Chapter 4

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Domino slowly trotted into town, he didn't want to make it seem they were in a hurry or any trouble, following his companion's wishes

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Domino slowly trotted into town, he didn't want to make it seem they were in a hurry or any trouble, following his companion's wishes. The horse walked briskly along the sandy paths, matching the pace of the other horse riders around.

Reese raised her head, looking around at the people lining the roads. Her tired features turned to that of a frown, looking at the conditions these people were living in.

The stone and wood homes were habitable, it was enough to protect them from the elements. The people looked like they were hanging on quite well, but not in the manner she was used to. Their clothes were far more simple, plain colours with no designs to compliment. If her clothes weren't covered in dirt and mud, she would stand out and surely her cover of just being a "traveller" would be blown.

A few children sprinted by Domino, their sounds of laughter and joy warming Reese's ears. She loved the children that would come to visit the palace when the gates were open. The princess was well loved among the young and old, and she returned that love right back.

However, she wishes she could do something for them, but she's barely hanging on herself. The only thing of value she had was her treasured hairpin, tucked into her dress. If those thieves had seen it, her last memento of her mother would be gone. The princess, she couldn't part with it, it was too dear to her.

Domino and Reese steadily continued through the sleepy village, looking at the many wonders the place had to offer. This was her first time out of the kingdom, and she was awe stricken about the different lifestyle here.

It wasn't bustling and busy like the streets of her kingdom, it was more steady and humble. Time seemed to pass more slowly here, unlike the people of Asilyra who were always in some sort of hurry.

She could finally feel contentment upon being exposed to a peaceful and warm atmosphere.

Evening soon set in, the sky slowly transitioning to a midnight black through reds, oranges and yellows. Ever so slowly, the village streets began to clear out, people quickly scurrying into their homes for the night. Now, it was just Domino and Reese left out in the open.

Domino looked back at the princess, his black eyes laced with concern. It seemed that Reese and Domino were thinking the same thing.

"Where are we going to sleep Domino?" she asked in a quiet voice, reaching to stroke his mane.

The black and white horse neighed while he stomped his hoof into the ground. He turned on his feet, walking the direction they just came from. Reese didn't question her companion, she trusted him to take her where they think they needed to go.

The two stopped in front of a two-story building. Reese's eyes flickered up at a cracked, wooden sign. "Inn" painted across the worn surface in big bold letters. Domino huffed, stomping his hooves against the ground. Reese slipped off his back, looking at the building.

"Domino, we don't have any money to stay here," Reese whimpered, stroking his muzzle.

The horse shook his head, his mane flopping from side to side. Domino nudged her side with his snout, urging her to go inside. Reese sighed, giving a trusting glance to her companion.

"Alright Dom, I'll try," she said before pulling her hand away from his silky muzzle. "Stay here buddy."

The horse neighed in response, settling down onto the ground.

Reese stepped in the inn, her entrance signalled by a tiny bell above the door. For a split second, all eyes were on her, a natural response of a disturbance in the atmosphere. However, everything settled out, the people inside returning to their activities as they saw Reese as nothing but a dirty traveller.

Reese gulped as she slowly approached the front desk, her eyes on the room keys hanging on the wall. However, the thing that stood between her and a warm bed, was an intimidating bald man, with a single tuft of blonde hair standing up and ending with a curl. His golden mustache was shaped symmetrically, not a single strand of hair out of place.

The runaway princess attempted to keep herself steady as she approached the desk. The innkeeper looked at the raggedy and dirty traveller, an eyebrow raised at her appearance.

"How much is a room sir?" she asked, despite the fact that she lacked money.

The man scoffed, crossing his arms over his broad chest. His eyes narrowed down at the female.

"Sorry but it doesn't look like you can afford a room," he snarled.

Reese flinched back from his tone, unable to deny his words. What was she going to do now? She doesn't have a home anymore, she can't return to Asilyra. If she does, she'll be trapped in her own home, forced to live with the man who killed her people. Without any money, she can't shelter herself for the night while she runs further and further from the kingdom.

The only thing she could use to pay for a room was her hairpin. The jewel-encrusted, flower designed accessory was from her mother when she turned sixteen. The item has been passed down through many generations, and it was her mother's wish for it to be handed down to Reese's daughter. The princess couldn't give it up, it means too much to her.

The man suddenly shot his hand out, his iron grip crushing her arm. She whimpered from the sudden pain and her eyes widened, witnessing an angry and hardened expression on his face.

"If you can't pay with money," the man keeper hissed. "Then pay with your-"

Another hand suddenly appeared in the picture, gripping onto the innkeeper's wrist just as hard. Reese gasped, feeling the hand forcefully be pulled off. Her eyes followed the second arm, starting at the large hand before her gaze landed on a hooded figure. Though she couldn't see the man's features too clearly, the anger and distaste radiating off his form were suffocating.

"Hands. Off. The. Girl."

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