Chapter 46

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"Surrender Princess Reese!" Namjoon roared.

The man swung his sword towards Reese's side, however, she easily blocked with her own. The sound of metal against metal was abundant in the air, evident of all the fighting outside the kingdom walls. She refused to back down, everyone's kingdoms and the lives of the people she cared about were at stake.

"Never!" the princess growled, thrusting her second blade forward.

Namjoon was quick on his feet, swiveling out of the blade's path. Only his black cape was caught against the effect, a small cut appearing in the material. He was quick to retaliate, attempting the slash at Reese's back. Just in time, she dodged the blade- surely if she hadn't taken SeokJin's cape off and tucked it into Domino's saddle pouch, it would be cut into two.

"You stole my throne!" she snapped, thrusting her left blade towards him.

She managed to cut his arm, but it wasn't enough to force him to drop his blade.

"You killed my people!"

Reese swung her sword towards the prince, where he barely managed to block in time.

"You killed my father!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

While still holding her previous attack back, Namjoon was unable to avoid the kick she delivered to his gut. He was thrown backward onto the ground, however, he still had some fight left in him.

As Namjoon rose to his feet, the look on his face grew intense and blood lustful. He wanted Reese's blood on his hands and sword. She had caused him much trouble and we would get a lot in return if he ended her miserable little life right here and now.

Reese refused to waver, she wasn't scared of Namjoon. She had grown to overcome her fears of the man and took it upon herself to end things once and for all.


"Eat broom you bastards!" Yoongi roared as he swung the cleaning tool into a group of Stathan infantrymen.

Yoongi felt empowered as he fought off members of the army with just a broom. It was the most fun he has had in years, and surely he would look back on it as he lived peacefully in the cottage Hoseok had promised him.

Hoseok raised an eyebrow towards his friend, watching him make quick work with a broom. He had never expected that a broom could be used to take down men with swords. The guard was worried that he would get hurt or worse, die. But it seemed that he was doing just fine.

The guard had a slight smirk on his face as Jungkook attempted to slash his sword into him. He had been waiting for this moment, where he could finally have the cocky bastard's head as a trophy. So desperately, he wanted to cut him down, not for himself, but for Reese. The one girl he was sworn to protect with his life. However, it was on his bucket list to get some revenge for himself after the last battle they had.

Hoseok easily blocked Jungkook's blade with his own, forcing it off to the side. With the opening he had created, he forced the tip of his sword towards his enemy's body. A wicked grin appeared on Hoseok's face as he stabbed the man right in the shoulder. It was music to his ears as Jungkook cried out in pain as he pulled himself away from Hoseok's sword.

"It seems the tables have turned!" Hoseok cackled, flashing the flat side of his blade towards Jungkook.

"I'm gonna kill you! Then I'll kill Reese!" Jungkook roared. "I'll bathe in your blood in the Asilyran castle!"

"I'd like to see you try, bunny boy!" Hoseok shot back, raising his sword.

Prince Taehyung and Prince BamBam, as well as SeokJin, remained within close proximity of Reese as she fought against Namjoon. All three of them were stopping anyone from ambushing the princess from behind. Unless she called for help, they would not interfere. The best they could do was watch her back while she fought for her throne.

The four princesses of Haven weren't afraid to get their hands dirty either. This was for their sister kingdom, their friends, and their own kingdom. Statha was a threat to their prosperity, it needed to be destroyed.

All that was left was for Prince Baekhyun and his army to arrive and join the battle.

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