Asthma Attack

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This oneshot was written because Andy had a asthma attack while on the other day😢😢😘😘Hope your alright Fovvs 💕💕

💜💙💗💕Roadtripp4lifee AngstyBreadCrumb EllsMc phanofroadtrip xcobbanxbeaumontx WolfGirl2215 Kiki917 Chinafree Twilight_Falls spoonfulofroadtrip Esioule artisticfowler roadtrip_1201 rykeyseavey xxfovvswifexx💜💙💗💕


Mikey's POV:

Andy had asthma. 

Our fans knew, our friends knew, we knew. 

But they didn't know I did. Not even the boys did.

I'd known for a while, having noticed the symptoms. My chest was often tight, I was out of breath much more often than I should have been, and I'd been having trouble sleeping because it was hard to breathe.

I didn't want to tell anyone because I didn't want to worry them. I hid the hacking coughs whenever I was around the boys so that no one would expect anything, but nothing was going my way today.

I found myself struggling to muffle the coughs that kept wracking my entire body, and Jack had already asked if something was wrong. I had shook my head, but I knew he hadn't believed me. He stayed by my side throughout the day, patting my back, or squeezing my shoulder as my chest got tighter and tighter. I could see his worry intense as I started to quietly wheeze after a short walk to our next location for filming our new cover. 

It was a small cave found by Rye, my adventurous boyfriend. 

I watched as he and Brook crawled up the large rocks that circled the space inside and called out when they reached the top of them. Alex got his camera inside camera and lights up with the help of Brook. Andy crawled in next, and then it came time for me and Jack. I nearly fell as I started to climb up the rocks, but Jack reached out and held me up while I regained my balance and continued to climb. I managed to throw my leg over the side of the rock, and Rye reached down and helped me stand up. 

Behind us, Jack gripped the ledge and hoisted himself up. He stood up and dusted off his pants, then turned and followed us into the open space.

As my gaze traced the jagged rocks that enclosed the space, I heard a cough behind me and turned to see Andy using his fist to pound on his chest as he coughed again. Everyone's attention turned to him as he held out an arm to steady himself, and I realized than he was having an asthma attack. 

Rye and Brook quickly raced over and sat him down while Alex started to rummage in the bag that Brook had brought along. He quickly pulled out Andy's inhaler and raced back over to him. Giving it a shake for a while, he quickly handed it to Andy so he could use it. Andy grasped the inhaler and pressed it twice, then held his breath for as long as he could so that the medicine could open up his airways. 

I had completely forgotten that I was having trouble breathing as well. I coughed as the dust started to get to me as well, and I couldn't stop. I heard my name being called as my knees buckled and I collapsed onto the ground. I wheezed sharply, but I couldn't draw in the air I needed, and coughed again and again. Tears filled my eyes as I struggled to take a breath, and the dust on the ground started to sting my skin. Arms lifted my up and brought me over to the side so that I was sitting up, it didn't help. I coughed until my lungs shrieked for air. But I couldn't give it to them. 

Rye's POV:

"Mikey!" I yelped as my boyfriend fell to the ground. 

"What's wrong???" I asked multiple times as I ran over to his side, shaking his shoulders, while he coughed his lungs out.

"He's been having trouble breathing the whole day." I heard Jack gasp as he fell to his knees beside me.

"Why didn't you tell me???" I screeched as I lifted his shaking body into my arms and carried him over to the wall, resting his back against it. 

I watched helplessly as his chest convulsed repeatedly, and his lips started to turn blue.

"He's having an asthma attack." Andy muttered as he stumbled over.

I shook my head. "But he doesn't have asthma!!!" I breathed frantically as Mikey's wheezing started to get faster and faster, and increasingly shorter. I grabbed his hand and clasped it tightly.

"Can you use your inhaler?" I wailed, desperate to do something to help. Andy shook his head, panic in his eyes. 

"It's not right to let someone else use your inhaler, it could make it worse. And it wouldn't work right now, his breathing gotten too bad." Anxiety rose in his voice.

"Some call an ambulance!" I shrieked. Jack put a hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me.

"Alex already did. They'll be here soon." He soothed, but I could still here the fear in his voice.

"Mikey!!! Please breathe!!!" I wailed as his eyes started to roll into his head. I could see the effort it took him to keep his chest rising and falling. 

"I love you so much, please!!!!"

Mikey's POV:

'I'm so sorry Rye..."  I thought as my throat started to close off completely.

With a final breath, I felt my body fall to the side, and I heard the thud as it hit the ground. My eyes started to close, but on instinct, I felt my lungs try to take one more breath, and my eyes jolted open as air passed my lips and reached my lungs. 

I gasped as I started to wheeze again, but I was so close to giving up. But before I could close my eyes again, something was shoved into my mouth, and I felt some sort of medicine find its way to my lungs. I blindly reached out and found an arm in front of me, holding something to my mouth. I coughed again, but it was definitely easier to breathe. I continued to try and take in air as I heard the voice of Alex and a couple others coming closer and closer.

I remembered a mask being put over my mouth, and my lungs finally relaxing as they finally received air again.


I woke up in a very bright room. As I looked down, all I saw was white, white bedsheets, white pillow, I was when wearing white clothes. Someone said my name from my side, and as I turned to look, I realized of course it was Rye.

I smiled softly as I realized that my hand was in his.

"Don't you ever not tell me that you're aren't feeling well ever again." He murmured quietly, and I nodded agreement. He stood up and pressed his lips against my forehead and then murmured "Get some rest Mike."

I squeezed his hand and murmured, "I love you." before closing my eyes.

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