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I'm so frustrated about all this hate. If you haven't heard, the boys deleted the 'These Days' cover because Andy was being fat shamed. He's not fat.......... It's so cruel for a 'fan' to fat shame him specifically because they know he's insecure about it. This is a Rykey book so the characters will be Rye and Mikey... but if you wish you can imagine that Mikey is Andy so that this is related to this entire issue. This one is gonna be Rye and Mikey being boyfriends, it's short and overall pretty bad so I'm really sorry.

About the cover.... I just wanted to put some deprssing music so yeah, listen to it though. It's really beautiful. ^^^^




-Ewwwww, Mikey is so fat. I bet when the other boys go to the gym he just doesn't even workout. Just takes a picture to show he's there and that's it.

-MIkey is SO disgusting and not fit.


Mikey's POV:

I wiped my tears away with my sleeve. I couldn't let the boys see that I was crying, I've had enough of all the pity. It's clear what people think of me.

I wiped more frantically as suddenly there was a knock on the door. 

"Come in." I called. The door swung open and Rye pokeshis head in.

"Hey babe!!!! Just checking in!" I noticed his super cheerful attitude and my heart instantly dropped as I realized that it would soon be gone.

"Rye....." I whispered.

"What's wrong?" His face softened into concern when he saw my face. "Have you been crying?"

"No." I sniffed, immediately erasing any more of Rye's doubt.

"You were, weren't you?"  He walked over and sat down next to me, his arms already around my waist. He gently brushed away the tear that followed with his thumb, his hand gently caressing my face. "Tell me what's wrong." He murmurs.

"I can't take it anymore!" I cry.

"Take what baby?" He whispers, gently rubbing my back.

"The hate!!!" I sob, burying my face into his chest. I feel him tense.

"You're getting hate??" He growls. "Why didn't you say something baby???!!!I'm going to kill those people....."

"Don't do that," I said, nuzzling my face further into his chest. He rests his head on top of mine.

"No one insults my baby and gets away with it."

"Oh Rye, I deserve it."

"What?!! NO!!!! What have you ever done to deserve hate?? Nothing. Don't think like that...."

"Don't lie to me Rye, I know what you think of me...."

"If you think that I think that you're handsome, you're a cutie, your great at singing, you're an AMAZING bassist, and an overall amazing boyfriend in general, then yeah you're correct. If not, then you're wrong. I LOVE you Mikey. And so do the other boys and our fans."

I show him the comments.

"They're wrong." He says, voice hard as steel. Another tear slips down my cheek.

"Shhhhhhh, don't cry baby, it's okay. It's okay."

"Everything will be okay."

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