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Rm(Namjoon's Pov) Monday Afternoon
Once I Saw Jungkook Run Away And almost cry.I Needed to do something.I Was Too Late In Order To Do Something Right There At That Moment.So After Jimin And Rosé Came Back And Reported What They Found. I Made this sort of plan,Since I Know Kookie Trusts me the most.When He's In Need Of Help Bad He'll come to me.Once School Was Over I Called Jimin,Rosé,Tae,Jennie,Yoongi,And Hoseok To Help Me.I Explained That Jungkook Needs To come out of hiding so he's home.Tae and Jennie go to the noodle shop,and when he enters start taking about what happened.then Leave and act like you're going to his house, he'll rush to me if we're right here.Rosé And Jimin Keep An eye on him.Yoongi and Hoseok Hyungs Just Stay Here For Now.While we waited for our plan to work,I Noticed Hoseok Playing With His new ring and being nervous at something.I Blew it Off when we heard a hard knock at the door.I Quickly Got up and opened the door. It Was Jungkook!He Was Clearly Tired,Broken,And Stressed.Before I Said A Word,He Collapsed On Floor."Yoongi Help me"I Yelled.Yoongi And I Carried Kook inside.We Laid Him On Couch For Him To Rest.I Grabbed His Backpack And Grabbed the device I planned.I Called Everyone To My place.(Who was helping).I Played The Recording,It Was Him Screaming. We all looked at Hoseok,He'd began to frown,But Held Himself.Jungkook In The recording left the room after whispering to himself.I listened to the entire thing,And He's Broken There's no returning.Several Minutes Passed As I Worried For Jungkook's Health.He Finally Woke Up,He Was Still Tired.As His Eyes Opened And Looked around.He Started To Smile Until He Looked At Hoseok hyung.They Locked Eyes,His Emotions changed and Jungkook Had enough strength to punch Hoseok hyung.He Caught it,Hoseok Laughed And Left.Yoongi,Jimin,Rosé,Tae,Jennie,And I Were Left,watching the poor one suffer.

"Jungkook Its Ok Everything is going to be ok"Yoongi Comforted Him

"It's ok"Jimin Added.

"H.. wh..n s...es w...th h..os...ok"He Tried to say.

"Jungkook-ah Have this"I Yelled While Throwing a water bottle.

"Ahem how can I be ok when she's with Hoseok"He Said With tears.

"Let It Go she's ok it's time to move on"Rosé Told jungkook

"She's Fine feeling just fine"Jennie Backed Up Rosé

With one last tear down his face,He Sighed And Accepted His fate.

"Ok I Try"Jungkook Said While Looking At his hands.

I don't know If he was lying,but at least we cleared it up.

"you can stay here"I told Kook.

"Thanks Hyung"
Everyone else left,It Was Only me and jungkook.

"Tomorrow is another day"
Sorry for the short chapter. This is to explain what happen after Jungkook's Drama.
I'll come back with another long chapter with Jinsoo,Jirose,And Jungkook+Lisa

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