Mister Asshole

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That Same Day

August's POV

"Let us out!" Nick yelled for the millionth time. His voice echoed in the empty building. I rolled my eyes. The bars of the cage rattled as Nick pounded on them. Four times a day, Mister Asshole came down to visit us. Three out of the four times were to give us our meals, which mostly consisted of bread and milk, or cold soup. The fourth time he would come around was to try and crush any hope we had of being rescued. He'd try telling us that he wasn't really going to come, and that we better say our prayers. That jerkoff didn't scare me in the slightest. He reminded me of a sack of potatoes. I didn't let his useless and annoying words bother  me, but Nick was different. Unlike me, he didn't have as high of walls, and he was gullible. I didn't think the boy was capable of crying. 

"Stop that." I deadpanned, leaning my head back against the brick wall. I clenched my fists as I draped it over one of my knees. Exhaustion blanketed my eyelids. I haven't slept since we were thrown in this cell. How could I? The floors suck, there's water dripping somewhere, and oh yeah, we might die in fourteen days. It's not that I didn't have faith in Noah. I believed in him with every bone in my body. It's just-

"Why should I?" Nick snapped. "Maybe if I yell loud enough, it'll annoy the bastard, and he'll let us go." He kicked the bars. I sighed. 

"Or he'll just kill you."

I could tell my comment took Nick by surprise. He scoffed and gritted his teeth. "How the hell could you say something like that?" He put his head against the bars. Nick didn't say anything as if considering what next to say. In a way, he reminded me of Noah. Quiet, careful, always thinking before speaking. Very emotional. I chuckled. Nick turned his head and glared at me. "What's so fucking funny?"

I lowered my head and smiled, wiping my nose with my sleeve. "You're very emotional." 


I sighed. "It reminds me of Noah." I smiled, chuckling again. "I miss him." Nick sighed and let go of the bars. Scuffing his feet, he shuffled over to me, stumping to my side. I knew he felt the same. Our cells was dark. The floor was made of cracked concrete, much like the alleyway where   Luka lived, and it was sprinkled with dirt. Bugs resided in the cracks all over the brick walls. It makes me wonder how Mister Asshole found this place. I had to travel a long way to get here. I'm surprised that crusty piece of toast made it this far. "God damn it.." I whispered, running a hand through my hair. It was getting longer. Would that be okay with Noah?  "I'm hungry." Nick nodded.

"Me too." 

On the other side of the bars was a medium sized space with the same dirt floors outside the cell as in. After a few feet, it shrinks into a narrow hallway. Not a single candle or torch is lit. I doubt lightbulbs would be used in a building I like this. It was so old and run down, I didn't think there would be a place for even one outlet. Every time Mister Asshole comes to greet us, it's like he appears. I don't know how he does it. He's not wizard. Wizards don't look like the human embodiment of cancer. 

"Why does Noah blame himself for everything?" 

The question slipped out faster than I meant it to. I've been thinking about it for a while. He'd always seemed so... fragile. When I bumped into the hallway, he seemed like a little kid. I've seen the way he handles Flynn. Letting himself get tripped in the soccer field. I could tell right away that he doesn't stick up for himself. I almost felt bad for him. After almost punching me in the bathroom that one day, I learnt that if he actually tried, he could be tough. Noah has two sides of him. At first glance, he's so kiddish. Fluffy, bright, fragile. Once you get to know him, he can be pretty badass. Which is why I don't understand... Why does he hold the weight he does on his shoulders? He can lie through his teeth all he wants. I know he blames himself for the small things. 

"I know he blames himself for a lot of shit." I vented. "I know he blames himself for being bullied.    I know he blames himself for what happened to us. And I think... he blames himself.." I looked away. "I think he blames himself for falling in love with me." Nick's head snapped in my direction.

"August, you can't possibly believe that." 

I nodded. "I do believe that. You freaked out when you saw us kissing the first time, and you screamed at him." Nick frowned sadly. "You can't forget it." I accused. "I think..." I mumbled. "I think he blames himself for falling love with me because you like me, and that hurt you." Nick opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again. I sighed. "I know what happened to Sawyer." Nick's eyes widened. "Noah probably blames himself for that too."

"How did you-?"

"Dinner time, Kitties!" Mister Asshole's voice rang. His pudgy pizza face appeared by the bars. It was only the dim outline of his nose, but it was there. "Soup today." He said gruffly. I frowned. I was not excited to have another cold bowl of chicken soup, but when you're starving, you take what you can get. I shot up from the floor, and went to the bars. Grabbing the two bowls of soup from Mister Assholes' grimy hands, I took one over to Nick. He took his, thanked me, and sipped it slowly. It was unfair. We were being treated like criminals. Our Captor chuckled. "You know what?" He said. 

"We could care less." I deadpanned, making a face as I swallowed the broth. I faced away from the human Shrek. He disgusted me. 

"Don't be rude." Mister Asshole grumbled. "You don't want to make me angry." 

"Eh. I could argue with that." I shrugged. 

Suddenly, the cell door creaked open. Footsteps fast approached me. I whipped around, and chucked my soup in his face. Coughing dryly, the Acoholic Waluigi wiped his face. "You little dick!" He screamed, grabbing a fist full of my hair. His fast movement caught me off guard. Mister Asshole tanked my hair, and pull me against him. I cried out in pain. I felt cold metal against my skin. "Move, and I'll slit your throat so fast, you won't even realize you died."

"August!" Nick screamed, throwing his soup to the side and standing up.

"Don't move!" Mister Asshole yelled, yanking my hair again. He looked at me. "I don't want to have to cut up his pretty face just yet."

"You... Bastard..." I whispered. The human snake let go of my hair, and quickly grabbed my hand. Moving the knife, he pressed it against my swing, piercing the flesh. He made one swift cut along the side of my arm the whole way down. I screamed in pain. "Fucking hell!" Mister Asshole pushed me to the ground. Nick gasped and was at my side as soon as I fell. I cried out in pain. It stung like hell, and was by far the worst pain I've ever felt. Nick took off his shirt, and began ripping it into strips to wrap around my arm.

"Hang in there, August. I got you.." He mumbled.

Tumbleweed grimaced. "Let that be a lesson to you next time you try and back talk to me." He turned towards the exit of the cell, and slammed it shut. "Just for your little episode, no food tomorrow." He laughed as he walked down the hall. A tear slipped down my cheek.

"Damn him." I cried. "Damn him." 

Nick exhaled. "You're bleeding pretty bad."

"No shit." I sobbed. This wasn't fair. 

Please hurry Noah. I beg you.

August in the Fall (A "Lab Partners" Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now