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Rye's POV:

"Leave me alone," I growl.

"I'm sorry Rye..." Mikey whimpers.

"Stop calling me Rye!!!" I scream. I don't mean what I say, but I just have to say it. I'm just so frustrated today.

"I'm sorry..."

I push a random drawer with all my strength and turn toward the door, not caring where it will go or what it will hit. I hear a loud thump and a small sound of pain. 


I turn back toward him. He's lying on the ground, clutching his chest, his face twisted in pain.

"Shit." I sprint over to him and kneel down. Placing a hand gently on his chest, I shake his shoulder.

"Mikey, are you okay?" I panic. I run my hand through his hair. "Mikey!!!"

"It......hurts........." He moans between harsh, small wheezes. His face increasingly losing its color.

"What hurts?!!!" I cry.

"It hurts...... to breathe....." He moans before collapsing once more, this time not moving. I frantically turn him over to see that his eyes have glazed over and his lips are tinted blue.

"No!!! Mikey!! You have to breathe!!!" I shake him harder, but he doesn't move. My vision turns white for a few seconds. He can't stop breathing.

The door flies opens, slamming into the wall.

"Rye, what happened???!!!" Andy asks with a confused expression, but immediately dropping to his knees beside me spotting Mikey lying on the ground. He turns to me with a horrified expression, waiting for an explanation having spotted the drawer looming over us.

"I hit him in the chest with it!!!!!" I scream, shaking him so hard that Andy had to hold me back. He pulled out his phone, dialing in the number for the ambulance while I wailed my heart out. 

Jack and Brook came running into the room, asking what was wrong when they also spotted Mikey. Brook's face dropped, and he stood there shocked. Jack ran over and starts pumping on Mikey's chest with the heels of his palms, gently shaking his shoulder once in a while and continuing to pump on his chest once he didn't respond. 

I knew I needed to do something. Wait..... wasn't Jack forgetting mouth to mouth resuscitation?? That was part of CPR wasn't it??? I crawled over to his right side and proceeded to place my mouth over his, hesitating before fully placing my lips on his. I felt Jack pull away from Mikey, but at the time had no idea how shocked he'd been. Andy, Jack and Brook had watched, extremely shocked, as I had attempted mouth to mouth resuscitation.

But I hadn't cared, not even in the slightest. I'd been completely focused on blowing air into Mikey's lungs, with a hand on his chest to make sure that it was working. I blew 5 deep breaths with no success. I jerked my head up when I felt a breath.

"Mikey? Are you okay? Are you awake? Breathe for me." I was panting from the effort.

Mikey opened his eyes halfway, looking into my eyes before slowly closing them again. I frantically put my ear to his mouth, but let out a sigh of relief when I  realized that he was still breathing. I grabbed his hand and gently squeezed it, whispering a; I'm sorry. He weakly squeezed back. 

I looked down at him. He was still pale, his lips were still lightly tinted blue and his breaths were still weak. I gently rolled his head to the side, remembering from learning CPR not let the patient choke on their own saliva.

"How much longer?" I whisper to Andy who was still on the phone with the operator and had been updating them with Mikey's condition. Andy asked and whispered back "5 minutes." I nodded a thanks and checked that Mikey was still breathing. His breaths were getting weaker and weaker, as was his grip on my hand.

"Don't stop breathing Mikey. Please don't stop breathing Mikey."

I squeezed his hand as his breathing faltered, he managed to regain he breath and continue. This continued to happen for another 30 seconds or so before he completely stopped again.

I whimpered, and started to frantically pump on his chest. Just then, the ambulance workers arrived and pushed me out of the way. 

"We have him now." They said to me. They strapped him onto a stretcher and rolled him into the ambulance. Andy went with them.

Jack and Brook spent the next 2 hours trying to comfort me. But I couldn't relax, knowing that I had been the one who had sent Mikey to the hospital. But when they finally got me to, I was so exhausted that I fell asleep right away.


WC: 801

Okay, not sure I really like this one..... but it's a first so yeah..... Part 2?


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