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Rosé's Pov
My Jiminie And I Waited In The Line to get in the amusement park. We Started to discuss what we're going do.Jiminie Suggested The Haunted House And Those Small prize stands. Since I couldn't think of anything,I went along with him.We Got In With The Rest of our group,Once We Are Checked If Everyone was Here.We Wondered Off Towards The Haunted House.We Went through the line for the "Famous" House,It was a grantee scare!

"Let's See If It Lives Up To it's promise."He Smirked.

"Yah Stop Being Brave In Front of me"I Replied

"Just Forget What I Said Chae"Jimin Backed Off.

"At Least I Have This Man Protecting me"

"My Ego!!"

Jimin Laughed,I Shyly Looked At Him And He Caught Me,He Looked Surprised.Anyways We Got In,The Inside Was Lit Dimly And Modeled After an old fashion house.It Wasn't Scary At all,But Jimin Kept Getting Scared.We Kept Laughing It Off,And Going through the House.Until The Very End,We Walked Through A Long Hallway. I Thought it was the very end as no one was here,but the lights suddenly turned off. I Cowardly Backup Into Jimin,Then A Man with a Goblin Mask Jumpscared Us. Jimin Screamed Louder than me and the rest of the people. He Grabbed me by the wrist and ran out the house.

Once we got,I Started To Laugh At Jiminie Trying to be a hero.

"What's so funny"He Asked

"You Are Literally The Most Extra Person And I like it"I Laughed

"That wasn't me being extra"


"Nothing,Should We Go on More things while we are here"

"Like what Jiminie"

"Ferris Wheel Perhaps?"

"Sure Jiminie!"

We Started To Walk over to the Ferris wheel,I Looked Over At Jiminie To See He was shaking and nervous.Maybe My flirts Worked,Screw it I'm Going to Commit To it.After Our Hands Brushed For The Third Time,I Couldn't Handle it anymore.I Told Him To wait

"Hey Jiminie"

"What happen Rosie"

"Umm This is an awkward Question"

"I'll Keep An Open Mind"

"C...an I Um Hold y...o..ur hand"

Without Hesitation It Seemed,He Held His Hand Out. I Smiled And Grabbed It,I Was Full Red & Happy. I'm Holding Hands with my husband!We Stopped at the Ferris wheel,Again waiting in line.When He Let Go Of My Hand And Put His Arm Around my shoulders. At That Moment I Wanted to scream,He Actually Likes Me Or He's Getting comfortable. I Need to make sure,Let me drag this out then.

"Rosie Ain't You Going In?"Jimin Asked

I was Too deep in my thoughts,that I didn't realize we were at the front of the line.

"Oh Crap Yeah"I Blurted

We Got In and Sat down.We Waited For The Ride To start.As It Started,Jimin Started To Shake the "Cage" We were in.


"Chaeyoung You're So Extra hahaha"

"Maybe Because I'm Scared of Heights I Really don't know"I Sarcastically Said.

It Calmed down,I Looked Out At The Orange Sky It was a Beautiful Sunset.When I Took Eyes Off of it,Jiminie Was Looking At me.Instead of Trying to play it off He Asked Me Why Am I So Beautiful.

"Want to ask my parents"I Laughed.

"I want to meet them" He Smoothly Replied

"Keep Dreaming Pabo"

The Ride Stopped,And we got off.As Soon as we started to walk,I Grabbed His Hand as I felt more comfortable together.He Didn't Act Surprised,And Bought Into it.We Walked Until Something Caught Jimin's eye.

"Rosé Look Over Near The Benches"

"Is That Lisa And Jungkook Kissi-"

"Shh Chae they might hear us."

They Were Kissing,Jungkook Pinned Lisa In A Wall.After A Couple of seconds they stopped.Then Jungkook Asked Lisa something,next Lisa said something back,Finally Lisa Jumped On Him In Excitement.

"Those Are The maknaes"Jimin Giggled

So We Decided to Follow them,They Were In Full Couple mode.We Lost Sight Of Them,But We Heard them yell so we followed the sound.We Found them walking yet again and Stopped To eat. So it was the perfect chance to confront them.We Approached Them,And Question them.

"So How was your makeout Session?"I Question Them

"What Session?" Jungkook Acted Dumb

"Don't act dumb we saw you guys"Jiminie Laughed.

"So Lisa Found her partner in crime"I Smirked And Laughed.

"Fine Fine We're a Couple"Lisa Admitted

We Clapped and Cheered,In The End we decided to hang out with them.Finally All Of Us Meet At The Gates. Jin and Jisoo Said Goodbye To Each other,Jungkook And Lisa Exchanged Numbers,And Jimin And I Welll....He Sort of Kissed me on the cheek. I Blushed And We All Laughed. We all went home,I will remember this day as my favorite.
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