Phone Privileges

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"And thus our trip concludes." August said as he pulled into my driveway. I smiled as I unbuckled my seat belt, although I was really sad my time was over. August had taught me a lot. I just wish I had a little bit more time with him. He put the car in park and watched me as I scrambled to grab my bag and get out of the car. Once I finally managed to gather my stuff, I opened the door, and stepped out. "See you later, Goldman." August said, as he watched me. He smiled ever so small. Suddenly, an idea struck me. I turned to him, one of back pack straps on my shoulder, and the other dangling behind my back.

"Do you wanna possibly stay for dinner?" I asked quietly, blushing lightly. August rose his eyebrows in surprise. I noted that he most likely didn't get asked to dinners much. If at all. "I-It's o-okay if you d-don't want t-to." I stuttered. "I understand if you have plans or that sort of-"

"Sure. I'll go."

August switched off the engine of his car, reached into the back to grab another coat, and opened his door. My eyes widened. He'd actually said yes! I couldn't believe it. August walked to my side and frowned at me, one hand in his pants pocket, and the other holding his extra coat. It was unsurprisingly made of leather. Without a word out of either of us, we headed up the porch steps to the front door of my house. Before entering, I turned to August. "I have to warn you," I began. "My Dads can be very talkative. While they're very respective of other peoples privacy, you never know what to expect with them. I don't know how out of shape the house is at the moment, so just... brace yourself, I guess. And you already know Nick." August nodded, frowning.

With an awkward laugh, I turned and opened the door of the house, and stepped inside, August following behind. Elliot was at the stove reading a cookbook. Jordan and Nick were nowhere in sight, but I could hear the shower running from down the hall. August closed the door behind him, and at the sound, Elliot turned to face us. "Welcome home, Noah." He greeted. Then he looked at August. "I see you've brought a friend with you."

I smiled lightly. "Dad, this is August." I looked at August. "August, this is one of my Dads, Elliot." To my surprise, August smiled. I took note of how shiny and straight his teeth were.

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Goldman-Hughes." I didn't know August could be so formal.

I looked back at Elliot, who returned August's smile. "Ah, so you're the August I've heard so much about from my two boys!" My eyes widened. August cast me a confused and surprised look. Elliot chuckled. "Glad to have you here, August. Will you be staying for dinner?"

August nodded. "Yes, Sir. Noah here invited me." He cast a glance my way. I looked away from him.

Elliot smiled at me. "Is that so? Well, Noah, your Dad is in the shower at the moment, and your brother won't be home for a while. He's at the roller rink with Damien and a few of his buddies." I nodded, walking into the living room, and glancing  at the mail on the computer desk. More junk mail. "You guys' can head up to your room, Noah. Dinner will be ready soon." Elliot called, August walked into the living room frowning, and watched me as I sifted through the papers. I set them down and walked out of the living room, heading for Nick and I's room. "Make sure to keep the door open a crack!" Elliot called after us.

I felt myself blush. "Yeah, Dad! Alright." I opened the door to the bedroom, and let August in beofre shutting the door slightly. I sighed as I set my bag in front of my bed. "Jesus. I'm sorry August. I didn't know he'd be like that." August shrugged, and looked around the room. The walls were painted a fall brown, and various pictures from vacations and events lined the walls.

"It's alright." He said, walking over to Nick's dresser, glancing at his bowling trophy he'd won when he was twelve. "He's pretty chill." He pointed at the trophy.  "Nick bowled?" I opened my bag and pulled out my phone. Checking the battery, I put it on the charger. I had one new message.

Text Message from: Fall

6:17 pm: Did you know headaches are easily generated with the help of annoying people?

I smiled, still looking down at my phone as I answered. "Yeah. Old hobby of his. He was good at it too." I shot back a text to Fall.

Text Message to: Fall

6:48 pm: Who's the cause of that migraine?

August looked away from Nick's trophy and looked at me. "Who's on the other end of that text that's so important?" I shrugged.

"Why does it matter?"

It was August's turned to shrug. "I don't know."

I smiled, looking up at him. "What? Are you jealous that I'm talking someone else?"

August frowned. No."


August crossed his arms. "I'll have you know, I like someone else."My eyes widened, and I frowned. August frowned, and swore under his breath. "Shit, I'm sorry Noah. It just slipped out."

I slowly got up and set my phone on the dresser. "I-it's alright." I said quietly. "I-I'm just g-going to go s-see if my D-Dad needs help setting the t-table." Before August had a chance to reply, I sped walked out of my bedroom and out to the kitchen. It figures that the one time I have a crush on a guy that I can actually interact and spend time with without any complication, he has a crush on someone else. Just my luck. Frowning sadly, I went out into the kitchen, and opened the silverware drawer. "I'm going to help set the table." I said quietly, as I began counting the forks.

Elliot came up next to me. "Dinner isn't for another twenty minutes." Dropping the forks, I nodded.

"Alright, sorry."

"Noah, is something wrong?" Elliot asked, putting a hand on my back.

Holding back my tears, I shook my head in denial. "N-no." I moved away from him, not wanting to be interrogated. Elliot sighed as I stormed down the hall. As I did, Jordan stepped out of the bathroom, fully clothed and his hair dripping.

"Hey, Noah!" He said with a smile. "You're home!"  I didn't look at him. "What's wrong, son?" Jordan asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing." I whispered. I pushed past him gently, and made my way back to my bedroom again. When I got there, I opened the door, stepped inside, and didn't bother shutting it. I sighed, turning around. My eyes widened. August was sitting on my bed, my phone in his hands, scrolling through it frantically. "August!" I exclaimed, surprised. "What the hell are you doing?"

August's head snapped up and he looked at me with wide eyes. "It's you." He said.

I pushed my eyebrows together.

"What's me?"

August turned my phone around. "You're Silver."

My eyes widened, stepping closer to him. "W-what are y-you talking about?"

He set my phone down on the bed. "You're the mystery person I've been talking to for over four months."

I gasped as I processed his words. "F-fall?"

August nodded slowly. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed me by the waist. Standing up, he pulled me close. He looked into my eyes. "You're the one." He whispered, leaning in close.

His lips connected with mine ever so softly.

August in the Fall (A "Lab Partners" Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now