28.Kim Taehyung Ending

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Tae's Pov - Ending (Unedited)
I'm a person who is built up and destroyed by you. It had been a long time since I've been faking my relationship with Jennie. She always wanted to use me for some sort of goal I never understand. I really didn't mind it until she got more touchy. She was bitting into her own fantasy, she was creating. It was painful for me, but I endured it for my friends and hers. Even I was believing her fantasy. Let me show you.

Back in the high school garden, when I came with Jungkook, I sat next down to Jennie. I thought it was an innocent choice, but it was all plot. Everyone ignored our conversation, If they didn't, I would've been saved.

"Taehyung I need something from you" Her hand ran across my chest.

"Which is?" I stopped her hand.

"You be my boyfriend, and help me to do something. Just be by my side" She begged.

Those words seemed like She hadn't dated anyone, and didn't know how to confess her feelings. It was simply impossible, Jennie couldn't fall in love in 5 minutes. She has never shown interest in me throughout high school, but Senior year. Lisa had always loved Jungkook, but she played hard to get.

This was a different case altogether. Lisa's feelings came back after 1 month of not talking in an instant. I pretended to fall in love with her, and 'confess' to her. When she liked Namjoon, I finally noticed that she could've replaced me that fast. I was a fool for loving her, and going to the extent of telling Namjoon to convey her towards me. Even to the point of embarrassment in front of the most influential person in her life, Her Dad. I embarrassed myself in-front for him.

For what price I asked. Being played like a game, and getting abandoned by her. The necklace I gave her... I had to borrow some money from Jin Hyung in order to buy her that. When I knew it was worthless, I'm unloveable, I am no one, All the time I wasted on her I wish I could take it back. She stills keeps it, but she scratched out my name. Kim Taehyung... If I wasn't Kim Taehyung, If I didn't meet Jungkook or Jin, Maybe I would've have been happier in a quiet life with no drama.

Wait no... My mistake was meeting Jisoo and the others in Elementary school. I only thought of them as friends. Seeing them get dumped by guys over and over then them dating my best friends was a 'fun' experience. I sat in the background serving as comic relief for my other friends, or only needed for strength. She didn't call me in Busan...... Yoongi Hyung and I went there when we heard Jisoo was going with Rosé. Maybe if I disappeared it would've been good news... Only after I came back from Busan. She had decided to call me.

Being the good 'boyfriend' I accepted her offer to join her at the movies. The length I went to fake my flirty mood, and the nerve to grab her hand. I even tried to protect her from Hyuns. Jin Hyung was one of the toughest people I know, and for a fact, I knew Jennie would trust him. The man is married to Jisoo. I...I... I can't say this, but before we left for Busan. I kissed Jennie, and from what Jisoo told me... She enjoyed it.

Only there I saw a sense of hope, but nope just to turn a full 360 degrees. I really wished Jaehyun would've ended me right there and then. In reality, if Lisa and Rosé were safe, I was going to attack them myself. Instead, I stuck to the plan. Once I checked my phone, No missed calls. No texts, No calls, nothing, Just my life in a nutshell. Jungkook and Jimin had the most interesting relationship, I'm really close with Jungkook, so I got to experience that first hand. I hang out with Jungkook the most, He was the only person I truly trusted.

I was their third wheel, It was better than the Jennie experience. Jungkook messaged me the day after we return to say 'You seemed happier in Busan than you do here'. I read that text twice, I did question myself. Jimin's photo of the whiteboard proved it right. Little faint lines were drawn to show the couples and next to my name there wasn't any line.

They knew it was fake. It did matter at the time because I actually was in love with her. Until Jennie was over me and dumped me a week before Jimin and Rosé's wedding. Jennie was surprised when I hugged her back when I came back from Busan. Even down to the smallest detail possible. I begged for one more second from her. I'm a loser covered in scars. No ending. No more friends. Either I go back to my old ways or confront her.

One Week Before Jirose Wedding.
I woke up to find Jennie had left. She had taken her clothes and all her belongings. I got left alone after a romantic night. Anyways I checked the date, to notice it was a week before Jimin's wedding. I thought it would've been funny If I wrote some words of encouragement.

'Jimin remember when you volunteer to work at the library when you heard Rosé was there'


'Jimin, Don't Rosés have thorns? I would watch out if you know what I'm saying' then I would wink.

'Remember when you copied one of our friends. *Coughs* and sold your phone number. Then Rosé got it by accident'

It's not funny Instead I want to expose him because that's what friends do. I got tired of writing things for the wedding, I decided to take a walk through town to clear my mind. The fresh air entered my lungs, it's been a while. I was turning the corner near the bar when I heard a familiar voice.

"Jongin~~ Jongin~~ It's been a while. I've missed you. Your wonderful girlfriend has been waiting for so long" I heard a female voice.

"Jennie, Calm down. It was only 2 years. It did pass by fast?" Jongin said.

"It's alright. I love you and only you"

She loves Jongin. Good choice to replace me. It's over just like that. As long as Jennie is happy I'm happy. I walked away in the other direction avoiding them. Soon as I got down the intersection to cross, I got a call from Jimin.

"Hey Tae can you meet us at this expensive store to buy a suit for me and a dress for Rosé. Also, invite Jennie" Jimin asked me to join him.

"Sorry Jimin... I can't join you or go to your wedding. Bye Jimin" I hung up on him.

"Wait wa-" I cut off the call.

It wasn't real, yet I'm destroyed by it. Kim Jennie or Jennie Kim, I don't care anymore, She killed me.

1 Week Later (Night Before Wedding)
I had bought some drinks to spend the night good. I'll try to forgot about her... The clear night sky ruled overhead without one star in sight. I headed over to the bridge over a river. I sat down and put my legs between the rails. Then took out my drinks, and started to drink. My vision got blurry and hazier.

My phone rang again.

"Hello?" I answered it.

"Taehyung! Please come to our wedding" He begged.

"Jimini Jimin... I just can't look at her anymore. She betrayed me. Bye for the final time Hyung. I love you" I hanged up on him.

I was over it. Love was worthless. I felt nothing but pain, sorrow, and depression. My life doesn't need to end like this. I have so many people that care about me, but it felt right. I sat at the edge of the bridge looking down at the rushing river. My 'Girlfriend' turned on me, My best friends didn't help me, and my parents are nowhere to be found.

I got up and got on top of the rail. "3, 2, 1" I jumped into my peaceful life.

The cold water hit my skin as I started to cry. I'm really gonna die like this? I sank further into the river, letting myself fall deeper. I tried to hold my breath, but then I tried to think. It was the best for everyone, an end to a terrible life. Everything looked fuzzy before it turned all black.

A body laid in the shore of the river. His phone, shoes, and other things he had on him, Kindly set aside from the original jumping location. His friends and family are nowhere to be found.

~~I'm too young to be sad, but ok~~
I lied because this was too big for the mega chapter I was going to do. Instead, the next chapter will be Yoongi & Hoseok.

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