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"Noah, could I talk to you in here for a minute?" Nick cast a look at August. "Alone?" I gave a look to Nick, then turned and looked at August. To my horror, he didn't look at me. Instead, he looked down at his feet, stuck his hands in his jacket pockets, and frowned deeply. He didn't say anything either as he walked past me, and past Nick, going out to the kitchen. I felt my heart sink. I really screwed up this time. By the look on Nick's face, it wasn't going to be easy to get out of this. When August was out of sight, Nick frowned and closed the door, then turned to look at me. "You have a lot of explaining to do." He crossed his arms. I looked down at my lap. "You really are a twit." Nick said sharply. "I thought we were in this together! You and me were supposed to be a team. We were both going to get close to him. Remember?" When I looked up at him, he was glaring daggers. "He was supposed to be ours. Not just yours." I fought back the urge to cry. Nick has never been this mad before.

Nick scoffed. "All this time..." he mumbled. "When we were gym partners, I talked about you." He said. My eyes widened. He did? "I thought, 'Hey, maybe if I talk about Noah, August will grow to like him, and maybe when he's with August, Noah'll talk about me! It's a win-win!' I planned on telling you the idea after dinner, but then I walk in and see you and him kissing? What the actual hell!" Then suddenly I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. It was like the dam holding the ocean of tears back had cracked and then finally lost its grip. I broke into small sobs. I knew what I did was wrong. I should've known it would have effected Nick this much. I'm an idiot. Nick's glare didn't falter as I cried. He still glared at me with the same sharp daggers behind his eyes. A pressure pushed on my chest. Like an anchor being dropped on me. I sobbed harder.

"Nick..." I choked. "I'm sorry... Please..." I looked at him him with tear filled eyes, and out a hand to my chest. Nick looked away from me and went to the window.

"I just..." Nick sighed. "After all we've been through together..." he paused. I felt like I should get up and walk away. I couldn't bare to eye my brother mad at me anymore. I was scared that he wasn't ever going to stop. My sobs came out in short breaths. Nick glared at me through the window. "This feels like the ultimate betrayal." My eyes widened. I couldn't lose Nick. I needed him. We've never fought this badly before. He's helped me through a lot. I didn't want to lose him.

"Nick, I'm sorry." I sobbed. Sweat formed on my forehead. I was crying too hard. "I didn't mean to hurt y-"

"That's because you weren't planning on me walking in." He mumbled sharply. All the blood drained from my face.

"Nick, that's not what I meant. Please." I placed a trembling hand on the bed, and stood up. "You don't know the whole story. It's complicated."

Nick spun around to face me. "So tell me." Taking deep breaths, I slowly skimmed through the story.

"Quinn gave me August's number and didn't tell me. We had the idea to keep our identities a secret, kind of like a game. We talked for months. Then when August found out I had a crush on him, he rejected me because he had a crush on the me behind the phone screen." Nick rose an eyebrow as he considered my story. The pain in my chest seemed to increase, and I exhaled. "Nick..." I whispered. "Please believe me..." Nick gave me a straight look.

"I do believe." He mumbled. Oh thank God. I smiled weakly at him. Taking a step forward, my chest pain rose ever so slightly. Nick sighed, frowning. "I wasn't finished." I stopped, my smile fading completely. What? "I do believe that you are the absolute worst liar I've ever had the displeasure of knowing." My eyes widened.

"Nick..." I whispered. I took a moved towards him, attempting to put my hand on his shoulder. Before I could, Nick slapped it away.

"Don't touch me." He said. "I don't want to find out your lying is contagious." Nick shot me an icy glare. No. No. No.

"Nick, you can't be mad at me..." I whispered. My voice wouldn't go any higher. "I need you. You help me a lot. With school, with Flynn, with my cutting, with my anxiety-"

"Have August help you." Nick snapped. "You obviously don't need me anymore." He stepped away from me, and out of my reach. The tears welled up again. I can't lose my brother. Nick stormed to the door. Before leaving to go into the kitchen, he put a hand on the rim of the door, and turned his head to look back at me. "What happened to 'Bros before Hoes,' huh? Or is that all just gone now?" Without letting me say another word, he scoffed and went out into the kitchen, leaving me alone in the bedroom in my broken down state. I was too numb to move. I can't lose him. I just can't. I refuse. I can't. I can't. I can't. Sweat caked my forehead. As much as I tried to deny it, I had lost my brother. Nick probably wouldn't forgive until the day I turn thirty.

My breathing became ragged as I sobbed. Tears and nausea overwhelmed me. I'm having another attack. I need Nick. "Ni-" I sobbed. "Ni-" I wiped sweat from my forehead. Suddenly, cold hands were on my cheeks. I blinked the tears away. August gave me a worried look.

"Jesus Christ, Noah!" He exclaimed. "What the hell is happening to you?"

"Anxiety..... attack......." I whispered.

August swore and pulled me close. My tears soaked his jacket. "Where's Nick?"

I hugged him tighter. "'K-kitchen.."

"Bastard." He swore as he began stroking my hair. "Just breathe..." I did as he asked, and August started humming. He had a beautiful hum. After a moment, he stopped hugging me and grasped my hand. "Here," He said, leading me to the bed. "Sit down. I'll go ask Nick where your pills are." I nodded. August smiled. All of a sudden, I gasped. My Dads' can't know about the pills!

"August, no!" I yelled standing up from the bed. August turned to face me, a concerned look in his eyes. Dizziness overwhelmed me. "Au-" Suddenly, I was on the floor. I didn't even hear myself fall. Immediately, August was at my side. His lips screamed my name.

I closed my eyes.

August in the Fall (A "Lab Partners" Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now