BONUS: Panic! And Propose

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4 years after "Angel in Love.."

"August!" I laughed as August pulled me out of the car. August chuckled, and shut the door. "I've had this blindfold on the whole car ride. Will you please tell me where we are?" I felt August grasp my hand and kiss me on the cheek.

"Not yet, Noah." He replied as he pulled me along. "You'll find out where we are soon enough." We had been driving in the car for hours, and the whole way there, no matter how much I bugged hum, August wouldn't slip up on our destination. I didn't know whether to be scared or to be excited. Despite my undecided feelings however, I couldn't help but smile as August pulled me along faster and faster. "This better not be some prank!" I teased.

August laughed. "Me? Prank you? Never!" I couldn't help but blush at his comment. August pulled me forward a few more steps, until eventually he stopped. "Two please." Two what now? "Thank you." I felt August move and whisper something, but I couldn't make out what it was. And off again! I was pulled for a longer time. This time though, instead of just going straight, we went left, right, and took another right. Suddenly, I was met by the ear splitting sound of cheers. And not just any cheers. Fangirl cheers.

"August what...?

"Listen to what they're saying, Love."

Confused, I strained my ears and tried to decipher what the cheers were screaming. I felt August wrap his arms around my waist and hug me tightly, I smiled and put my hands over his arms, trying to listen.


My eyebrows creased in confusion, and I listened closer. "Brendon? August, what-"


My eyes widened and my jaw about dropped to the floor. "August, i-is this w-what I-I t-think it is...?" August chuckled and he kissed my cheek. I felt his lips at my ear.


Suddenly, my sight was returned to me as the blindfold slipped off my face. The room was dark and the only light that came into the room was the lights that shone from the stage. Excitement fueled through my bones, and I jumped up and down. "OHMYGOD. OHMYGOD. OH MY GOD." I whirled around to face August and threw my arms around him. "YOU TOOK ME TO A FREAKING PANIC AT THE DISCO CONCERT OHMYGOD."

August laughed, and hugged me back. Leaning against my ear again, the laughter continued. "Ta da.. Four months of saving up does some good, huh?" I couldn't help it. I flung my arms around him again and squeezed him tightly. "N-noah..." August whispered. "Ca-can't b-breathe.." My eyes widened, and I smiled sheepishly, letting him go.

"S-sorry.." I turned around and faced the stage once again. August draped his arms over me and held me close as "Girls/girls/boys" began to play. I sung the lyrics of course. If screaming counts as singing... Finally, when the song ended, I clapped and cheered harder than I ever had. I could see a bit of the stage through a gap in the people in front of us. Brendon Urie was running a hand through his hair. He wore a black tee shirt, jeans, and white shoes. He was absolutely beautiful.

"Oh come on now.." August whispered in my ear. "You're practically drooling over this guy. you're gonna make me jealous.."

I smiled, and leaned up, kissing the corner of his mouth. "Good."

Facing the stage again, I watched as Brendon readjusted his grip on the microphone. "Now before I sing the next song.." He began. The crowd roared, and he flashed them a bright smile. "Before the show began, a friend of mine, -one of the ticket masters in fact-, informed me of a special message he received." The crowd watched him in curiosity. "He told me that a fan bought two tickets for himself.." he paused. "And his boyfriend." The crowd burst into cheers again.

"LOVE KNOWS NO GENDER!" Someone in the crowd yelled.

"Exactly!" Brendon smiled as he pointed to a random spot in the crowd. "Anyways, he also informed me that this boy was looking to do something special for his boyfriend tonight, and he requested my help." He paused to let the crowd cheer again, smiling widely. "Now, sorry if I botch your names, but.." Brendon looked down at his hand as if he had something written on it. "Will August Bade and Noah Goldman-Hughes come onto the stage?"

My heart dropped to the floor. Slowly, August took his arms off me and took my hand. My eyes were wider than saucers, and my smile refused to fade as August weaved me through the crowd. My heart was racing a million miles an hour. As we approached the stage, Brendon smiled down on us. I felt like I was going to faint. August hopped up on stage, then turned and offered me his hand. I gladly accepted, although I squeezed it a bit hard. August didn't seem to mind though as he helped me on stage.

When we both were where we need to be, August grabbed my hand and took a step towards him. My footsteps were small and shaky as I looked at Brendon looking at me. When we were close, he looked at August. "And you are?"

August smiled proudly. "August Bade."

Brendon nodded, then turned to me. "So, that must make you Noah Goldman-Hughes?" Sweat formed on my forehead and I nodded slowly and continued to squeeze August's hand. Brendon must have noticed, because he chuckled. "You seem a little nervous, Noah." He leaned the microphone towards me.

I swallowed and opened my mouth to speak. "I-I f-feel a-as i-if I'm s-staring a-at G-god himself."

Brendon's smile widened and he laughed. Much to my embarrassment, so did some of the people in the crowd. Did I really just say that? Yes. Yes I did. Do I want to die? Yes. Yes I do. Brendon turned the mic on himself again. "Well, I'm no God, but thanks for the compliment." The crowd laughed again, and I felt myself blushing redder. Brendon turned to August now. "August, I believe there was something you wanted to do for Noah tonight?" What what?

August nodded, and turned us so that way our bodies faced the crowd. Brendon took a step back and watched us with a smile on his face. August took both my hands, and looked into my eyes. As I looked up into his, I could almost forget that we were onstage in front of thousands of people. Not to mention Brendon freaking Urie. I gave him a small sheepish smile. "Noah," August began. "Four years ago, on the gazebo next to our school, I made you a promise." I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I said that when the time was right, I would make you mine. That it wouldn't just be a promise ring. It'd be the real thing." He smiled at me, and I smiled, confusedly. "So here it is." August chuckled as he reached into his back pocket to grab something. One of my hands still in his, he took a step back and began to kneel to the floor. Oh my God... "Noah Goldman-Hughes, will you let me have you?" My eyes filled with years of joy. This is it.

"HELL YEAH HE WILL!" Brendon yelled excitedly. The crowd laughed, and a few people whooped.

I couldn't stopped the tears from streaming down my face, and the laugh that burst from my throat. Looking down at August, I nodded. "Hell yeah I will." Smiling, August slipped the ring on my finger and stood up. As he kissed me deeply, thousands of people cheered for us. It was the happiest moment of my life.

When we broke apart, August took my hand and began to lead me back into the crowd, when we were stopped. "Now wait just a moment." Brendon interjected. "You can't leave yet." We both smiled, and turned back to face him. Walking towards him, it was August's turn to squeeze my hand. "Now," Brendon continued when we returned. "Would these two new fiancees like to request the next song?" The crowd cheered and there were whoops and hollers. August and I nodded frantically, and I stepped to the mic.

"'Ballad of the Mona Lisa', please."

Bredon smiled. "'Ballad of the Mona Lisa' it is!" August smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"I love you, Noah Goldman-Hughes."

"I love you too, August Bade."

Excited and full of energy, Brendon waved his arms. "One. Two. ONE TWO THREE FOUR!"

"She paints her fingers with a close precision..."


Yeah, Holy Moly this was fun to write. About time I did too.


August in the Fall (A "Lab Partners" Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now