13.He's back

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Jungkook's Pov-Sunday *Unedited*
I Received A Mysterious Phone Call In The night. I went to pick it up Ignoring Lisa's Complains. I Went Into the hallway and I Answered,
"Hello Mister.Jeon?"

"Who wants to know?"

"So it is the infamous Jungkook"

"Who Are You"

"Names Are not important right now,But You'll know me soon also enjoy your stay"

"Wait......Hyung Is that you"

"I'm not one of your pitiful Hyungs,Instead I'll Give you advice,You Better Protect Lisa Before I Get To Her Bye"

I Looked At The Contact,Unknown Number,I Knew They Won't expose them selfs.So they didn't tell me their name.But They Knew I Date Lisa,Only Rosé And Jimin Know,They Had a Deep Voice,Voice Modifier.I'm Tired,I Figure it out in the morning with Jimin. I Crawled Back In Bed With Lisa,She Instantly Reacted with my body heat and cuddled me. But I could only think of that phone call.

—End Of Flashback—

Jungkook's Pov-Sunday
I Woke Up to Lisa Looking At me poking my nose.I Smiled,But A Buzz On our phones took our attention.Suddenly My Eyes Widen,The School Had Been Shut Down for Termites and Gas leak. "Also Enjoy Your Stay"Ran Through my head.I Realized He Wants Us here,Crap. I Texted Jimin,Tae,And Yoongi As I Believe they were the strongest and Fastest. I Texted Them To Meet In The Lobby,Come Alone,And make sure you're not followed.They All asked what's wrong,But agreed.

Once They were all there in the lobby,I told them to follow me to a place,where we can't be heard.I Explained What Happened That night,But I told them it was a voice modifier.In Reality,There Wasn't. I thought It was Taehyung,But he was sleeping. Midway Way Through I Saw a guy with a camera recording us.I Pointed Him Out And The Two Daegu Guys(Yoongi And Taehyung) Asked No Questions and Instantly Ran After the two guys. Jimin And I Caught Up With Them After they cornered the guy. Yoongi Noticed Something was off,He Backup And Threw Something as The Guy Whispered. We All Ran Away,Then We Lead Them Away And Escaped Home Free.

We Ran to the hotel,and up to our floor. I Slammed On The Door Of Jimin And Rosé's Room,Hopefully I didn't have to face Lisa. Jimin Pushed Me Aside,As He Had the keycard. He Opened it And Let is in. I looked up from the floor to thank Yoongi,When I Saw Lisa "I'm wondering how to play it off". All of us Thanked Yoongi And Convinced Rosé it was nothing. But Lisa On The other hand played along and when I got into our room,I'm a dead man.


"Noona I'm sorry,It never happen Again"I Apologized

I Hugged Her,She Fell Straight Into my arms. That easy for her to forgive me. After She Forgave me,We Cuddled And watched a horror movie. Until Jisoo Texted Us That There's A Sort of date night for all 10 of us,But I convinced her to allow Yoongi and Tae go as they didn't have dates. We got ready and got into our cars,I Was With Hoseok And Momo. She was really quiet,We Thought she was SHY until Lisa Peeked On To Her Phone. She was texting someone named J.
J-You Sure They'll be alone.
J-Good Make Sure They Stay Back In The night. There's only 10 of them right?
Momo-Yes,This is the last thing I'm doing you ok
J-You're In too deep you can't escape
Momo-I Can Let Them know your master plan it's obvious you want to date Lisa
J-Yeah But If You do,You'll regret it
Momo-Also if you go for Lisa you will be met with something....
J-Yeah Yeah Remember The plan ciao
———————End of Texts————
Lisa Looked At me and She Said "Momo You're Dating Hoseok?" She Put Her Phone Down "Yeah He's my sunshine"She Giggled. "So How did you meet him". "I met him in middle school ,but didn't talk to him until this year when we had multiple classes together". "Interesting" I Smirked. "By the way who's-"I Was Cut Off By Hoseok saying "we're here". That was my one chance. We Entered The restaurant and looked for our table. It was two tables combined for 12 people.Momo Looked Surprised To See Tae&Yoongi Sitting There Waiting For People.

Speeding Through our night,We all ate,Everyone announced who they were dating expect for Namjoon,Tae,Yoongi,And Jennie.We All Had Fun,Laughs And Stories were shared. Until It was time to leave "watch she's going to block us."Lisa Whispered. "So You Guys....." I blocked her out and moved outside towards the parking lot.

Jimin,Yoongi And I Went Outside when a guy with a deep voice,Like Tae,Started To talk to Rosé.

"That Voice"Jimin And I Said In unison

"Fucking Idiots It's the guy that called you"

"Oh Shit"I Realized It now

Taehyung Again Went to chase the guy,With Jimin,Namjoon And Yoongi. I Chased Him Too,We Followed the sound of rushing foot steps. In the end we split up to cover more distance. I Heard The steps behind me before I was punched. I was knocked to the ground "HYUN-" My Mouth was covered.

"So It is the infamous Jeon Jungkook,You Always Been My Favorite,How's Lisa"

"She's protected,You'll never get to her"I Laughed

"Really,I Have one person who knows where she is,"

"Jin Has Momo under control you can't do anything to us"

He Picked Up By Neck "you sure I CANT DO ANYTHING TO YOU"

I Struggled,Then He Slammed me onto the Brick wall. I Groaned In pain "Lisa will be mine." "Good Luck" I Smirked. J started to punch and kick me. Blood started to come out. I Smiled,Knowing I met my end this is it.He Hit me with something and I saw black."Lisa..."
————————End Of Jungkook's Pov————
Lisa's Pov-Sunday Night
I Walked Out the restaurant to see Jaehyun,My Heart Immediately Sank To My stomach and I felt sick. But He Ran After Him With Jimin Tae Namjoon And Yoongi. Rosé Comforted Me after seeing the stress I was in. After a while Nobody came back,Until Jaehyun Showed Up With Cuts,Bruises,And His Jacket Teared. He Limped towards me and Fell into my arms. "Play along or you'll never find out where's kookie"He Whispered. I Hugged Him,Regretting Every Second Of it. Everyone Gasped But No One said anything. He looked up from my arms and our eyes made contact. I Refused to Kiss the man who broke my heart. He forced me into it and I'm sorry kookie.

Everyone Came Back Expect For Yoongi And Taehyung,They were looking for Jungkook still. Jimin Looked At me weird,As I Held Jaehyun's Hand. We All Left Only Yoongi's Car was left,The Nightly Sky Looked rather evil tonight. Now Jaehyun Took The place of Jungkook,He Torn the picture of us at the amusement park. "Where are you Jungkook"I thought.
"Did You enjoy that time away from me Lisa."Jaehyun Smirked.

"Yeah It was great!" I Laughed

"Sure sure I loved you and missed you"He Started To Cry

"Well Then Keep Missing me I Don't Care"

"Well it's late shall we go to sleep"He Asked.

"Na I'm Good"I Said Pushing Him Out My Room And locking the door.

"Jungkook.....Kookie I Miss You"I Laid down on my bed crying.
—————————————————Lisa Pov Done
Sneak Peek:Yoongi's Pov
After I Heard Screaming I Knew It was Jungkooks'. I Went To The street that I heard it from. I saw someone running off hurting himself on the way. I saw someone With Blood running down his head,Bruises,And a black eye laying against a brick wall.I Looked At his Nose. Lisa's Nail Polish,"Jungkook-ah?"

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