4.Starting With A Bang!

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Rosé's Pov-Monday
We Were All Sitting on the bench in the garden.We were talking when I looked at Jimin next to me.I Got Closer To Him."why is built like that"I thought."His Hands Look so Soft,If I Can only hold them".I Reached Out For His Hand And tried to grab it.He Turned Around "Crap Crap" I Smiled At Him And Acted like nothing happen."Hopefully He Doesn't question me".I Turned Red,But He Didn't See it.Anyways When Me And Lisa Left We Walked To Class.We Question Each Other On What Happened.
"So You Like Jimin?"She Asked.

"No I don't Lisa"I Argued.

"Should I Talk About Jungkook"I Added

"Ok After What Happen with Jaehyun(Made Up Name) that doesn't want me to date anymore."She Explained.

"Ah I Understand,But Your Eyes Looked So Big,Like you Saw something you liked."I Wondered.

"Well You Looked Wrong Unnie"Lisa Said.

"Anyways this is the room 903"I Told her.

We Entered The Room,Class Didn't start.So We Sat Down Near the windows.The Desks were in rows.Nothing out the usual.Lisa Was Behind me.A Couple Minutes Later Jimin Walked In.I Felt My Heart Started Beating Like it was going to fall out.He Looked Around And Spotted me.
"Hi Rosé"He Smiled."H..hi J..Jimin" I stuttered.

"Definitely I Have The Crush"Lisa Whispered And Giggled.

"Shut It Manoban"I Whispered.

Jimin Walked To The Desk Next to me and sat down.My Heart Was Filled With Happiness.But For Right Now I Controlled Myself.The Bell Rang And The Teacher Walked In.
"Hi I'm your reading teacher Mrs.Chae-Rin"She Greeted Us.

"Hi" The Class Said In unison.

The Class Was Normal For The Most Part.I Looked Over At Jimin To See If I was dreaming.Then I Realized He Was looking at me."Weird" I thought.Then Lisa Passed Me A Note I Opened it And It Said "Jirose Sounds Nice Or Rosemin Idk".I Crushed The Paper at threw it at her.Thankfully the teacher didn't notice.The Class Was Boring So Nothing To Say.

I was walking down the hallway until I reached the lunchroom.I Saw Jisoo,Jennie And Jin At a table with 12 Seats.I Smiled And Headed Towards them."Hi Unnie and Jin"I Said.Jin and Jisoo we're sitting together at the end and Jennie was sitting across from them but the seat to next to her across from Jin was empty.I Sat Next to Jennie,But Not In that empty seat.Jungkook Came In with Namjoon.

Jungkook Was Joking Around as usual and Namjoon was laughing.
"King Of BTLandia is here"He Laughed

"By The Way I Found A Cute Name for you guys it's blink"Jungkook added.

"Psh sounds lam-"I Cut Jennie Off "Sounds Amazing".

I saw Jisoo nodding so I knew I did right,and don't disrespect my Unnie..Jungkook Sat Next To Jin and Namjoon skipping a seat next to Kookie and sitting there."~Blackpink In your area~"Lisa Came to our table singing.She Was Hoseok,Jungkook Complemented Lisa.He Told Her If She Could Sit With Him For Today.In response She Hugged Hoseok In Front us "Aww Cute" I thought.Lisa Held His Hand.Everyone started clapping.I Looked At Jungkook,He Was Definitely Clapping.He Was Smiling too,But it looked forced.I Looked At Lisa,She Was "Happy" "Somethings Up" I started to theorized.The Rest Of Us Came We Took Up The Entire Table.Hoseok And Lisa spent the entire period expressing their "Love".They Tried to make him jealous."Y-Yeah-h I-i ha-v-e t-o g..o"He Barely Was Able To Say without tearing up.He Ran Off.I Looked At Jimin And We Got Up And Followed Him.He Was Completely Destroyed.We Found Jungkooks ID Badge On the back we found "Lisa Noona" Followed By a Picture of them in the last day of school last year.

"Huh He Must've Liked Lisa A Lot,But Lisa didn't like him"Jimin Observed.Something Clicked In Jimins Head."I Know Where He Is"He added.

I Followed him to the boys restroom,He Went In to look for Kookie.He Didn't Find anything.But A Piece of paper it was written in pencil "Dear My Wonderful Lisa,I've Been Your Friend Forever Now. I Think I'm ready for our next chapter in OUR Lives.Please Consider What I Told You The Last Day".It Was Signed By Jungkook.""I Knew It"Jimin Insisted."Oh Lisa what have you done"I Sighed."May I Ask,Why Is Lisa With Hoseok?"Jimin Asked Me."I Don't know"I Answered."Weird" He Said In a Confused term."Just Promise Me This"Jimin Looked At Me.I Blushed And tried to look away."Don't Leave Me You're My Light Stay By My Side"He Said With A Serious Tone."Ok I Won't Leave You"I Replied. My Face was Full Red And I Was Screaming Of Joy Inside.We Keep Looking For the Past 10 mins. We Never Found Jungkook I Guess He Skipped.The Bell Rang And We Went to Class.
Bonus:Jungkooks Diary
Segment Page 4
"Why Did She Betray Me,Her Eyes Brighten Up When I Walked In The Garden.She Made Me Sit Next to Her. I Loved It,Maybe My Dream Was Coming True,But In The End Nice And Funny Guys Finish Last.Hoseok Take Care Of Her. I Wouldn't Be Gone For Long."
How Was It. I decided for a twist Idk if It was good.
Plz Vote Comment And Comment my mistakes.
Xoxoxo Dokaa

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