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Monday, October 14th, 2018

2 Days Until The Deadline.

Holiday slammed her hands down on the long wooden table. We were in the conference room of the Police Department. Time was winding down and it was time to formulate a plan. We needed to all make it out of this safely. Luka sat beside me, his arms folded in front of him, and an uncomfortable look on his face. He wasn't used to being around more than two people, and here we were, sitting at a large table full of cops. "We don't have much time." Holly stated.

"I think that much is obvious." grumbled a cop from the left of her. He had long black hair, and a scruff beard. There was a tired look in his eyes. Holiday turned to him, and shot daggers at him with her eyes.

"Scully, if you continue to be negative I will report you to the Chief and have you reported so fast, you won't even have enough time to look for a job before you're unemployed." Holly clenched her fist, and turned back to the rest of the cops. Scully rolled his eyes. Luka's eyes widened, and leaned over to me.

"Your Aunt is scary.." He whispered. I chuckled.

"This isn't even her full potential."  I smirked. Luka shuttered, and straightened himself up again, his eyes on Holly. Elliot sat beside him, and Jordan next to him. We were all tense. We only had two days until I had to get Luka to his father, and everything was tense. 

"Alright," Holly continued. "I've drafted up a plan that will get August and Nick out, as well as catch Mr. Frost." She turned to the stack of papers on the right side of the table. Pulling them closer to her, she examined the pile. "Noah," she looked up at me, and I held my breath. "You and Luka have the most important part in this plan. It's a little rocky, but you can do it." She winked at me. I know the gesture was supposed to be reassuring, but I still had a pit in my stomach. 

"How do we even know that this threat was even real?" Scully interjected. "This kid just made a claim. There was no actual proof. For all we know, this kid was just making up some silly story because his dear old Dads were fighting and he wanted attention." He narrowed his eyes at me. Some of the cops shifted in their seats. This wasn't good. Scully looked at Luka next. "See, this kid's story I believe. There's a record actually proving that Walter Frost had problems with drugs and alcohol, as well as proof that Vivian Frost committed suicide." Scully looked at me again. "But with your story, Noah,-that's your name, right?-, you never really provided us with any real proof that your brother, and um.. significant other, were actually taken."

Holly opened her mouth to say something, but I beat her to it. "With all due respect, Officer Scully," I started with more confidence then I thought I would have.  Jordan raised an impressed eyebrow at me. Okay... So the extra formality was the right move. Thank you, Law and Order.. Clearing my throat, I continued. "There was evidence on my phone, here." I took it out of my pocket. "Feel free to take a look at it if you wish, but I think that you'll find upon your search, that there was a real video file in the messages." Setting my phone on the table, I slid it over to Scully. "However, if you were to click on it, you'll find that the file is not accessible, possibly due to some program the video was send from."

Slowly, Officer Scully picked up my phone, and turned it on. The whole precinct watched at the tired cop went through my device. After a few seconds, he showed the phone to me. On it was the messages between Nick and I. The video file was at the bottom. "This it?" He asked in a gruff voice. I nodded. Scully pursed his lips, and tapped on the video. "Well, Noah. It looks like you were telling the truth." He set my phone on the table. "The video is indeed unviewable."   

"Is there anyway you can possible find the program and trace it or something?" Jordan asked. 

Scully shook his head. "Not from what I could see. Usually, hackable programs are easy to spot because of the quality, and other quirks, but with this, there's no way to tell." Jordan sat back in his chair with a worried look in his face. Elliot grasped his hand. Scully looked away.

Suddenly, my phone starting ringing. Everyone tensed. I looked up at Holly. With a deep frown, she nodded for me to pick it up. My stomach dropped. "I-it's h-him." I mumbled. Luka held his breath. "H-he wants t-to v-video c-chat..." I could feel myself breaking down again. Holly face turned angry.

"Alright, quick. Noah, Luka, sit against the wall over there. We can't let him know you got the police involved." Nodding, Luka and I got up awkwardly and followed her orders. "The rest of you," she looked among her team. "Shut your traps. We need  to hear every word of what they say." After a few seconds, she looked at me and nodded.

I answered the call. Luka's Dad showed up on screen. Luka moved away. "Ah. If it isn't Noah." He greeted. I frowned, not responding. Elliot shifted in his seat. Holly glared at him. "I just wanted to make sure you were doing well on your end of the deal." He paused. "So? Where is he?" Hesitantly, Luka moved closer to me so his face was on screen. Walter smiled. "Hi Luka! Nice to see you again." Luka grimaced. "I trust the hospital staff treated you well?"

"As they treated the bullet wound you gave me? Oh, they were fucking fantastic!" He glared at his father. Walter chuckled. 

"That's good." 

"Where are they?" I mumbled. Walter looked at me. "Where are August and Nick, you bastard!" I exclaimed. 

Walter rose and eyebrow and smiled. "Ooh. This one's quick with the language. I can tell he's been hanging around you, Luka." He moved around. "But to answer your question, they're right here." He turned the camera around to face a cell. My breath caught. August was slumped against the right side of it with blood going down the right side of his face. His short sleeved shirt was ripped. His eyes were closed. He looked dead. Tears welled up in my eyes. Holly clenched her fists.

"August..." I mumbled. 

"Noah?" Nick's voice asked weakly. Jordan's eyes widened. "Is that you...?" The camera moved over to the left side of cell where Nick was. There was blood on his face too. There was massive bruise on the right side of his face. Nick looked up at the camera. His right eye wouldn't open. 

"Nick!" I exclaimed breathlessly. "Oh... Nick.. what did he do to you..?" Walter chuckled. 

"They were being stubborn earlier today.."

I gritted my teeth. "You Bastard! I'll kill you myself!" Walter chuckled, turning the camera over to him.

"Good luck with that." Call ended. I was stunned with surprise. 

Luka swore under his breath. "He got bored..." He mumbled. So he stopped letting me see my brother because he got bored? I'm gonna fulfill my promise... I will kill him. 

Holly sighed. "Alright boys... get back up here."Standing, we followed her orders again. When I sat down, I looked over  at my Dads. They were both crying. Holly bent down and put her hands on the table. "You all heard what he said. You all see the tears on Noah's face. He did something to them. That will not pass!" She slammed her hand on the table. 

"Here's the plan." 


I'm thinking I'm gonna wrap up this book in about two chapters. Maybe three. Also. 2K. Thank you. 

I swear I'm happy. I just like to punctuate with periods. Very formal. :)


August in the Fall (A "Lab Partners" Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now