Lots of Love

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"Nick!" I smiled. "You came!" I sat up in the bed, and smiled at my brother. If he's here, that must mean he really does forgive me! Nick gave me a small smile, and closed the door behind him. I couldn't be happier. Jordan looked at Nick, as he made his way over to me. His eyebrows creased, giving him a puzzled look. Shrugging it off, I looked at my brother. His hair was ruffled as if he'd been in a rush. "How have you been?" I asked Nick, smiling. Nick gasped and looked at me. His jaw set.

"You're in the hospital because of me, and you ask me how I am?" He narrowed his eyes. I frowned sadly, and Jordan took a step towards us. Suddenly, Nick wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. "You really are an idiot." He mumbled. I hugged him back, tears welling up in my eyes. After a minute or two, Nick released me, and looked me in the eyes. "Noah, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you." He looked away. "I don't expect you to forgive me, and frankly, I don't blame if you never do. I don't deserve it.." He scratched the back of his head. "I just hope that over time, we can make amends." I smiled at him.

"Don't worry, Nick." I reassured him, moving backwards on the bed. "You are forgiven." Nick smiled.

Elliot came up and stood next to Jordan and put his head on his shoulder. "Look at our boys.." He said quietly. "We are blessed." Jordan nodded, and kissed Elliot's forehead. "You should be ready to be discharged." He said, looking at me. "Let me call for the doctor and we-"


Doctor's voices swarmed the hall outside. There was pounding of multiple footsteps headed in the same direction. Wheels of a gurney squealed on the floor. Our heads snapped in the direction of the door. "Luka!"

My blood froze. "August?" I whispered. Nick looked at me with worried eyes. "What happened to Luka...?" Elliot looked at me with wide eyes.

"You know the boy that needs surgery?" I swallowed my spit and nodded slowly.

"Yeah... August took me to see him." I exhaled. Nick gave me a warning look. I pulled the hospital sheets off me and swung my legs off the bed. "I need to see if he's alright." Before Nick or my Dads had any time to protest, I stood up,-maybe a little too fast,- and went over to the door, yanking it open. I recognized August's leather the moment I turned the corner. A nurse was standing in front of him, and from the gestures she was making, it looked like she was trying to keep him from following after Luka.

"Please Sir." She begged. "I need you to remain calm, and take a seat in the waiting room. Mr. Frost will be out of surgery soon. You can see him after-"

"No!" August yelled. "I want to see him, and I want to see him right fucking now!"

The nurse clenched her jaw. "Sir." Her voice was more stern now. "I must insist you don't use those words in public here, and I need you to calm down or I'll be forced to call security."

"Call them! I dare you! I'd like to see them hold me back!" August growled. "They won't be able to hold me b-"

"August!" I yelled. August spun around, and upon laying his eyes on me, he froze. I ran up to him, giving the nurse an apologetic look as I grabbed his arms. "Sorry about him, Ma'am. He's just worried about his friend is all." The nurse narrowed her eyes at August, but nodded at me, and I pulled him away. "What the hell  wrong with you?" I whispered at August when we were far away from the nurse. "You can't go around saying stuff like that in public!"

August continued to stare at me as I pulled him along. "Noah...?" He whispered. August looked as pale as a ghost. He stopped walking and I looked at him. "You're awake!" He whispered, his voice breaking. August leaned in and kissed me passionately on the lips.

After a moment, I pulled apart, and looked at him. "Yeah..." I whisper, putting my forehead against his. "I have been for a while." I paused, lifting my head. "What happened to Luka?"

August lost all his composure when the full question left my lips. "Noah..." He grabbed my hand. He squeezed it tightly. "It's horrible.... I went to go get a snack from the vending machine, and as I was making my way back.. I saw him on a gurney as the doctors hurriedly pushed him towards the surgery room, and I...." A tear slipped down his cheek. I sighed, and pulled him close to me. He cried into me, and my heart broke for him. Damn it, God.. Why are you so cruel to everyone I love?

"Shhh.." I hugged him tighter, and stroked his hair. "It's gonna be alright, baby. It's gonna be fine... he'll be okay..."

"He was the first boy I ever loved..." August whispered. My eyes widened. "I was in a really low place. Before I met you, I had no friends. I was stuck dealing with my family on my own." He gripped my shirt with his fist. "I ran away in the middle of the night after a fight with my Mom over my grades. I was so pissed... I went into the alley... I-I.." He sobbed harder.

I let him go and put a hand under his chin, forcing him to look at me. "What happened, August?" August turned away.

"You'll hate me...." He whispered.

I smiled, and grabbed his hand, bringing it to my lips. I kissed every one of his knuckles, then looked up at him. "I can never ever hate you, August Bade." I leaned on my tip toes and kissed him softly on the lips. "I love you too much." August smiled at me, and pulled me over to one of the benches against the wall. He sat down, and took a seat next to him. "Now tell me." I said, rubbing circles on his hand.

August sighed. "Noah... I tried..." He swallowed. "I had a knife.." My eyes widened. "I was going to cut, Noah." He sobbed again. His eyes that were beginning to dry of tears, filled with water again. "I was going to cut until I couldn't. This world is screwed up. You can't find a single truly happy person, and I was sick of lying to myself." He exhaled. "I put the knife to my wrist, but.... Luka stopped me before I could do anything." He paused. "He told me that I was stupid, and that cutting was bad." August looked away. "He told me everything that happened to him. Simular to the speech he made when I took you to see him." He smiled weakly. "I knew right then that I loved him."

I smiled back. "He's gonna be okay, August. I know he will."

"I hope so..." August looked at me. He put a hand on my cheek. I put my hand over his. "I'm glad you're here to keep me sane." I smiled. "I feel like... even if you didn't turn out to be Silver.... even though I was in love with him then... I know now that I still would have fell for you, Noah Goldman." He kissed me on the lips softly. "You're so strong. So sweet." He moved his hand up and ruffled my hair. "And so adorable." I chuckled. Shifting over, August leaned his head on my shoulder. "I love you, Noah."

I ran a hand through his black hair. "I love you too, August." Suddenly, August raised his head and kissed my neck ever so softly. I giggled as he smiled against my neck. "Kinky little shit.."

August chuckled, and returned his head to my shoulder. "You love me." He closed his eyes.

I grinned, leaning my head on his. "Yeah, I do."


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