting his phone down on the table. "Jordan should be here any minute." He announced, massaging the bridge of his nose. Holiday turned to him, and whistled.

"That was quick."

Elliot sighed. "Yeah, well. He was already on his way home when I called. He spent the night at a motel downtown."

"So, why do you sound so Expresso Depresso?"

I cracked a smile. Holiday has the habit for being a comic relief. I watched as my so called Aunt walked over to Dad and put her hands on his shoulders. Elliot sighed again. "I don't think I'm forgiven yet." He mumbled.

Holly chuckled. "Blah! You are more than forgiven. Look at this beautiful human." She pointed at me. "You two have raises this piece of human flesh into what he is, and he turned out beautiful! I understand that you both blame yourselves or each other for Nick's kidnapping, but really, it wasn't any of your faults. He's a teenager! Teenagers lie to get what they want. You couldn't possibly have known that he was going to get himself kidnapped. There's no way." Elliot looked down.


The front door opened, and Jordan stepped inside. He looked exhausted. There were dark circles under his eyes. Upon seeing Holly, the tired pupils widened. "Finally!" Holly exclaimed, smiling brightly. She took her arms off Elliot and went to Jordan for a hug. She hugged him tightly. Jordan chuckled, and slowly wrapped his arms around her.

"Hey, Holly." He hugged her tighter. "It's nice to see you."

Holly hummed, and let him go. Putting her hands on her hips, she looked between my Dads. "Now, what's this fighting I'm hearing about?"

Jordan frowned. "Hol, we have more important matters to take ca-"

Holly put a finger up to his lips to shush him. "I'm aware. And yes, it's serious. But do you really think Nick wants to come home from all his mess, to walk smack dab into yours? I sure wouldn't! One thing at a time. If you won't do it for me, or for each other, do it for you sons. God, from the way I've seen you now, you've been acting like children! God only knows how much more childish you were before I came around. You two are not good influences. Grow up!" She frowned at the both of my Dads.

They both refused to look at her. Holiday crossed her arms. "Listen up, Dweebazoids." She went over to Elliot and forced him out of the kitchen chair. Grunting, he tried to fight back. Holly shot him a glare. She pulled him towards Jordan. Jordan looked away, tensing. Walking towards him, Holly took his face with both her hands, and forced him to look at Elliot, swishing his face. Both Elliot and I laughed. Next, Holly let Jordan's face go, and turned his body to face Elliot. Stepping back, she beckoned me to her side. I stride over to her, and let her pull me to her side. "Now, you're both gonna apologize to each other. We will stand here until the end of the time until you do." She scowled at them.

After a few seconds of looking at the ground, Elliot sighed and looked up. "Jordan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you in any way. You're an amazing parent, and husband. Holly is right. What is our fighting showing Noah. That fighting is okay? That even true happiness can be so easily tarnished? Let's face it, we're both flawed, but we can't let that affect our son." He looked away. "I'm sorry..."

Holly smiled at looked at Jordan. "Your turn, Hughes."

Jordan sighed. "Holly's right. We're both acting like children. To like you said. We're both flawed. I don't want to fight with you anymore. I'm sorry. I promise I would protect you, and here I am tearing you down. I'm sorry." He turned to me. "To both of you." Jordan looked at Elliot again. Holly clapped her hands.

"Now kiss and make up." She cooed.

Elliot and Jordan smiled. Coming together, they kissed each other. "Woo!" I cheered. Breaking apart, they smiled at me. Elliot kisses Jordan's cheek. Holly ruffled my hair again.

"Now that that's taken care of.." Holly mumbled, walking over to the kitchen table. She took a seat, and motioned for us to do the same. Once we were all seated Holiday cracked her knuckles and looked at me. "Tell me something Noah." I situated my position on the chair. Holly clenched her fists and frowned.

"What do you want to know?" I asked, already sure of what she was going to ask.

"Who's ass do I need to kick for taking my nephew?"

I was right.

August in the Fall (A "Lab Partners" Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now