Christ Miss

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August's POV

The rain poured down so hard I could barely see two feet in front of me. I pumped my legs as I ran faster and faster down the sidewalk. The umbrella felt uncomfortable in my hand. Thunder rumbled over head.  Crossing the road, I turned left at the alleyway. "Luka!" I yelled over the rain that sloshed under my steps. I peered down the dark strip of street. Luka was slumped against the brick wall, a cigarette between his fingers. I ran over to him. When I approached him, Luka looked at me with wide and tired eyes. I leaned over, putting one hand on my knee to catch my breath. "Luka.." I breathed. 

"August!" Luka exclaimed. His hair was dripping wet from the downpour, and the hood over his head was soaked. A new cut shaped a bracelet on his wrist. The blue haired boy stood up, and dropped his cigarette on the concrete, stomping out the orange light. "What's wrong?" He asked, a worried look in his eyes. It took me a moment to gather up my strength. The alleyway was darker than usual with the sun behind the clouds. The pavement was littered with less trash though since I was last here with Noah. Exhaling once more, I gripped the umbrella tighter, and looked at my friend.

"Noah has an anxiety attack and is in the hospital." I mumbled. Luka's lips separated a bit.

"Oh my God..."

I nodded, trying to hold back the emotions that had took me so long to cover up on he way down to the alley. Loosing my grip on the umbrella, I explained further. "He completely collapsed. His parents drove him to the hospital. He's stable and they'll release him tomorrow."

"August...." Luka mumbled. He took the umbrella out of my hands, and closed it, then leaned it against the wall. He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. "Well at least he won't be in there for long, but still dude, I'm so sorry." Reluctantly, I hugged back. In truth, I really needed this. Noah wasn't here for me to hug. And Nick.... We were exactly on good terms at the moment. I don't think I'll ever forgive him for what he did to Noah. After a few seconds, Luka released me. "What caused it? Do you know?" He peered into my eyes. I frowned angrily, biting my lip. 

"His brother walked in on us kissing, then said he wanted to talk to Noah." I paused. "I left the room, but like the asshole I was, I couldn't help but evesdrop. They both have a crush on me.." Luka whistled.

"Ooh! Scandal!"

I glared at him and continued. "I didn't know what to think. I'd always seen Nick as more of a friend, and as for Noah.... he turned out to be Silver." Ever since I first started talk to Sil- Noah, not a day went by where I didn't relay our messages to Luka. He's my best friend, and I don't leave anything out. Luka's eyes widened.

"Dude!" He gripped my shoulders tightly, making me throw a scowl at him. "You make me jealous. You're life is like a frickin soap opera, and I'm in love." Luka took his hands off my shoulder, and put them over his heart. "One rebellious teenager thrown into a storm of a love triangle between two innocent nerd boys, who are in fact siblings. Who will he choose? The kind gym partner, or the innocent not-so-secret soccer player?" Luka laughed, and I gave him the finger, trying to hide the smirk on my face. "Anyway," Luka mumbled. He looked down at the ground, and scraped his shoe on the floor. "Continue."

I sighed. "Nick kept yelling at him. Telling Noah that he betrayed him. It took all I had not to barge in there when Noah was crying." I gritted my teeth, and clenched my fists. "I hid when Nick  came out. I went in, and Noah... Jesus, Luka... He was so broken." I ran a hand through my hair to keep from shedding a tear. "I helped him to his bed. He told me he was having an anxiety attack and that Nick had just left him." I exhaled. Luka frowned and went over behind the dumpster, and knelt down, rummaging through a box. I continued with the tale anyway. "When I said I would go get his pills, Noah freaked out. Then he collapsed-" A tear landed in my palm. I lifted it up to get a closer look. Shit. Luka stopped in front of me, and I looked up.

He held four bottles of beer in his hands. "You seem like you need these." He offered me one, and I hesitated.

"I don't know, Luka. I'm going to see Noah later."

Luka smirked and sighed. "Dude, come on. Have a drink. Relax. Once you sober up, you can visit him later." Sighing myself, I took a beer from his hands and we walked over to the brick wall, and sat down, the umbrella falling over. Ignoring it, Luka opened his bottle, and watched as I opened mine. He held it up. "To Noah." He toasted. I smiled.

"To Noah."

Four beers and one smoke later, Luka was completely wasted. I couldn't blame the poor guy though. Life for both of us was a complete shithole. "Hafe I evea told you hof  sowafe your hair is?" Luka slurred as he petted my hair. I smiled, and looked at him. It's going to be a while for him to sober up. It was getting dark, and I planned on seeing Noah soon. I only had one beer, and it's been about a half an hour. I should be all sober by the time I get to him. A pit of guilt formed inside me. I should already be there. Not getting drunk. Although I had to admit, I needed it. It felt good to relax. Luka took his hand out of my hair and put it at his side. He slumped against me, and put his head on my shoulder. "Your shwoalder so swaft." He sighed. "Gawd, why dwid I ever leaf you?"

My eyes widened, and I tensed. We haven't talk about that since it happened. "It wasn't your fault.. I'm the one that was skeptical about being in the relationship."

"Yeah, but thwat was beffore you were a webel."

I laughed. "I was always and still am a rebel, Lu."

Luka closed his eyes. "Youf haffent called me that in a while." He took another sip of beer. I grunted, and reached over, taking the bottle from his hands.

"That's enough of that.." I mumbled, more to myself than to him. Luka was half asleep anyway. Maybe after he's asleep, I'll go visit Noah.. Luka moved closer to me.

"Hay, Aufust?" He mumbled, drowsily.

I chuckled. "Yeah, Luka?"

"Merry Fucking Christ Miss."

I burst out laughing, throwing my head back against the wall. "Lu, it's September."

"Why can't it bef Christ Miss?" Luka groaned. "I want Christ Miss in September." He threw his arms around me, and snuggled up closer against my neck. Part of me wondered what Noah would think if he saw us. Nick would be pissed. I smiled. Noah would just be jealous. "Merry Fucking Christ Miss, Aufust." Luka mumbled, happily as he drifted to sleep.

I ruffled his blue hair. "Merry Effing Christ Miss to you too, Luka."


Merry Christmas, my dudes.


August in the Fall (A "Lab Partners" Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now