The Truth

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The Next Day..

Tuesday, September 24th, 2018

22 Days Until The Deadline.

I laid in my bed, curled up in a ball with my hands over my ears. Their fighting had gotten a lot worse, and it was progressing fast. It was like someone had flipped a switch. First, my Dads were happy, and in a healthy relationship. Then, once the switch was flicked and Nick was gone, it's been hard to come out of my room. I don't like it hear them fighting. The best tactic I could come up with was to stay away from it all. Their biggest fights now are about Nick. Apparently, they suck at parenting. All had gone silent. I couldn't hear the yelling through my hands anymore. Slowly, I uncovered my ears. No one was speaking. Maybe they resolved their fight?

Suddenly, the kitchen door slammed shut, signaling that either Elliot or Jordan has left the house. After waiting a few seconds, I opened my door and tiptoed ever so slowly into the kitchen. Elliot was sitting at the table with his head in hands. His shoulders shook. It wasn't hard to tell that he was crying. My heart broke for him. I felt like this was all my fault. That somehow, I was the reason that they were fighting. I shouldn't bother him... I thought to myself as I turned back to my room. He'll be okay. "Noah." I stopped in my tracks. Elliot sounded to broken. I didn't turn to him just in case he changed his mind. "Noah...?" Elliot said my name again after a few seconds, this fine quieter than before. I turned to him, and looked at him with a face that I hoped looked normal, and not guilty. Elliot gave me a small smile and beckoned me over to him.

I walked over to him in hesitation. "H-hi Dad." I greeted as he pulled me into a hug.  It felt good to have him close. It seemed that at a time like this, we both needed comfort. Elliot put a hand in my hair, and sighed. Letting me go, he looked into my eyes. He couldn't hide the tears that lingered there. Reaching across the table, I pulled a tissue out of the box and handed it to him. "Don't cry, Dad." I pleaded, giving him a small small. I extended my hand and gave him the tissue. Smiling thankfully, Elliot took the tissue from me, and wiped his eyes. 

"I'm sorry you had to hear all of this, Noah." Elliot apologized. "I know that you've never known us to be fighters, and truly even I can't remember a time when we ever did fight. It's scary for me too." I creased my eyebrows.

"Oh my God, Dad." I said, giving him a hug. "There is no way you need to be sorry." I hugged him tightly. "In truth..." I mumbled, letting go. I pulled up a chair and sat down next to him. "I think it's my fault that Nick is gone."

Elliot's eyes widened. "Oh Noah..."

I felt myself break down. "Dad... I haven't been completely honest.." Elliot raised an eyebrow. I looked down at my hands in my lap. "I know where Nick is." I heard Elliot gasp. Suddenly, his hands were on my shoulders. My head snapped up. His eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Noah!" He exclaimed. "How could you keep something like that from me and your father?"  I averted my eyes from his. "Noah!" Elliot shouted, shaking my shoulders. "Where is Nick? Where is your brother?! Is he okay?!"

"You won't believe me.." I whispered. Elliot scoffed.

"Are you crazy right now?" He let go of my shoulders, and rubbed his forehead, sighed. "Noah." Elliot's voice crackled. My eyes widened and I looked at him. A tear slipped down his cheek. "Please..." He begged. "Your father and I are at the oddest of odds at the moment. I've never dealt with anything like this. Please.. I need you to tell me where Nick is... Do it for me. If not, do it for Jordan.." He looked up at me. Tears streamed like heavy rainfall down his red cheeks. "I beg you."

Damn it.. I swallowed. "He..." I paused. Am I really doing this? I could get in a lot of trouble with Luka's Dad. August or Nick could get hurt.. I sighed. "He and August were kidnapped." Elliot's jaw dropped, and I immediately knew that he didn't believe a word of what you just said. Suddenly, Elliot chuckled. I gave him a confused look.

"Wow." He said, shaking his head. "I always knew you were one for making bizarre claims, but this." Elliot's lips turned up, and he looked up at me. "You're grounded." Now it was my turn to let my jaw drop.

"I told you you wouldn't believe me!" I accused. "Please! Let me explain." Elliot pointed in the direction of my room. 


"Dad!" I exclaimed. "Remember how I was talking about Luka? The boy at the hospital who was shot?" Elliot crossed his arms. "The person that shot him was his father." Dad rose an eyebrow. "August took his car in the middle of the night to try and track him down, and when he found him, he called Nick for backup. Then, Luka's Dad caught them."

"And how do you know this?" Elliot asked, still not believing me.

I sighed. "He took Nick's phone and send me a non-traceable video from it. I know exactly where they are, but I can't exactly go to the police with this statement because I have no proof."

Elliot considered the thought. "And you know exactly where they are?" I nodded frantically. Dad nodded himself, and went over to the end of the table, picking up his cellphone. 

"Wait!" I said, stepping towards him. "There's more." Elliot lowered the phone and gave mean interested look. I exhaled, producing the words slowly. "He said if I don't bring him Luka in twenty two days time, he's going to kill Nick and August, and everyone I love until I fulfill his wishes." Elliot's eyes widened, and he pushed a few buttons on his phone. My eyes widened, and I smiled. "Do you believe me?"

Elliot put a hand on his hip. "You're my son, Noah. I know you wouldn't say something this drastic unless it was true. So it has to be." He put his phone to his ear. I sighed in relief. You did it Noah. I congratulated. Things will get easier from here on out. "Hello." Elliot greeted the person on the other line. "Police Department? I'd like to speak to your Top Officer. I'm a friend. Elliot Goldman-Hughes." A pause. "Thank you." Another longer pause. Suddenly, Elliot grinned. "Hey, Holiday. It's me. I need a favor.

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