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3 Weeks Later..

"Hey, Noah!" Quinn called, rushing up to me. I turned my head away from my painting that I had been working on and looked at my best friend. She flung her arms around me and giggled happily. "Welcome back!"  After the whole situation with Luka and Walter, Holly suggested that August, Nick, and I take the next few weeks off of school to clear our heads, and maybe take a few counseling sessions to talk about the whole event. Today was our first day back. I hadn't seen Quinn the whole time. I signed up for the art club by Jordan's suggestion. I quit soccer on Elliot's.

After what happened, Elliot didn't think that soccer was such a good idea. He was afraid I'd get hurt. Jordan suggested the art club. He thought it'd help me clear my head when I needed it. Boy, was he right. I laughed as Quinn hugged me tightly. "Thanks, Quinn." I replied as she took her arms off me. Quinn smiled.

"I came to not only ambush you, but I also have to tell you to come to the cafeteria after school today." She clapped her hands together. "We have a surprise for you." I sighed.

"May I ask what it is?"

Quinn giggled and booped my nose. "Nope!" I rolled my eyes with a smile, and watched as Quinn skipped over to the exit of the art room. "See you after school!" She called as she left the room. I looked up at the clock above the door. "After school" was in ten minutes. I had been given the luxury of a schedule change, which resulted in a free period for the last class of the day. Nick and August got one too. Principal Brandon thought it would be a good idea to change our classes to something that would be better for us. Nick chose an extra gym class, August chose a music class, and I chose art. 

Before I knew it, the after school bell had rung, and my feet were carrying me down the hall all the way to the cafeteria. The anxiety in my chest began to form. What could this surprise be? Something felt wrong. This is bad? Surprises can't be bad, can they? Despite having this biting feeling in my chest, I pressed forward.  When I reached the cafeteria, I was disappointed to find out that it was empty. And dark. I peered inside, and took a few steps forward to investigate, but there was nothing. "Very funny, Quinn.." I mumbled, as I turned to leave. Suddenly, the lights of the cafeteria turned on and I whipped around to find the whole eleventh grade in a group, looking at me with bright and wide smiles. 

"Surprise!" They yelled. My eyes widened. What..? I looked up at the huge banner that hung above my fellow classmates. Thank you, Noah! The #1 Hero! I was highly confused. Looking at my classmates, everyone was here. Clusters of students came up to me and patted me on the back and congratulating me. "Congrats on stopping a serial killer, man!" One of them thanked. Oh Holy Hell. So this is what that was about. I made a mental note to confront Quinn later. This had her written all over it. I noticed Luka leaned up against the wall next to where the balloons were taped. His arms were crossed, and he was smiling as he conversated Ash Torin, the exchange student from Germany. I've never talked to her, but I heard she was pretty cool.

I watched them for a few seconds, smiling to myself. Ash laughed at something Luka said. Then to my surprise, she leaned up on her tip toes and kissed him on the cheek. Luka stood there in shock. I chuckled to myself. I'm glad he's happy. Everyone accepted Luka right off the bat when he started here. He was basically a legend with the skateboarding team. My Dads were really proud to see him doing well. The fighting around the house ceased completely. It was nice. Leaving Luka to flirt some more with Ash, I searched through the crowd, I spotted Nick with a soda in his hand. I pushed past the group gently, and walked over to him.

"Nick!" I called when I reached him. Nick turned in my direction and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey man!" he greeted. "Do you like your party? It was all Quinn's idea. She adores you." I rolled my eyes with a smile.

August in the Fall (A "Lab Partners" Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now