The One and Only Luka Frost

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As I approached the back of the school, I came around the corner to see August tapping away on on his phone. I sighed in relief. I hadn't seen him throughout the halls all day, and I was a bit worried he skipped today. Seeing him here now proved me wrong. As I got closer, I took in August's appearance. Over his black hair, he wore a grey beanie. Along with his regular leather jacket, I could vaguely point out the Sleeping With Sirens logo. To be honest, I wasn't surprised. I squinted at him as I watched him text. Where those biker gloves? My phone pinged in my back pocket.

Text Message from: Fall

4:15 pm: Got any plans for today, Silver?

Text Message to: Fall

4:15 pm: Planning on asking me out on a date?

Text Message from: Fall

4:15 pm: Hell no. I just wanted to see if you were as bored as I was.

Text Message to: Fall

4:16 pm: How thoughtful.

Text Message from: Fall

4:16 pm: :)

Text Message from: Fall

4:16 pm: I am going to be busy tonight though, so I have to bid thee ado.

Text Message to: Fall

4:17 pm: Bye.

Text Message from: Fall

4:17 pm: Don't miss me too much.

Text Message to: Fall

4:17 pm: Never.

Putting my phone back in its original place in my pocket, I looked up and approached August, who still had yet to look up from his phone. Adjusting my backpack strap on my back, I walked closer to him. Eventually, I was only a foot away. He still didn't notice. Only when I cleared my throat did he glanced up from his technology. "You're late." He deadpanned, barely taking a glance at me before slipping his phone into the pocket of his jacket, and turned away. August started to walk away and motioned silently for me to follow him. I thew my arms in the air, a frustrated look on my face.

"What the actual hell!" I yelled. August stopped what he was doing and turned to look at me with a blank look on his face. "Okay, first of all," I continued, slipping my hands into the pockets of my jeans. "I was only late by three minutes. Secondly, what gives you the right to act like a dick? Lastly, you never even told me where we were really going, so how can I even trust you in the first place?" I clenched my fists within my pockets. I narrowed my eyes at his uncaring face.

August sighed, and massaged his forehead. "I am..." He groaned. "taking you to see Luka Frost-"

"I know that!"

"Oh my God! Will it kill you to listen?" August yelled. I clamped my mouth shut and let him continue. "He... has a hang out not far from here. In an alley."

I crossed my arms. "Yeah because that doesn't scream molester."

August rolled his eyes. "I want to introduce you two. I'm hoping once he talks to you, he'll change your mind about all this cutting you seem to be doing." My eyes widened. Since when does he care that I cut? Suddenly, August freezes. "That's none of your business."

August in the Fall (A "Lab Partners" Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now